Stack fishing tackles and torches in 1 slot in inventory


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#1. Please stack fishing tackles and torches of same condition into 1 slot in the inventory. Because i have like 30 torches, 15 tackles and it creates a bit of a mess in the the inventory.

#2. Created a thread while back that sticks should bundle up into 50, 75 or 100 so you can throw it into a fire with one click and not like 50 clicks etc. That thread generated a lot of positive response and folks do want that feature. I'm the type of guy who cooks up and boils a lot of water in one go, and most of the time i use 100+ sticks, so its a bit pain in the behind to click that many times to add it to the fire. I guess there could be similar feature with cedar and fir, for example throw in 6, 8 or 12 cedar in one click, or start a fire with 6, 8 or 12 cedar. Same with sticks... start fire with 25, 50, 75 or a 100.

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+1 for fishing tackles but -1 for torches, fishing tackles you would probably keep in a small bag, matchbox or a extra pocket in your bag, but torches are so big and bulky that they would be stored in your main part of the bag, to keep them easily available you would not tie them together or something either.

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I totally agree. It would help reduce clutter in the inventory.

I would extend that for most objects of the same kind, when their properties are the same.

E.g. I would stack 2 pieces of meat if they meet ALL these conditions:

- are from the same animal

- are the same weight

- have the same condition

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-1 for torches, fishing tackles you would probably keep in a small bag, matchbox or a extra pocket in your bag, but torches are so big and bulky that they would be stored in your main part of the bag, to keep them easily available you would not tie them together or something either.

With all due respect, you are looking way too deep into REALISM. This is just a game, since it involves a lot of items, stocking is basically a must.

For those who go on the long runs, these type of players acquire alot of same items. For example, in dp i dedicated one drawer for fire related stuff... torches, flares, accelarants etc... and it looks so messy because i have like 20 100% torches and they all separate. Same thing with fishing tackles in the cabinet that has various tools... hatchets, knives etc... all 100% tackles but all separate.

edit: also flares of same condition should stack into 1 slot. I only fully looted dp, and 40% of ch, and have like 8 flares of 100% condition. So in my case i have 28 (20 torches + 8 flares) slots occupied in the fire related cabinet, which should actually be only 2 slots.

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I don't understand the logic behind people being okay with icons being all over the place on similar items.

It is not a case of "realism" - that argument does not stand - we're talking about an inventory screen - not the backpack itself.

Stacking icons all over the place on similarly degraded items is a visual encumbrance, nothing more.

If people want to see similar stuff everywhere, I lament to use another games inventory system, but refer below for what I think *could* work...


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