An accomplishment

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Today I finally accomplished something big and I wanted to share it with you all. All my skills are leveled up to max! And I’ve survived for 335 days, far longer than my PB. Maxing mending out was the worst! lol 





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Congratulations! That is a milestone, and feels great, doesn't it?

You've got it now! Keep going! 500 days is within reach- just don't get too overconfident. Overconfidence which leads to making little mistakes that come back to bite me (Stalker Mode joke... 😉) a week later is what ends the majority of my long runs.

Well done! 🎉🥳🎉

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Well done KingFuzz! I've come close in my last coupla runs, but I never use guns so they always end up being a bit of a project to master. And of course mending - you're not wrong there!  ^_^

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