Ice Hole

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Posts posted by Ice Hole

  1. Heading into the cavern from Forlorn to Bleak I stumbled upon this cute little fellow.




    This is right before it jumped at me.


    Run away!


    Might have soiled my armour.


    How did this fellow get in here?  Has any one else had similar encounter?  No bunny was hurt in this episode.

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  2. Consider the situation of breaking down a 0.3 kg torch to get a 0.15 kg stick which provides four minutes of fuel compared to eight minutes fuel.  




    The stick is less mass than the torch but those extra two minutes to break down equates into an extra four minutes of fuel.




    Long Dark Wizardry!

  3. 6 hours ago, Hotzn said:

    I also remember that the routes of rabbits, deer and wolves overlapped largely, so you would have freak chases occurring quite often. All of a sudden, a rabbit or deer could cross your path with a wolf in its wake. 

    Playing from the time capsule I experienced this type of event.  Walking the high ground above Unnamed pond I saw a deer run past.  My immediate thought was this is odd, never seen deer in this high ground.  Then a wolf passed by and it became clear that this deer had been chased.  Took me completely off guard and I love this type of chaotic chase. 

    Bring back freak chase scenes.

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  4. Four hour of blizzard and this wolf was walking around outside the fishing village in Coastal Highway. 


    Started the day by taking a shot at a deer.  Made the hit, increased archery level, quartered the carcass.  A wolf come over when it smelled lunch.  Dropped the meat bag and guts and backed off.  The wolf started heading towards the stuff so I try the shot and miss.  The wolf runs off.  Brought a bag of meat into the hut and carved off a steak.  While the steak cooked I returned to the remaining meat bags and brought that near to the fishing hut.  Needing firewood I continued towards the fish camp when growling bear appears.  So I double back.   Now wolf spots me and starts tagging along.  There are deer still present on the ice and I walk towards them.  Wolf decides to bite a deer.  So being the smart loper I notch an arrow while wolf enjoys his last meal. 

    Did the wind take my arrow?  How do I miss these easy shots? 

    The day became snowy.  The second deer was quartered.  Then a blizzard started to howl and I returned to the fishing hut to harvest the meat bag and cook another steak.  The other bags of meat were within eyesight so I ventured into the blizzard to retrieve them.  

    Grab four guts and four meat bags then from out of the blizzard a bark a growl then I could see wolf come at me.  Dropped all of it then ducked inside a fishing hut to take refuge.  The wolf did not bother me so I continued with the bag of meat and cook a few more steaks.

    Harvesting 1 kg meat at a time and then dropping it to the floor was the cautious method I employ.  Thought to grab the other meat bags and bring them into the hut.  This time after carving off 1 kg of meat I did not drop the steaks and once again this trooper starts barking growling and coming at me.  To be honest I was surprised.  The blizzard is raging for a couple hours and this wolf is not giving up.  Bring out a rock to scare it off.  I continued butchering cautiously with out any more incidents.  The images were taken after butchering for an hour.

    To my knowledge walking around in a blizzard was safe with no critters loitering around.


    Can you spot the Wolf?



    This image is hard to see so here it is zoomed in.




  5. 6 hours ago, JMK said:

    Why would I go to bleak inlet in loper ?

    Arrived into BI from the Ravine.  The Timber wolf by the tower ran away from me.  Made the hike over to the washout trailers where Bullwinkle went down in three arrow hits.  Off to the cannery where I spot about four timbers.  Threw a few rocks and sneaked into the trailer.  Climbed the rope and now every time I come close to a timber wolf they run off.  My first experience on interloper with timber wolves was kind of bland.

    To answer the question why would I go to BI in loper:


    Whale Watching

    Why is this relevant?  The dev diary back in August 2018 episode three announcement and this was the concept art.  Maybe these beasts are lurking beneath the ice.  Certainly would make beach combing interesting.  Timberwolves might not be ridiculous on interloper but Orca would.

  6. Not sure about all the grape flavours.  Any chance this was wine country?

    Ribena is made from the finest blackberry's lovingly picked at the optimal moment of ripeness.


    They do resemble a bunch of grapes, as if picked by giants.

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  7. What I noticed right from the start of the EP update was the sound level increase of foot falls based on inventory.  Battery was the first thing I went for to place into inventory.  Then I grabbed another and the sound of the foot falls went noticeably louder.  Do not try and grab more than three otherwise you are stopped in your tracks. 

  8. Planning on heading out to BI with a new start loper.  Right now he is in DP and all geared up.

    As for cannery access I might have to wait a few days for an aurora.  Seems camping at the keypad would be the most optimal. 

    However I have seen wolves teleport onto the pier.  As for the wolf  inside this presents a problem with the proposed pancake backstory.  I did enjoy reading that backstory.  If waiting for an aurora then how long could that wolf inside the cannery possibly last eating nothing?  The wolf seems to be an anomaly of nature or it had gained access through a window.  A second entrance into the Cannery is an explanation that fits.   This second entrance could be bugged.  The crates inside are not breakable and could be the reason we do not find another entrance.  This idea was mentioned before and I am starting to lean that way.

  9. Happy New Year!


    Why is one sardine grinning broadly and the other has sad face?  Also gold fins on the smiley.






    Today I watched a vid from LMG "The Return of Fluffy".  The wolf is inside and is similar to the Carter Fluffy. The saddest thing I saw was this wolf running around with poor path finding.  How is this wolf surviving inside this cannery?  No food or water.   The timber wolves should be at odds with theses black wolves.  How is this wolf surviving surrounded by timber wolves?  It will end up dead just as the other wolf near the entrance to FM if the timber wolves are aware.  Does this wolf have a secret way in?  This confirms that there is another entrance. 

  10. 9 hours ago, JAFO said:

    I'm pretty sure that says FADING.

    This seems correct.  Last week I dropped my fonts and today I noticed "F" was missing.

    41 minutes ago, m0j0TX said:

    I read that as "ODT", since there is a serif on the second letter. 

    You might be on to something.

    Now what does ODT have to to with anything?

    After a quick search the acronym Or Die Trying might be a match.

    39 minutes ago, m0j0TX said:

    Also, MAR is the Spanish word for "sea."

    The French word for sea is "Mer," which is close, since they are both Romance languages derived from Latin, but I don't know. 


    I only know this because I used to go to a South American restaurant that had a seafood bisque called "Sopa del Mar." 

    I noticed what looks like waves of water on the bottom part of the text.  This fits.


    There are still some mysteries remaining.


    ORPGGs is possible but makes little sense.


    YOP ???



    With both arts in frame interpret as the future is ocean.



    The highlight effect on the valve threads could indicate tick marks.  Four and four.


    This valve still bugs me. 



    This one too.


    Do these controls the pipe.



    What could be in these tanks?  My thoughts are some sort of fuel.





    Do these controls need to thaw out?  Maybe make a fire close to them.




    Tried to fit the landscape from the concept art.


    This boat has an upper deck unlike the Harbinger.


    The future ocean is being foreshadowed. 

    The sardine is the Keymaster.

    The bear is the Gatekeeper.


    Line the coast with tins of sardines, lure bear down to the cannery and bait the orcas.

    If I don not return then I am having a conversation with Jonah.


  11. Here I have captured the graffiti:


    KA AK








    This appears in three locations.  It shares with KAYAK.




    The blue part of the letters looks like water.




    Is that really an "O"?



    KOP Orca

    This appears in two locations.




    Easing is not a word I am familiar with or can find using google.   Maybe that is slang.





    From different angles and still is difficult to read.





    Sardine with key

    The key is used to open the tin of sardines.  Found on the bottom part of the tin.



    Various graffiti 



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