I am trapped in the map

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Hi there, @Admin @Raphael van Lierop …so I was out cartographering as one does when passing the time and on day 228 I found this lovely pitfall trap in broken rail, if you could by chance remove the floor or something to get me out of there for the part 5 update I would be greatly appreciative I’d rather not sack the run I’ve held it since episode 3 hoping for a solution 



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25 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Have you filed a ticket already,with the video?  

Video won’t upload to the ticket gives me a timeout error but yes I have submitted a ticket about this before when it happened and again after I took this video yesterday 

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3 minutes ago, Enigmaecho said:

Video won’t upload to the ticket gives me a timeout error but yes I have submitted a ticket about this before when it happened and again after I took this video yesterday 

Oh I see..  have you tried sending it by email?    It's the only way I can send things like videos .

Mind you I'm a nitwit with tech anyway😁

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  • Hinterland

Hmmm...really not sure you are meant to even be able to get out there! But yes, reporting to hinterlandgames.com/support is the best way to get this in front our Support and Test team. Can't promise we can do much about it with Part 5 as that build is already in test and I don't think we can add any more fixes to it at the moment, but if you can report this to the Support Portal it'll get on a list somewhere!

The fact that you're able to get "inside" one of the bits of terrain geo suggests the collision was turned off for performance reasons, which also suggests this should be an out of bounds area.

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3 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Hmmm...really not sure you are meant to even be able to get out there! But yes, reporting to hinterlandgames.com/support is the best way to get this in front our Support and Test team. Can't promise we can do much about it with Part 5 as that build is already in test and I don't think we can add any more fixes to it at the moment, but if you can report this to the Support Portal it'll get on a list somewhere!

The fact that you're able to get "inside" one of the bits of terrain geo suggests the collision was turned off for performance reasons, which also suggests this should be an out of bounds area.

Thanks Raph, yea it’s likely an out of bounds area but one that’s been around since we’ve had the map, a long time shortcut back to the shed, you can see where it starts at the beginning of the clip there at the rope climb, normally I don’t end up that high on the terrain I just lost my bearings on that run and stumbled in mapping, it makes sense collision being off for optimization but if it’s something that can be saved I’d love to save the run

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  • Hinterland

We'll do what we can, but honestly stuff that is in the out of bound area is really "at your own risk". We should really have done a better job preventing you from getting up there to begin with. We can only verify collision and safe pathing for areas of  the map that are supposed to be playable...

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Posted (edited)

The same sort of thoughts had occurred to me as well... but I don't want it to be misconstrued as being "against exploration" (or anything like that)... quite the contrary.  

I too have lost several runs over the years because I ran into instant kill walls or (on rare occasion) got stuck someplace.
I know how much that can sting.

At one point, I even reported an incident where I found myself stuck between a rock and a tree trunk, and another when I found myself stuck inside of a cardboard box (though of course, I just broke down the box to get loose as well as some tinder plugs in the process). :D  In the case of the tree... there was just nothing to be done, and my survivor ended up starving to death after spraining an ankle trying to wriggle my way out.  

The way I always thought of it... this was just the risk I was taking when I chose to push/test the boundaries of what can/can't be reached.  In more recent years, I admit have reduced the amount of "risky goating" for just that very reason.  These days, when I do find I want to test map boundaries I'm more inclined to use a side run that I start just for that purpose.


Edited by ManicManiac
Edited for clarity
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