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Posts posted by piddy3825

  1. 5 hours ago, thekillergreece said:

    It's still being worked on AFAIK.

    I doubt HL will release a much advanced base customization feature. It is possible their official feature may be proved inferior to Better Bases.

    I'd have to agree with you there.  I'm sure that what ever improvements that are made to "Base Customization," I fear it will be a minor improvement that when compared to what the modding community's content will provide.

  2. 4 hours ago, Sito said:

    Right? Can't we forge nails? Already got a massive hammer or use the back of the hatchet. Actually, don't the pallets have nails in them?

    you should get the mod  DIY by Santana v2.2
    it's a restored mod that's back up on Xpazeman that allows the character to recover nails from pallets which then can be used to fashion furniture like tables, chairs and many items.  It really does allow your character to use those creative woodworking skills to build nice comfortable accommodations that really can make your gameplay more immersive.  

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  3. 7 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    Thanks.  I'll check out those 2 on my existing run.  Can you check your 3rd?  

    I'm currently in FA so it'll take a bit to get back to the main map, but I'll give it a go over the next couple of days.

  4. 8 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    Which 3 were stocked on your 3 runs?

    lemme see, Mystery Lake and Hushed River Valley for sure.  I'm drawing a blank on the third to be honest but I think it might have been in Bleak Inlet?  

  5. 3 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    Does it knock you across the room if it collides with you? Just wondering if that might push the player out of bounds in some places.

    Full swing doors?  not that I've experienced. the swing speed is adjustable however, although the default opening speed is pretty fast and seemingly could sweep you aside but then I haven't necessarily stood that close as to be in the way.  I'll try it and let you know.

  6. 14 hours ago, Glacia said:

    I have a question, im on a new run and i have found 6 prepper bunkers around the world, all abandoned/empty.

    The wiki says 6 bunkers will always be abandoned and the other 3 always fully stocked, ¿But how this work exactly?

    It's pure random at world generation or you need to first enter 6 bunkers and then the other 3 could be fully stocked? If it the first case, im just having an atrocious luck.

    there's no particular order in which you need to discover the bunkers in order to find a stocked one.   On the other hand, I'm not so sure they are randomly generated as I found the stocked bunkers in the same location on three separate launches making it feel that the locations are in fact static and not random.  I guess it could be the luck of the rng gods to have the same locations on three different games?  I dunno...  

    anyways, sounds like you're gonna be golden on the next three bunker finds!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

    I take off all clothing before crossing through waterfalls.  Keeps it from getting wet. Put it right back on after traversing.  
    If it’s just a puddle, remove shoes and socks.  

    Good advice for sure.
    Fortunately, I found there is a sufficient amount of firewood, sticks and coal in the cave tunnel system so making a fire is always an option as well.  

  8. 2 hours ago, hozz1235 said:


      Hide contents

    The is another interconnected cave system as well.  I use spray paint extensively to mark the outside and inside of the complex so I know how to navigate to any tunnel exit in the game.  Makes travel a cinch!

    Thanks, for the reminder.  I just hadn't got to marking that out yet.  Any pics you'd like to share?

  9. 3 hours ago, Kranium said:

    I'd prefer that custom was all there was, if anything. 

    I'd agree that would be an ideal solution.  only downside is that the dev team would have to completely revamp the merit badge and achievement mechanic so although that might be a somewhat simple solution, probably would be a ton of work.  Maybe if there is a TLD II we might see such an option in place from the get go.

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  10. 1 hour ago, TonyInPleasantValley said:

    I only see two caves marked with an orange X

    yes but there's actually a cave entrance behind the Reclusive Falls water fall where you can access the tunnel system!  It doesn't show up on the map as cave which is why I found it so surprising that I could enter and exit the cave system from that location. 

  11. HRVICECaveconnections.thumb.jpg.7d75bd9ec6369d5acd07644756044201.jpg

    Speaking of HRV

    Although this might be common knowledge to some, but I discovered that these three marked locations on my map are all part of a massive interconnected
    ice tunnel system that basically allows you to transit a majority of the map fairly easily.  You do have to brave getting wet in the process at least once or twice to utilize one of the internal cross overs,  but you're easily able to make fire and dry yourself out in no time.    screen_1e90a12e-7e6e-4419-b626-9aee68e052b3_hi.thumb.png.f4c05584cf10ff48b92d6cdca04b113d.png

    I even found some fresh meat as I made my way thru the interior passage ways.

    And of course the icing on the cake is now with the signal void quest, there's also a new stocked bunker complete with workbench in HRV!  woo hoo!

  12. 15 hours ago, xanna said:

    I stared at the pictures for 4 seconds... look right to me! 😁
    Good catch! I've been wondering about the clocks. I've been meaning to make a note of the different times to see if they all stopped at the same time or something. But maybe the aurora brings them to life and so they move out of sync anyway (in-universe, I mean, I'm not suggesting that's something we'd see in the game).


    15 hours ago, Smellyfries said:

    Hmm. I see some tins of coffee and boxes of Herbal Tea on a shelf. I see two lights directly next to each other on the wall, why two though? Wouldn't one just work? I also see a clock, which which is set to approximately 4:15 in the first picture and 4:20 in the second picture. Either there was an aurora for 5 minutes, or an aurora for over 12 hours. I don't recognize where this is, so glimmer fog could have happened as well. Which may mean that you had to place the lantern in the same exact place each time.

    I don't use any mods so I'm jealous that you can stack the herbal tea like that. Though at this angle, that herbal tea looks like it's apart of the wall.

    Probably overthinking this, but that's what I see.

    ... playing with mods.  Working Clocks!