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Posts posted by piddy3825

  1. 49 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    Pretty sure they will be random.
    I'm betting that's random as well.  We won't know until we do more runs.
    Since they are spread through 9 regions, there will be regions without a bunker.

    what region did find this one in?

  2. So bunkers are supposed to be spawning now in 9 regions?  are they random placement in those regions or static?  and which nine regions are they in?  
    I did what I though was a thorough search of ML and didn't find anything.  

  3. looks like a new round of glitches to go along with the newest update...


    once you open a drawer on the file cabinets, all the section recess into the cabinet


    same goes for the locker doors


    even the first aid kits have been affected


    kinda sad about the mess in the ole transition bunker between PV and TWM,   but at least I can use some of my jedi powers to clean up a bit...


    looks like we're gonna need a prybar to fix this?

    anybody else find any interesting goofs?

  4. Welcome to Drift Island Cabin life with mods!


    Considering the weather is always questionable, I like to keep lanterns lighted and my patio illuminated.  Extra longer lasting lantern lighting performance 
    enhanced by Kerosene Lamp Tweaks v2.3 by Xpazeman


    my back patio meat storage locker



    Frozen foods processing station, best cut up using a hacksaw.  hacksaw placement made possible by using Placing Anywhere v2.6 by Xpazeman



    Did you hear that growl off in the distance?  Ready to defend myself vigorously using the bear spear!  Notice the gloved hands?  Bear spear enabled via in game
    assets using DeveloperConsole v1.5.0 by FINDarkside, zeobviouslyfakeacc, and ds5678 
    Gloved hands via the mod Personality v0.5.1 by Waltz


    nice little kitchen area, have I mentioned that Place Anywhere is one of my favorite mods ever?  Well it is!  How else you gonna hang a rope from a coat hook?



    There's just something about being able to put items on a top shelf.  And when it comes to stacking things, much thanks to 
    Better Stacking v5.0.0 by ds5678 a work previously introduced by WulfMarius



    That's a fine kettle of fish, oops, bucket of fish...  So what do you think about my new hand cranked battery charger?  Bolt cutters, another relic from days gone by 
    accessible via the dev console.



    Does anyone remember when the only way you could hang a hide on the wall was to use the "Cure in Place glitch?"  I gotta say the curing in place glitch was one 
    of the main reasons why I stayed with playing the game before mods became available.  Shout out to @ajb1978 for his initial discovery so many years ago!



    hands down if there is only one mod I could have, I'd be getting Place Anywhere...


    It will be interesting to see what improvements are gonna be made to base building and the item handling mechanics.  Til then, I'm so very grateful to
    the fabulous group of modders in the TLD community.  If it weren't for them, I'd probably wouldn't be playing this game as much as I do!  Thanks guys!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    As soon as I'm well enough to tackle and use my pc then I might do so.🙂.  

    I would've thought though that the update would've moved some of the older sitting dead in the regular regions..

    Yes, indeed it did.  At least for some of the dead, but certainly not for all of them.  On a side note, there is also a new mod out, called Bury the Dead, which actually removes corpses from the game when you right click on your mouse.  As cool as it is, there is no animation other than the radial timer wheel and time does go by as if you'd spent hours in digging their graves, but the corpses do then disappear never to be seen again.  Comes in handy to clear those few occasional corpses outta trailers and buildings that you might wanna overnight in!  

    On a side note, I hope you getter feeling well soon so you can tackle playing on your PC! 
    Best wishes to your speedy recovery!

    • Upvote 2
  6. 52 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    This threads gone quiet since the update....are there no corpses in forsaken airfield?

    I guess there are a lot less than on there are in lower territories.  
    On the other hand, I haven't been playing in the new region since the update broke in December.  If you have any screenshots of sitting dead that you might wish to contribute and tell their stories, I'd encourage you to do so!

    • Upvote 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Asinus said:

    Maybe additional fall animations would be an extra.

    fall animations!  I think you might be onto something.  Whenever I fall, I just see the sides of the cliffs flash past, but what I'd really like to see is the ground
    rushing/coming up to hit me.  So, maybe a good fall animation, like from a third person point of view where you watch yourself bounce off the sides on the way down,
    that would be pretty interesting.