Change to How 0% Items May be Stored


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I'm getting tired of laying everything out on the floor just because the items will disappear when they hit 0%/Ruined condition if I put them in an available container. 

My suggestion is that items in containers never disappear regardless of their condition.  To compensate, items that the player wishes to completely remove from the world could be "scrapped" (a process much like harvesting, except that it would yield no resources).  Items that are currently able to be harvested for resources even when ruined (for example, clothing) could still be harvested; but items that we would currently throw into a drawer to make disappear (for example, ruined sewing kits) could be "scrapped" instead.  Ruined food would no longer disappear in a container, but still could be "scrapped" for no resources if the player, for whatever reason, just wanted to get rid of it.

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4 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I'm getting tired of laying everything out on the floor just because the items will disappear when they hit 0%/Ruined condition if I put them in an available container. 

My suggestion is that items in containers never disappear regardless of their condition.  To compensate, items that the player wishes to completely remove from the world could be "scrapped" (a process much like harvesting, except that it would yield no resources).  Items that are currently able to be harvested for resources even when ruined (for example, clothing) could still be harvested; but items that we would currently throw into a drawer to make disappear (for example, ruined sewing kits) could be "scrapped" instead.  Ruined food would no longer disappear in a container, but still could be "scrapped" for no resources if the player, for whatever reason, just wanted to get rid of it.

the only things that autodelete from containers are food, meds and useless 0% items like depleted sharpstones and rifle cleaning kits anything that can be processed into a different resource should be fine like 0 clothes make cloth/leather 0% tools scrap metal and wood ect

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A scrapping mechanic seems unnecessary.  Most any ruined item that has no further use in the game should disappear when put into a container since that would be a deliberate act on the part of the character. If it went to ruined while in the container then it should remain which would be a change in the mechanic.  Mostly applicable to foods.  

Anything that has actual use - ruined food for instance - should not disappear if the manner in which it was put in the container was due to GAME-related process like Lost and Found.   

The idea of Lost and Found being to prevent characters from losing things was ludicrous when a character's stores of often ruined food (due to the short decay time line) disappeared because Lost and Found put them into a container in an effort to prevent their loss by the character.  The initial intent was good but did nobody pay attention to what would happen next?

That's just me.  

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40 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

A scrapping mechanic seems unnecessary.  Most any ruined item that has no further use in the game should disappear when put into a container since that would be a deliberate act on the part of the character. If it went to ruined while in the container then it should remain which would be a change in the mechanic.  Mostly applicable to foods.  

Anything that has actual use - ruined food for instance - should not disappear if the manner in which it was put in the container was due to GAME-related process like Lost and Found.   

The idea of Lost and Found being to prevent characters from losing things was ludicrous when a character's stores of often ruined food (due to the short decay time line) disappeared because Lost and Found put them into a container in an effort to prevent their loss by the character.  The initial intent was good but did nobody pay attention to what would happen next?

That's just me.  

I just don't enjoy spreading out my foods on the floor so that they don't disappear if they spoil before I get back to that area (at Level 5 cooking).  We now have a lot more food items to handle than ever before.  I would rather be able to put them into a container and keep them that way, where I can easily see at a glance how many I have of each, their condition, their weight, etc.  I also don't like coming back to a container later in the game where I stored, say, meds that were in good condition only to wonder when staring at a now empty container - "Was this the actual container where I put them and they just decayed to 0% or did I leave them somewhere else?  Seeing the ruined meds in the container would at least confirm what happened to them.  (Currently, I leave them all out on the floor as well - which means I have to pick them up to see their condition and the small vials can also be difficult to locate in the dark).

The scrapping mechanic could be the exact same one as the harvesting one with only those items that cannot currently be harvested for resources being OK to harvest, but just returning no resources.

PS:  Clothing is usually not an issue with me, since I tend to scrap it to cloth pretty much right away if I'm not intending to wear it or want it as an immediate "spare" in case something is ruined during an attack.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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Actually I do like the removal of ruined items when placed in a container. This is the only way to get rid of spent items (burnt flares, used whetstones and sewing kits...).
For (ruined) food item, the nutrition should be related to the state, so 10% food items should only give 10% of their calory value, if consumed. 

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2 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

Actually I do like the removal of ruined items when placed in a container. This is the only way to get rid of spent items (burnt flares, used whetstones and sewing kits...).
For (ruined) food item, the nutrition should be related to the state, so 10% food items should only give 10% of their calory value, if consumed. 

I disagree - a frozen steak that has been frozen too long suffers in quality (it's dry and doesn't taste so good), but it doesn't lose very much in the way of calories (and if his was safe to eat before freezing, it's actually probably safe to eat and won't make you sick as long as it hasn't thawed and refrozen).  Eating a past-date tin of food might make you sick (if the can is damaged), but you'd still get about the same calories from eating it as you would have if you had eaten it before the date on it expired (note - calories and nutrition are different things).  I get that people have often asked to change the game to get rid of the Level 5 cooking perk that enables us to eat ruined cooked foods and your point is addressing that; but this suggestion really isn't about that.  It's more about trying to get things off the ground and put away more neatly.

Currently we can eat 0% cooked foods if we have cooking level 5... which means many of us keep it around lying outside on the ground just so that it doesn't disappear on us - and that means we still have to pick it up to see it's weight and condition, etc.


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Yes, this ist true. I too tend to leave heaps of bear and moose meat near the harvesting site for later consumption. This leads to another quirk, I am not happy with. Fresh meat should attract predators, that consume or ruin it.
Maybe making frozen food last longer and then storing it in a rock cache coould be a solution.

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