Fishing as a skill


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I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but would it be possible to have fishing as a skill? Have it operate like the other skills, in that you gain skill by doing the activity longer. So the longer you fish, the greater your chances of catching fish. And as you get better, you also increase your chances of catching the bigger fish.

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Haha yeah a bait or a lure may actually help :)

Might be cool to make 2 different types of fishing tackle, 1 that uses a lure, say one setup using cat tail fibres or something and 1 that uses bait. For the lure type obviously there would be no requirement for bait, but if you try and use the normal hook you will be asked to sacrifice say 50 calories out of any kind of food, with some foods working better than others. Obviously the best being meat of some sort and the worst being tomato soup :lol:

idk - do fish care about your skill?

As I posted before I would more like to see a fishbait and having that can increase your luck of catching fish.

Fishing does actually take a fair amount of skill, even with a hand line.

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Fishing skill which influences the chance to brake the line reduced as you gain more skill, and fishing baits (with different quality) for bigger fish however the bigger the fish the higher chance to break the line which again it depends on fishing skill, also you can craft medium quality fishing baits from 0.5 kg meat like 10 of them and that's how it should be.

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Fishing does actually take a fair amount of skill, even with a hand line.

I think a more realistic response would be "Fishing does take a fair amount of skill, _especially_ with a hand line." :D

Haha yes I gotta agree. When I stated that I was thinking about the technique involved with fly fishing which is actually really difficult. But yeah hand line is pretty bloody hard.

Would be cool to be able to find an ice fishing rod considering the area. Haven't had chance to have a go at one of these myself but would love to one day. Something like this:


Would be a great bit of kit to carry around.

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Since we are fishing without bait (spoon-bait fishing) the chance for catching a fish would probably not increase over time (adept vs beginner). However a good fisher knows how to make the fish fired before he pulls him in, so the chances of the line snapping should remove over time imo. (The current 10% is ridiculously high anyways, especially for some of the fish having really low calorie counts.)

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I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but would it be possible to have fishing as a skill? Have it operate like the other skills, in that you gain skill by doing the activity longer. So the longer you fish, the greater your chances of catching fish. And as you get better, you also increase your chances of catching the bigger fish.


Also +1 to bait/lure

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In time I'd like to see it develop into a playable component of the game rather than a click and wait as it is current.

Fire up that pot belly stove and pass some time with crafted jigs on your line and wait for a twitch, alternative to jigs you could harvest live bait from catches heads or innards to pull in a big game fish or even use some of your own supplies, beef jerky, sardines and dog food to bait the hooks.

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I would love to see a greater emphasis on fishing in the game too. Sometimes I have an urge to play WoW just for the fishing, I love the random stuff I use to catch. Our character in The Long Dark surely can't be just 'surviving' every day, especially if he's hoarded lots of stuff, he/she needs some time to relax.

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