To make extinguished campfires usable


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Let's say you start a fire, add wood but right then wind changes and extinguishes it. Now you cannot get back that firewood, which is awkward. So you start another fire nearby that's sheltered and now there's 2 campfires next to each other which is bad for both gameplay and immersion/realism.

The game needs an ability to restart campfires with some bonus and/or ability to extract firewood.

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Oh RIGHT! This basically drives me CRAZY each time I come across an old campfire that says "burnt out" and won't let me pile some fresh firewood on it and light that up. I don't need any bonuses, heck if the burnt wood got wet from the melting snow I'd actually be okay with some negative effects as well just don't force me to sit in a cave surrounded by a ring of burnt out fires. :P

So +1 on starting a fire new by clicking on a burnt out fireplace. :)

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+1 That would be good.

A recent post was asking if they could get rid of burnt out campfires. Why not harvest or reuse the campfire. Brilliant Idea. It would also be nice if you could make a fire-pit, for a more permanent campfire.

I would like to bring up an issue surrounding this. Notice when you are in a coastal house, the fire-place has burnt would. It seems strange you can reuse this to cook and use for fire, when you can't use a burn't out campfire. :|

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Burned out campfires have been disappearing since last update.

love it- burnt out fires where useless anyhow! and if you built a fire on top of an old fire, the fire wood underneath it did not burn. So unless they fix that good move in the right direction.

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Burnt out fires were not entirely useless. I used to make a chain of fires from my BoO in CH to one of the fishing huts and then branch off to the misanthorpes house and to jackrabbit island. I did that so if I should ever find myself stuck in a blizzard and near one of those spots, I could navigate myself in darkness / blizzard conditions to my BoO or at least to a place with a wood stove. So, not entirely useless.

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