Wind related improvements


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Can we get some wind related improvements? For one, walking into wind shouldn't slow you down as much. Anything below 60 km/h without gusts should have almost zero effect and below 40 km/h absolutely no effect. Gusts are where the player should be slowed down, unless that makes the game feel like its stuttering. The player should also slowly become used to the strong winds, maybe as a hidden skill or badge (or both). This can also be where windproofness becomes more useful as it would reduce the effects of wind, rather than just the windchill

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6 hours ago, HyperLordBender said:

That doesnt address it at all. I dont even know if that feat even works at all. Plus you cant just have all feats, so adding a feat for the issue doesnt solve anything

That feat does make a difference,I use it on every run... last time I forgot to put it on I noticed it a lot...   if you're not keen on the wind ,why don't you turn the variability down? I do..  it makes quite a bit of difference and silent blizzards are cool☺️

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53 minutes ago, James Hickok said:

Ugh, really. I hate them. They broke the game immersion for me. I would gladly play older version of the game without the update when it was not broken. I hate it that they didnt fixed it. But what can you do right? Take it or leave it it seems. 

Yes I do like them.. the only downside is that I have to keep going outside to check.. 

I'm seriously not a fan of the high pitched wind in forsaken's constant..  

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On 9/29/2023 at 5:29 PM, HyperLordBender said:

The player should also slowly become used to the strong winds, maybe as a hidden skill or badge (or both)...   ...reduce the effects of wind

...but this already exists. 

It's called the "Blizzard Walker" feat, and it reduces the effects of walking into the wind by 25%.  So, one just needs to earn their Blizzard Walker merit badge, and they get precisely what you're asking for.

As for the rest...
Personally, I think the wind mechanics work fine as is... and I don't see any real need to change them.

If we keep our pack light and pay attention to the weather, the wind slowing us down isn't really much of a problem.  Most of the time we can just alter our direction a little bit and avoid the slowdown all together, and for those times when we can't it's just really not that bad to deal with.  That is, as long as we don't try running around encumbered all the time (which is also pretty easy to do with a little bit of inventory management).  Frankly, I think that if we choose to run around encumbered, then I'd say being slowed to a crawl in the face of a gusting wind... that seems fair to me. :D 

I like that this game isn't afraid to punish the player for poor choices/mistakes.

I feel like this idea (as described) would really only serve to make life easier for the player... and I'm very rarely in favor of anything that just makes life easier for the player.  It's the same reason I'm not really looking forward to the Travois.
(so it's likely that I'll just never use it... just like the pain killers, spray paint, or any of the feats at all :D)

Edited by ManicManiac
Fixing errors
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2 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

I've recorded the lowest temperature I've ever seen there.  Sure does make you appreciate the sunny, windless days!

I'm not surprised.....    

Are there any days where that wind doesn't screech?  I've been in briefly twice but it does seem like it doesn't stop.

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15 hours ago, HyperLordBender said:

That doesnt address it at all. I dont even know if that feat even works at all. Plus you cant just have all feats, so adding a feat for the issue doesnt solve anything

Sure it does.  It doesn't solve your issue completely, but like I said, it does help.


The player should also slowly become used to the strong winds, maybe as a hidden skill or badge (or both).

This is exactly what Blizzard Walker helps to address.

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