Travois - I love you


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Been squatting at trappers for a while on my current Loper run waiting on the travois to attempt a relocation to the new zones and oh my god... The travois is freaking amazing!

Yes, it can be a little tough in certain spots (I'm looking at you entrance tunnel to FM) but over all I've managed to get from trappers and through broken railroad in record time! 

I would never have managed the trek carrying all my hides, guts, scrap, cloth, and precious firewood by walking. 

It does seem to wear down quickly, my current distance has reduced it by about 30% so far, but the repair of just a skin and gut is great. I was worried I'd need more saplings.

Also, being able to just close it up and carry it rocks.

Best addition in ages!

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I tried the travois for the first time last night and I have to say it's a very handy tool. The very first time I deployed it and actually used it, I'd killed a moose and harvested 90lbs of meat and a hide. It carried everything! Unfortunately, a blizzard hit as soon as I was done packing up so I had to leave it until morning. But it's definitely a great tool for hoarders like myself. What used to take days treking back and forth with loot takes mere hours to a day now.

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I found it to be frustrating to use, but only played with it for a few minutes. Would not let me go up a slight slope with it, which likely means it is very limited in utility for how I play. I make my home on TWM so getting things to/from there means multiple climbs which means for me I don't see a lot of utility in the travois. If they added a wench you could haul the travois up/down with, that would be sweet. I guess it will come in handy when I kill moose or the rare bear that is far from my cabin (usually shoot from the porch to limit travel distance with bears). I am all for being able to haul more gear as they keep adding things like skillets and heavy clothing...

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I'm a big fan of the Travois myself. Even just as a portable storage chest outside a cave or something. Deploy the Travois, stash your gear, and then just never take it anywhere. When you're ready to move out, if you don't have much to haul just take it all into your inventory and hoof it. The Travois only takes damage when you drag it.

75kg of portable outdoor storage that weighs just 1kg when collapsed? You can't afford to NOT craft one. Actually I should look into crafting multiple and just leaving them at my base, in lieu of the rock caches.

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3 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

75kg of portable outdoor storage that weighs just 1kg when collapsed? You can't afford to NOT craft one. Actually I should look into crafting multiple and just leaving them at my base, in lieu of the rock caches.

This is a great idea in theory but you're forgetting that (and I know this from multiple unfortunate experiences) the travois also degrades in blizzards. It's not a lot but will be over time when substituting for a rock cache.  Brilliant idea to make multiple though. Also, the repair on it is low cost and that one low cost repairs at least 60% from what I've seen. 

When it comes to style of gameplay, I'm a hoarder so going through zones where you can't bring it it's kind of a pain, especially multiple zones where you have to dump and carry everything.

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I am also a fan, but long treks do need some pre-planning and patience.  I traveled with a loaded travois from the new Zone of Contamination all the way to Mystery Lake -- with a couple of stopovers, some trudging overburdened carrying and minor juggling of items kept and left behind. There are areas where you may have to unload, ferry 2 or 3 times & then reload, and they aren't always obvious (yes, I got stuck trying get thru the tunnel entrance into Mystery Lake!). But just being able to harvest a moose in a flat area and getting everything back to base in one run is totally amazing! 

Hint -- don't try to force your way up a slope (or at least be sure you have bandages and pain-killers 🤕)

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I'm having massively different experiences with the Travois than everyone else. Mine only degrades with use, it does not degrade with just sitting there, blizzard or no. Clothes stored in the travois DO get wet though.

Probably has to do with the fact that this is a custom game, imported from well before Tales first dropped. Lord only knows what settings I picked at this point.

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For what it's worth, you can repair it for 70% at Mending level 5...

On a side note, for those of you that still think it's low in terms of maneuvrability, remember you can move backwards too ! This can let you turn and face the way you want to go easily ;)

The only restrictions I see right now are the following :
1. you can't drop it closed : deploy it (outside or in a cave, but not in any loading interior), or carry it.
2. you can't squeeze through tight passages.
3. you can't go up steep slopes, sometimes even not down them.
4. you can't lower or bring it up a rope (except in your backpack).
5. you can't run, even a very short distance (and it has nothing to do with your fatigue or endurance level).

Points 1 and 5 are the 2 things I'd love to see reworked but these restrictions all make sense in the TLD world, so I'm quite fine like that :)

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5 hours ago, DaGnome91 said:

For what it's worth, you can repair it for 70% at Mending level 5...

On a side note, for those of you that still think it's low in terms of maneuvrability, remember you can move backwards too ! This can let you turn and face the way you want to go easily ;)

The only restrictions I see right now are the following :
1. you can't drop it closed : deploy it (outside or in a cave, but not in any loading interior), or carry it.
2. you can't squeeze through tight passages.
3. you can't go up steep slopes, sometimes even not down them.
4. you can't lower or bring it up a rope (except in your backpack).
5. you can't run, even a very short distance (and it has nothing to do with your fatigue or endurance level).

Points 1 and 5 are the 2 things I'd love to see reworked but these restrictions all make sense in the TLD world, so I'm quite fine like that :)

Yeah, I'd kinda like it if you could just drop it without deploying too, and the lighting issue others have mentioned can be a little frustrating, but it's a great addition. If only because I can now harvest a whole moose or bear in one go (or several deer, as I've also done already), load it all on the sled, and drag it back to somewhere better suited for cooking without having to make multiple trips. I'm getting used to the limitations - just takes a little forethought to consider your route.

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3 hours ago, artmunki said:

Yeah, I'd kinda like it if you could just drop it without deploying too, and the lighting issue others have mentioned can be a little frustrating, but it's a great addition. If only because I can now harvest a whole moose or bear in one go (or several deer, as I've also done already), load it all on the sled, and drag it back to somewhere better suited for cooking without having to make multiple trips. I'm getting used to the limitations - just takes a little forethought to consider your route.

I agree, it's a superb addition to the game. Of course it takes some time to adjust to your playstyle, but that's totally normal ! I was merely pointing at the actual restrictions, but again I find it's a great new tool ! :)

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5 hours ago, DaGnome91 said:

I agree, it's a superb addition to the game. Of course it takes some time to adjust to your playstyle, but that's totally normal ! I was merely pointing at the actual restrictions, but again I find it's a great new tool ! :)

Oh aye, I think that was clear in your comment already. Your restrictions didn't read like complaints, just a statement of the limitations of the tool.

Another almost-advantage I thought of earlier - long game players will finally get some use out of all those extra deer hides we have lying around! Now we just need to find something new to do with moose & bear hides too.  ^_^

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8 hours ago, artmunki said:

Another almost-advantage I thought of earlier - long game players will finally get some use out of all those extra deer hides we have lying around! Now we just need to find something new to do with moose & bear hides too.  ^_^

Make a dressing out of them ! I have several wolf coats, deer pants, deer boots (wearing Mukluks), rabbit mittens (wearing Gauntlets), rabbit cap, and only one Moose Coat. But so many pelts lie around in so many places, I was actually thinking about opening a store ^^

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3 hours ago, DaGnome91 said:

Make a dressing out of them ! I have several wolf coats, deer pants, deer boots (wearing Mukluks), rabbit mittens (wearing Gauntlets), rabbit cap, and only one Moose Coat. But so many pelts lie around in so many places, I was actually thinking about opening a store ^^

Or better yet, if someone else handles the overheads of running a store, we could could stick to what we already know and craft some wares for them to sell ....


Yes, I'm talking about the Trader.  ^_^

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So my recent travois experience was interesting. I have a 2 travois system I am using for long hauls. Basically bringing all the loot from the ZoC back to where I play more. I am currently at ML in the camp office. The travois was great for getting around 115 kilos of stuff from the far end of the map to the middle. Using the two travois system, I loaded one up, dragged it until I couldn't, dropped it, walk to the other side of whatever was the issue (slope, tree, train, climb, whatever) drop the second one, dump ALL my stuff into it, go grab sections of the other travois until near full, walk back to the new travois, dump, rinse and repeat. Finally, pick up the original travois and make sure I had a gun and ammo, and pick up travois #2 and truck on. Odd where I could and could not go at time looked plenty wide but it just told me nope. Another time, I crossed a fallen tree with it which I doubted it would allow, however the slope on the other side of the tree was too much so had to drop and do the dance. Overall, from ZoC to ML it took about 1 dozen transfers to get past all obstructions. Significantly less time than it would have taken to make the 3-4 trips it would have taken, all the food and water I would have expended, matches, fire material, etc. A very pleasant quality of life add. Give us a block and tackle to use on cliffs and this thing is perfection...


Mine wore down quite a bit so far, think one is 50% and the other is 70%. So one end of map to the far other side basically uses one up if you don't mend it. Seems a bit fast for wear especially since mostly pulling over powdery snow. That said, I have pelts coming out of my ears so nice to have a use for them. I also have quite a few maples cured in different locations.


I did use the travois after killing a bear that surprised me on the pond in BR; I honestly don't think I have ever run into that bear before, but then again I don't spend much time in that location...he just walked out of the woods and I sprinted to the hunter's blind and got a good shot off. He bled out and I pulled a complete bear to the maintenance yard. Did get attacked by a wolf on the way, but easily put him on the run. Easily would have taken 3 trips, so again a big gain and I too am happy for this new tool!

Edited by TonyInPleasantValley
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I've been using the travois for a few days and at first it seemed complicated to overcome some obstacles on the roads, in fact my first experience was to get to BR from FM, how would I overcome the landslide, the tree trunk that acts as a bridge is easy to pass.
The most complicated thing comes when you can not pass through other areas due to unevenness, I have started to use a reserve of stones to empty the travois and move it folded but it is very uncomfortable and you lose a lot of time, perhaps with two travois it is more practical. 
The situation gets complicated if you have to go through caves or tunnels in the dark, in that case either you make a torch path or you go blind, until Hinterland does not allow to hang the lantern on the travois.

My conclusion is that it is very practical to use on a mostly flat map, without many slopes or transition zones, especially for transporting huge amounts of smelly meat to your shelter undetected by predators.

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Wear on the travois is reportedly due to how often you turn or reverse. Each time you hear it "creak" it loses 1%.

Meat or fish in the travois attract wolves and other critters like in your backpack, so beware.

There is a bug where if you drop it on a steep slope, it and the contents can disappear. This may be similar to the dead animal, cannot harvest bug, that I encountered 3 times yesterday. Could not use the hit it with a stone recovery method either, so wasted 3 wolves and associated bullets. That pales in comparison to losing 75 kilos of stuff!!

I would like them to allow you to use lighting while pulling the travois, as well as allowing more head turn. FM is no fun as it is, but with limited head turn it is a nightmare! I traversed it yesterday and got attacked by three separate pack of wolves. Luckily no bear surprise!

All in all, this is a good overall add to the game. Will help with fishing, bears and moose, coal, and other heavy objects like car batteries. Using two travois, I found the limitations of going through certain areas minimized and overcome by the bonuses of time, food, and water saved. Saving time also limits the number of animal attack and weather related events along the way.

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I am loving the travois. I usually travel light. Here's a thing; if you have a travois and are going on a long walk, and are used to 45-50 kg of carry (well fed + moose bag + tech pack), use the travois and put all that not instantly necessary stuff (prybar, food, snares. etc) and get your carry weight down to 20-25 kg, and then start going. 

You'll move fast. Much faster than if you were just carrying directly. 

I'm with James; I'm not seeing meat odor pull in the predators when in the travois. I play custom and I crank the ability of animals to be aware of me and I'm just not seeing the animals react to my presence with meat in the travois.

I like the two travois system TiPV was talking about; I'm going to try that. I took the travois from the trailer MT to the dam in ML via the rope climbs and cave; the two travois system could make the multiple ferry points required for that a lot easier to deal with. I've continued on and am now at Signal Hill with over 60 kg of stuff; there's no way I'd be here in this amount of time without it.

I've started a new (custom) game; will keep my eye out for whether the travois wears down with use only or if blizzards and/or time cause it to decay. I can attest that repeated reversing or running into natural obstacles does create a lot of wear.

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16 hours ago, James Hickok said:

Not from my experience. Maybe it should but it doesnt. 

Interesting that several people have said it does and others said it does not. All I know is I killed a bear, slapped all the parts into a travois, and started hauling it from the kill near the hunter's blind in BR to the maintenance yard. There was a wolf quite a distance away and he made a bee line to me. Coincidence? Maybe? But I have that one data point and have read on reddit and other places that others have experienced the same. I am on ML now so I will do some fishing runs with the travois and see what happens and report back. Seems to me this would be an unusual benefit the devs tosses into the game and would be less realistic, but I am down for being proven incorrect!!

Two travois make life so much better when hauling over long distances, especially where you have an impasse. You can haul more, faster, using fewer resources and with less jeopardy than hauling without them.

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Got the chance to use the travois for the first time in practice today. Hauled a whole bear from Misanthrope’s to Jackrabbit, I loaded a few quarter bags as well as some un-bagged meat, and all the guts. I didn’t notice any scent bars and the wolves did not care. Tbh they were a ways away, but I was still relieved because after hearing other people experiences I was nervous I’d get swarmed. 

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I am starting to think that the one experience I had was a one off. I just killed a bear at the Trapper's Cabin, hauled it to ML, no issues. If this is correct, this makes this device one of the best in the game! BTW, I ran into a TOUGH bear at TC! I shot him at close range, should have been a one shot kill, but no. I went to sleep and checked and he was still alive. So waited for him day 2, put an arrow in him, and waited for day 3. He showed up, I went into cabin to get something, came out to a pea soup blanket of fog. So on day 4, he wanders over and I end him with a second arrow. One tough bear, indeed!

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I have found that you can get the travois thru gates and over bridges if you line up just right, but it takes patience, and you need to be able to back up...once you're stuck and can't do that, it's over.

I was tempted to see if I could drag it over the Ravine trestle but chickened out.

I do wish you could fold it, pick it up and then drop it still folded on the floor inside of buildings. I think I put one in a drawer at some point, which is nonsensical.

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