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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Sometimes I forget how truly beautiful this game is when I play...
  2. update, okay never mind... the wolf pack just showed to terrorize my continued efforts to explore the airfield! I guess I'm gonna get to make that coat a lot sooner than I thought, eh?
  3. lol, right? Especially when they are walking towards you. on the other hand, it really helps to make sure your screen or monitor is really clean! That way you can see the "brown" color better at a distance!
  4. what really woulda been cool is that since does are inherently smaller, that it would take 3 doe hides to make a pair of boots or a pair of pants!
  5. hmm, interesting. I launched the game I'm currently playing just as soon as the DLC unlocked. In my game, not only is there no wildlife in the new area except for rabbits, but I also have yet to find a single firearm. I got plenty of bullets though...
  6. Hey Admin, just curious but the new region seems completely empty of wildlife except for rabbits. Is this a glitch that should be reported or is this what y'all had in mind?
  7. Thanks for the reminder on how to use the hidden content veil. Not everyone knows how to use the spoiler mechanism to hide their content. Good stuff!
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I suspected that addressing these changes wasn't going to be a quick and easy fix. And again a big Thank You to the awesome talents of our dedicated community of mod content creators! as my granddaddy used to say - Anything good is worth waiting for...
  9. makes sense. been so long since I've explored a new region, I've forgotten how it worked...
  10. Just curious what everyone thinks about this? Don't want to ruin anyone's expectations by revealing images a month before y'all get to play.
  11. Found my first hatchet today in a tool box in the hangar! yay! still no firearms at all... and haven't seen a single whetstone yet either... But I did find a moldy fish, complete with mottled skin, just can't wait to cook it and probably get food poisoning! lol
  12. yesterday when I launched the first time, there was no option to spawn into the new regions. but I believe after the midday update, now a player is able too. perhaps the new areas are contingent on having at least crossed into the new are from Broken Railroad via the transition areas once before it's opened up as a selected spawn area, but I think, the update yesterday fixed that as it was probably a glitch. anyways, I just jumped back onto the game and now I have an option to launch directly in the area. go figure, eh?
  13. I'd have to agree that the connectors/transition areas are a bit lacking in overall substance. I especially was a little disappointed in walking thru the train tunnels where there were lots of boulders and debris scattered about on the tracks, yet the walls and ceilings of the train tunnels were practically pristine and unblemished. As soon as I noted this to myself, I found one obvious exception where it appeared that a portion of the roof of the tunnel had shifted and partially collapsed. I'd wager to guess that some beta tester made the same observation and that little bit of of the tunnel's settling was a direct result of that observation. And yes, I too completely transited the area without once being challenged by wolves, never saw or heard one since leaving Broken Railroad. I'll do more exploring today as I only made it to the train station. Loved the fireplace in the waiting room there, btw. Nice touch, Hinterland!
  14. Indeed! I hope they update their work soon as I have become so accustomed to having my fox companion follow me around that I really miss seeing the little guy underfoot. But yes, a big thank you to the modding community for their effort and dedication to their creations. They took a great game and just made it better!
  15. lol, you might end up waiting for quite some time as the all the rollouts are going to be done over the course of the upcoming year. I rewatched the video release and the lead dev said something about the various releases ocurring in steps about every 8 to 10 weeks apart so who knows when?
  16. Yeah, I've had the same experiences when using the hacksaw to cut saplings for instance. Ditto on opening containers and cupboards as well when searching. as you said, none of it has been game breaking, although I am struggling to find an axe... thank god for that hacksaw, though!
  17. had the same issues trying to harvest ombl, had to really dance around underneath to get the hitbot to trigger. as to ammo, I've found way way more revolver ammo and very scare on rifle ammo in comparison. So far so good though!
  18. I just had to take a break and come up for air, been playing since about noon today nonstop and I gotta say I'm really digging the vibe! I can see why the old saves had to go, this new loot rebalance has really changed up the gamplay. What you knew to be true certainly isn't anymore, so to me it was as exciting as my first play when I chose to randomly launch into the world. The new wildlife has been refreshing and the nature sounds appear even more crisp to the ear than before. Outstanding work Hinterland. That being said, I'm curious if it's just me, but in my voyager game, I'm not finding any firearms or hatchets, definitely not in the usual places, plenty of knives and hacksaws though. As a side note, plenty of food and clothing, just seemingly a lack of tools. What about you? Curious as to what you've found in your gameplay?
  19. I couldn't get anything to launch, so I systematically whittled down the list. Still no go after I had finally wiped the whole folder and when I finally did get a launch, my mouse didn't work and I was just frozen in place. Ended up pulling everything including Melonloader and did a full fresh install, game is just flying along now mod free. ...but oh, how I miss remove clutter and place anywhere...