Greetings from the Midwest!


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Hello folks!

My name is Ed and I'm a returning TLD player from Missouri, USA.

Just started again on Steam about 2 weeks ago after being out of the loop for almost 2 years. Played on Xbox Game Pass when it was on there and bought the game through the GP discount. Put it down for a few years following the end of my 150+ day run long on Voyageur. Got busy with life and work and kids and such and fall 2023 rolled around and that itch came back. Reflecting on the game I realized I received it on Steam through the Humble Ukraine bundle a while back. Bought the DLC with some leftover funds and started totally fresh, and have fallen in love all over again. Even tried my hand at making some bannock.

Beyond that, I work at a local non-profit community action agency running the local HUD voucher program and weatherization program for the region. My wife and I have 4 kids, all adopted through our stint as foster parents. She also runs a non-profit that provides clothing, bedding, cribs, formula, and more for foster parents who receive new child placements.

Probably won't be overtly active on here but who knows? Weirder things have happened.

Thanks for having me! Enjoy this screenshot I took (and a photo of the bannock!).



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