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Posts posted by piddy3825

  1. 2 hours ago, Glacia said:

    The bunker near spence it's actually a great addition to the game. It doesn't matter if it's empty, it's a safe and warm place with a bed and you can cure stuff here. Also 12 scrap metal pieces to loot in safety, for the forge.

    It's very near the forge/workbench so if someone wants to live long term on FM, now it's more doable. Before the only reasonable 'base' was one of the transition caves.

    Im pretty sure the same applies to HRV but ten times better, acting as the only base for the region.

    Have you found the bunker in HRV yet?  because the placement of it makes it almost useless for what it offers.  
    I suspect the location of this bunker is an inside joke among the developers!  

  2. 8 hours ago, Kranium said:

    I've found bear to be glitchy in Tales, too. Just had one helluva time hunting one in FM - it was constantly glitching into rock, then when I scored a 2nd hit it stuttered back & forth about 10 yards, until I finally finished it off. Then the quarters didn't spawn upon quartering. Very strange.

    ok, so sounds like the quartering issue where the meat disappears is actually a bug and not a random single occurrence.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Just now, Leeanda said:

    That's the one.😁.  Pretty unforgettable.

    lol, haven't come across anything like that since then.  Now I guess the latest glitch is bears that fly straight up into the sky after you shot them.  Haven't had that happen to me yet, but seen some funny video clips where it's happened.  Have you had any experiences like that?  

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  4. 5 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    I know @piddy3825 had an ordinary wolf that wouldn't go down a while ago..  not quite so bad .. maybe it's more the look of the twolves that makes it worse. 

    lol, are you referring to the wonky wolf that refused to die?  just stayed there eating his dinner as I shot him with every weapon I had, over and over?



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  5. 12 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

    random in where they would the original bunkers.

    For instance, the old ML Bunker could spawn in one 0f 8-9 places. So you had to look all over the map because you'd never know which bunker had spawned.

    The bunkers were themed: The best ones were the Clothing and Weapons Bunkers.

    The worst were the Firewood and Medical Bunkers.

    So when I went looking for the New Bunker in ML I chose to look first at the Loathed Medical Bunker spot (but I did it without using the rope to save time) There are two on foot paths up to the bunker even today. And of course Hinterland being Hinterland I was right and they had chosen to place it near to where the Medical Bunker would use to spawn.

    So some fine folks are looking to add multiple spawn points in each region for each bunker since right now they're static and if you've found one or more well you know where they'll be in your next run.

    Currently the only things random about these which 3 of the 9 will be fully stocked.

    oh heck yeah!  I'd be down for that!

    Frankly, I have mixed feelings about the whole bunker redux thing.  On the one hand, I love the signal void bunker quest, but I hate the fact that there are now bunkers to be found in HRV and TWM.  Then there is the relative all or nothing feel to the these new bunkers.  either you get the nicely stocked one or you get nothing more than a hole in the ground with an old mattress and some cardboard boxes.  I can see that there should be a significant difference between the "government built" signal void bunkers and the "prepper caches," but I was hoping Hinterland would have retained the old formula ie. medical/weapons/clothing/food and tool bunkers.  At least that's what made it fun for me to go look for them.  

    • Upvote 2
  6. 4 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

    I have found every cache now.

    Also some folks who know how to do stuff might be making something to make Bunker Spawns random again.

    random in what way?   are you able to elaborate on that?  hypothetically speaking of course.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Where exactly did you find the cache?  I looked all over the bridge area and later found it somewhere else.   Yes I did cheat a bit but that's because I don't like Milton.

    If you continue walking across the bridge towards the landslide, just before you get there, on the right side of the roadway you'll notice a nice little inclined that looks like a pathway.  Continue up that pathway and you'll eventually run into a cave which is actually a transition tunnel which basically leads to the higher ground near the airplane crash site.  there you will find the hatch.  It's easy then to just walk down the side, not so easy to get up there, but easy to walk down and you'll basically end up near the transmitter tower.

  8. So correct me if I'm wrong, but only 9 regional bunkers can be found.  So far the list of available bunkers looks like the following locations, in no particular order:

    Mystery Lake
    Forlorn Muskeg
    Timberwolf Mountain
    Mountain Town
    Bleak Inlet
    Hushed River Valley
    Ash Canyon
    Pleasent Valley
    BlackRock Region

    not including the bunkers from the Signal Void quest

  9. 1 hour ago, RossBondReturns said:

    So the sandbox is called Bunker Hunter now.

    There was nothing in the PV Bunker...

    But the TWM and Ash Canyon Bunkers were fully stocked!

    That leaves one fully stocked one to go...and I quit my recording in the Blackrock Prepper Cache with no light....going back into it soon.

    I love making user challenges and I have tons in my head involving the Prepper Caches.

    I found the bunker in HRV and it looked fairly well stocked to me.  Randomization gods working overtime, eh?

  10. came across two more apparent bugs


    found a crashed plane in HRV, very cool by the way.  But on the other hand, no hit box for this stim I found inside.  unable to pick it up as clicking on it makes me exit the crashed aircraft.


    later took down a bear near the bridge in Mountain Town.  After I choose to quarter it and when the timer finished, there was no meat to pick up.  It did leave the hide however and the guts which I did pick up.  but 30 kilos of meat gone missing...

    • Upvote 1
  11. one more question, 

    does mapping an area reveal a prepper cache if it is in the area that I sketch?  or does it only show up on the map after I find it?

    and btw, if you want to see all the locations but not the interiors check out L95pj2aVy1Amf3qJvFE2FaZmfFz_QjouzY-SZRiW b1g f1s4 on youtube

  12. 13 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Pretty much seems to be the case.

    I'm planning to lock in on two more that have been mentioned in spoiler warning in this thread and they both fit being near a cave...and a couple of my other things of note.

    If that 3 part list holds true it's a matter of going to other regions and finding similar potential locations and seeing if there's a hatch there.

    thanks for the heads up.  I enjoyed your video by the way!

  13. okay, so let me get this straight.

    all bunkers interiors can be randomized but their locations in the regions are static.    
    randomization of the interior is not contingent on difficulty level.
    caches are also found relatively nearby a cave. 

    so has anyone yet identified the 9 regions?  I really don't wanna waste time looking for something that's not there.  you know?

    I did watch @RossBondReturns video and I gotta say the well stocked bunker looks pretty damn well stocked!

  14. 2 hours ago, RossBondReturns said:

    Editing together a video for my youtube channel of getting to the ML Bunker without a rope...and finding it empty on Pilgrim and Voyageur....but on Stalker.

    Oh BOY!

    The new fully stocked bunker is INSANE!

    drop a link to your video.  I'd like to watch it!

  15. 9 hours ago, PilgrimReaper said:

    Sorry if this is a silly question, but how do you place things neatly like that...? I've only ever "dropped" stuff, and haven't found an option to place food items like I would the storm lantern.

    I play a modded game, and stacking objects is courtesy of a mod called "place anywhere."  definitely an improvement over the severely limited and restricted item handling mechanic you find in the vanilla game.  on that note, I'm really looking forward to Hinterlands upcoming improvements to base building customizations.  Although the player community has been asking them to improve this aspect of the game for many years now, nothing has changed, yet.

    if you are playing on pc, you should check out mods on The Long Dark - Mod List (   

    • Upvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Kain said:

    do these spawn on interloper?

    from what I understand  apparently only the randomly spawning "empty" bunkers will appear on interloper level difficulty.   the signal void portion of the game has been eliminated from interloper difficulty play level in order to honor interloper's players preferences that the bunkers provide as little loot as possible much like it was before.  

  17. 1 hour ago, Daymo said:

    I got the impression that there would be a bunker, in a random location, in every area but most would be empty with only three being fully stocked?

    I’m assuming that each area will have a pool of locations where the bunker could spawn but only one location will have a bunker (the same as it used to work with ML, PV and Blackrock).

    I got the same impression and so far that seems to be the case.  It looks like the only decent bunkers are the ones you get when you follow the signal quest and the other bunkers you find in the regions are just basically empty holes in the ground.  And fully stocked is a misnomer, let's just say that you can find a few useful items as compared to the decrepit shells that seem to make up the new randomly spawning prepper caches.  I'm kinda disappointed in that aspect of the update to be honest.  

    Don't get me wrong, the three new super bunkers are simply fantastic, but I'm on the fence about the condition of the others.

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