Map orientation

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Basically the Region Selection screen is turned so North is to the Right of the Monitor/TV.

All that is needed is a N arrow pointing that way on said screen and it's just fine.

If the Region selection screen was vertical a scroll bar would be needed to move from Northern Regions to Southern.

That said it works fine just the way it is and is something I doubt will be changed as it's really an aesthetic thing and not terribly important.

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Posted (edited)

I am agree with you but that's not what I meant. 


World view regions orientation

Mystery_lake_map.thumb.png.ae8a20109b72ab3629c3531eb77392f0.pngIngame Mystery Lake map orientation

I meant to rotate the ingame region map in the same direction as in the world map

Edited by purplebluegreen
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5 hours ago, purplebluegreen said:

I meant to rotate the ingame region map in the same direction as in the world map

Honestly, this makes sense to me. I've seen some of the patchwork "pieced together" world maps over the years, and the one thing that seems consistent is they all say they had to rotate the region maps to overlay them on the larger world map. It doesn't really bother me, but it would make sense to have the region maps oriented the same way the world map is. Or give us a way to rotate the charcoal map ourselves, the way you can often change camera angle in aRPGs/dungeon crawlers.

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I'm not sure how it would be done. But I like the idea.

That said when I stream and record with commentary I never say well I'm gonna head south-east.

I say I'm going to keep walking forward and to the left or right etc. Trying to figure out actual directions on the fly seems pointless.

Mentally I know I'm heading those directions...but just saying left right forward or back is much easier.

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It makes sense to me to have the directions not be cardinal compass all the time because it's a poor sot who's lost scratching shit out on scrap paper with a piece of charcoal from a fire to keep track of where they've been. 

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