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Posts posted by piddy3825

  1. 2 hours ago, Sito said:

    Mountaineers Hut is my favorite.

    Bricklayers retreat could also be.


    I agree.  Hands down Mountaineer's Hut is my favorite.  It woulda been a toss-up with Bricklayer's Retreat if only Hinterland had left the door on its hinges.

  2. 5 hours ago, Kranium said:

    I see Mountaineer's Hut is tops in voting. I like it in & of itself, but I hate all the rope climbs there so that map is normally one I only visit to drain of loot to move elsewhere, or if I'm just passing through. I prefer Bricklayer's Retreat to it, actually.

    I dunno, but there's quite a few ways up the mountain where you can avoid rope climbs, but not all of them to reach the summit.  That being said, for me it's the nearby amenities that make it my favorite spot.  You got a fishing shack nearby, plenty of nearby firewood that replenishes on a regular basis, in addition to nearby rabbit warrens.  

    I like Bricklayer's as a close second, the only thing that knocks it down a notch is the broken front door.  I really wish they had left that door intact.  

  3. 1 hour ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

    A good amount of variation in the selections, which is nice to see!

    I'll admit, I had to pick the ML Lookout tower because it was the first of its kind, and I spent a LOT of hours up there dreaming about what the rest of Great Bear would eventually become...

    Curios which one was it that you spent so much time in?  The first lookout overseeing the clear cut area or the latest version by the railroad tracks?  
    I spent a lot of time in the former myself back in the day, I kinda miss it to be honest. 

  4. I've spent some time there on more than one occasion, sometimes utilizing the cave and other times the basement as shelters.  There's an ample amount of wildlife there between the rabbits and the wolves and even an occasional deer if memory serves.  So food isn't going to be problem, although variety might.  As I recall, plenty of reoccurring firewood spawns and even a chunk of coal every so often.  The only thing I didn't try when I stayed there last was fishing, so using the new fishing hole feature probably will make staying there for longer periods more sustainable.  Although relatively small in size the only thing lacking is a workbench.  

    • Like 1
  5. I was excited when the first concept was introduced but when I saw there wasn't a dedicated thread established for sharing custom game code settings, the whole notion kinda fizzled out for me.  At this point in the game's development, I'd rather see efforts put into place that contribute to the completion of the final story line and fixing the bugs in survival mode.  If that means losing the ability to share codes, I wouldn't consider that much of loss.  

    • Upvote 1
  6. screen_7916ea46-47ce-4089-88df-f7d926d9bd46_hi.thumb.png.e75dab08231b64605af182ec0707fef6.png

    I dunno, but I'm curious as to why Rudiger's skeleton is so incomplete.  He was shot by the foreman and left for dead in a closed room.  why no clothing and where
    are the rest of his limbs and lower extremities.  No arm bones or hand and no feet attached.  Did the foreman strip him of his clothing before leaving the bunker and did he dismember the body as well?  Even if the body just naturally decayed, wouldn't the skeletal remains be mostly intact?  

    such as conundrum 

    • Upvote 1
  7. As I approached the weather station on my quest to uncover Rudiger's secrets, I found this wretched chap outside the workshop.  I dunno why he chose this place in particular, but I did find him with a bottle of pain pills and some water. The scene kinda implied that maybe he took his own life, downing the majority of the pills in the bottle and then just drifting off into the long dark as his numbed body slowly fell asleep in the frigid cold...


  8. @MarrowStone and @Mroz4k,

    just because I say "trackable" does not mean that "catchable," if you know what I mean.  The cougar is a cunning, stealthy animal that knows how to stay outta sight.  
    As a hunter irl, I can honestly say, I've tracked a number of game animals whose prints just suddenly stop with no indication to which direction they went. 

    I kinda envisioned a situation where the player is actively following the footsteps in the snow, the cougar being the cautious animal that it is, is obviously aware of my presence and intentionally leads me away from their den.  Perhaps jumping up on a rocky ledge where no footprints can be left.  Same goes for maybe walking over a frozen expanse of lake where no prints could be left behind.  I dunno if that would be feasible or even possible from a programming perspective, but since it isn't a supernatural entity, there should be signs of its presence and a player should be reasonably able to follow it.  

  9. Slogging my way through the new region I find my first sitting dead.  From appearances hard to discern what he may have died of, but I'm betting exposure.  Found the corpse literally in the middle of nowhere, with nothing in his pockets. Perhaps he was the pilot or passenger of one of the down aircraft I found, I could see him wandering deliriously or in a state of shock until he could go no further and slumped down here accepting his fate.


    • Upvote 1
  10. 23 hours ago, JackTrysGames said:

    What clothing mods were used for this? I'm seeing a few items I think I could use in my own playthrough.

    There are three clothing mods represented besides the vanilla assets, 
    Clothing Pack by TKG
    Northfolk Clothing Pack 
    Wolfskin Scarf 

  11. 5 hours ago, Sito said:

     Hopefully the June update from HL won't break mods. 

    Honestly, even if it does, the modding community is pretty quick to get their work updated.  

    on a side note, there is a troubleshooting thread on the TLD modding discord channel that reads the usage log generated by Melonloader each time the game is launched.  You just cut and paste the log on the troubleshooting thread and the system will check the data for continuity and give you a list of missing or out of date dependencies.  
    Here's the link - • Discord | #troubleshooting | The Long Dark Modding 

  12. On 5/25/2024 at 3:23 PM, Sito said:

    @piddy3825 The gun rack is from DIY right? I tried adding it and all of its dependencies but all it did was disable my ability to smash a crate. I could not see any additional craft menus so I must be missing something. I really want gun racks in my base instead of tossing my curators rifle on the floor


    yeah, the gun rack is from DIY Furniture.  The only downside to this mod, is that the items you craft cannot be broken down and the material salvaged.  As to mod dependencies, be sure you have all the necessary support mods installed with the latest working updates.

  13. 6 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    It might be part of base customisation.. 

    Leeanda, are you just guessing or do you know something that no one else does?  I don't recall reading/hearing anything on the roadmap that included a makeshift workbench.  Be cool if it does roll out when the base customization does drop.

  14. You might wanna take this idea to the Wish List thread.  I am sure there are many other players who feel the same way as well, I do.
    Anyway, if you're a pc player and don't feel like waiting for this idea to be adopted, then modding the game might be something that would interest you.

    Get all your questions about modding answered on the Modding and UGC thread right here on these forums.

  15. 6 hours ago, peteloud said:

    I like it, but my favourite is your restaurant in, (Good heavens, it is so long since I played the game I can't remember the name of the region, or is it old age), in the hunting lodge.

    Hello old friend!  Been a while since you've graced these forums.  Yeah, the old hunting lodge bistro in the Broken Railroad region.
    I wonder if those pics are still here somewhere. 

    • Upvote 2