HYGIENE METER; personal care.


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I noticed that most, if not all survival simulators miss a key factor that science defines as one of the defining characteristics of a "living" organism....the removal of waste!

I suggest adding "toilet paper". Why? My character has thus far survived at least 7 full days in-game....needing to eat, sleep, drink, stay warm, etc. but NO need to defecate and/or urinate. This is NOT an indecent, unnecessary additive to a game. Forgive me, but my presumption is that adding this to the game would be deemed "too much" and/or inappropriate content. However, w/o waste removal, an organism would die. Kidneys would fail. Blood toxicity would rise. Death would be the inevitable outcome.

Practically, toilet paper could be used as "tinder." It could be used medically as a "bandage." It could be used to assemble a "torch". Paper actually has caloric content, and it could be used as a way to stem hunger pains at least in the way of filling an empty belly where there is no food. It could also be used to cover a person's face to aid against windchill factor as an article of "clothing".

No developer can deny that waste removal is an absolute necessity. Not to mention that FECAL MATTER can be used as a natural fuel for fire. Regardless of what any opinions may render from this post.

It would NOT ruin the story. In fact, it just might pioneer this game even further.

There is no arguing that this feature is REAL. Without it, this simulator is denying what it is to be a LIVING ORGANISM.

It wouldn't ruin the plot. Add a BUCKET in game. Skyrim had it. You couldn't USE it, but it was there. Click USE. The bar fills. Use it as a function.

Further, kindly consider adding a HYGIENE meter. This would link to the need relieve waste but also to the need to WASH CLOTHING that is dirty. BATHING should be considered, winter or not. You produce a body odor. For example, IF you go days on end w/o proper hygiene practice (washing), your HYGIENE meter will rise. Animals would be more likely to attack you BECAUSE of your stench. So, there'd be a CONSEQUENCES to NOT bathing or finding "deodorant." To say that deodorant of some kind (natural or artificial) would NOT be found in the environment is NOT realistic.

This would make the game more fun, enjoyable, and realistic. More "personal" responsibilities. Your game is your game, but WHY NOT consider it? Do YOU use the restroom on a daily basis? Would YOU go for a week, let alone LIVE for a week w/o relieving yourself? Is it safe? Is it "how things work" in the real world?

Please make a SERIOUS inquiry on this request. Thanks for reading my post!

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Why are there so many UNNECESSARY capitalizations in your POST?

I'm really not sure what it would add to the game. Realism, perhaps, but nothing more than that.

It's not a mechanic that really provides much of a challenge, and it is a lot of work for such a basic objective.

People play this GAME to ESCAPE from reality, but still have some of the challenges of reality.

Yes it's realistic, yes it gives you more things to do, but is it FUN?

OVERWHELMINGLY people will say NO.

See? I can do unnecessary capitalization too

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+1 for this idea

I agree completely. I've always wanted this, but haven't bothered to mention it because I also presume people would deem it "too much".

This would be an factor in forcing the player out of houses to relief themselves, instead of sleeping indoors all the time, grinding days for as long as the food lasts. Using the toilets wouldn't work (at least not more than maybe once or twice), since the water supply to them doesn't work anymore.

A bucket could be used a few times, but would eventually have to be emptied as well.

I also think there would be a lot of interesting health afflictions that could come into play with this.

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Capitalized letters are necessary in my text, because I deem them necessary as a form of expression. It is a way of HIGHLIGHTING text w/o the use of BOLD function. If a person is skimming text, CAPITALIZING a word makes it jump out to the eyes, standing out from the other surrounding text. A person does not have the patience to read an entire block of text, presumptively, so capitalizing text grabs their limited attention as a matter of fact. Thank you for reading my post and supporting my idea; God bless!

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+1 for this idea

I agree completely. I've always wanted this, but haven't bothered to mention it because I also presume people would deem it "too much".

This would be an factor in forcing the player out of houses to relief themselves, instead of sleeping indoors all the time, grinding days for as long as the food lasts. Using the toilets wouldn't work (at least not more than maybe once or twice), since the water supply to them doesn't work anymore.

A bucket could be used a few times, but would eventually have to be emptied as well.

I also think there would be a lot of interesting health afflictions that could come into play with this.

In the medieval ages, citizens would empty their buckets onto the streets below (unsanitary, I know). You fill up the bucket w/ waste, you then dump the bucket's contents. Wash it out w/ water (maybe). Use it again. Simple stuff.

Animals could "track you" by your waste. So, the ingame risk to dumping is that you'd be stalked by wildlife as a result of managing your waste. You "make yourself a target", at least it's a thought.

Every action has a risk. Waste leaves a smell. Smell attracts attention. The rest is left to chance. BUT....you still need to relieve yourself regardless of the risks involved. If you "go" indoors, you will ruin your dwelling and make it unsanitary or you could "go" outdoors in an outhouse and/or use any spot anywhere.

Using fecal matter as fuel would be great! A smelly fire is still going to keep you from freezing to death....I just would NOT use it to cook food.


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I want a LADY SHAVER because my character DESPERATELY needs to shave her LEGS and whatever else after all the time she has been surviving! It is DISGUSTING to be DEPRIVED of fundamental HUMAN RIGHTS such as clean-shaved legs! And how about FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS?! I don't even DARE to think what may happen to my poor character if I EVER survive for more than 28 DAYS! *passing out*


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I want a LADY SHAVER because my character DESPERATELY needs to shave her LEGS and whatever else after all the time she has been surviving! It is DISGUSTING to be DEPRIVED of fundamental HUMAN RIGHTS such as clean-shaved legs! And how about FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS?! I don't even DARE to think what may happen to my poor character if I EVER survive for more than 28 DAYS! *passing out*

+1+1+1 = +3

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I don't see the point of bathroom breaks. With the amount of extra water out characters drink we'd need to pee like every 10 minutes :P.

Why not add empty calories of it's realism you want? Why not make clothes different sizes so we have to worry about making them fit? What about scurvy? Not much fruits going on in this game?

Finding food and water are challenges to survival. Going to the bathroom is not. I don't want this to be a first person version of the sims, despite that idea making my wife squeal.

I don't think your idea is bad, just unnecessary in this particular game. :)

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I don't see the point of bathroom breaks. With the amount of extra water out characters drink we'd need to pee like every 10 minutes :P.

Why not add empty calories of it's realism you want? Why not make clothes different sizes so we have to worry about making them fit? What about scurvy? Not much fruits going on in this game?

Finding food and water are challenges to survival. Going to the bathroom is not. I don't want this to be a first person version of the sims, despite that idea making my wife squeal.

I don't think your idea is bad, just unnecessary in this particular game. :)

Thank you for your reply to my post! Les Stroud had no choice but to drink bacteria-infested water (from a stagnant pool while traveling in a rain forest) on one particular episode, or suffer dehydration. Afterwords, he had diarrhea for days. It isn't unrealistic nor inconvenient to remove bodily waist. Each and every one of you, myself included, have to do it. It is part of being a living creature.

How To Survive (XBLA) allows one to eat, sleep, drink, and heal wounds. The fact is that I've done my job on this forum. I have posted a thread that has encouraged discussion and debate. Therefore, this thread was a success. There is no harm in adding a personal hygiene element to the game. The forums are here so that developers can consider possible features/ideas to add to their game.

Les Stroud (Survivor Man) is a true, real-life survivor. I would find it a wonderful experience to be able to craft a shelter from surrounding foliage, trees, etc. I'm going to stick by my recommendation. I hope that Hinterland Studios makes a serious consideration for it. If for no other reason than to be different from all other developers even more than they already are. Why have outhouses in a survival game if you cannot make use of them?

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Les Stroud (Survivor Man) is a true, real-life survivor. I would find it a wonderful experience to be able to craft a shelter from surrounding foliage, trees, etc.

I Haven't seen much stuff done by Les Stroud, but I wouldn't put much stock in Bear Grylls. He makes foolish mistakes, rash decisions, and showy acts that would, in real survival situations, put you at a disadvantage. He had SAS training, as far as I am aware, which is what he bases his "survival" stuff off of.

If you want a good survivalist and all-round outdoors-man, you want Ray Mears. He DOES know what he is talking about, and as opposed to Grylls's "conquering the wilderness", Ray teaches people to respect nature and live in harmony with it.

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