Overly generous amount of food/spices found on Loper loot tables = need trimming down

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I've always been on the opinion that the general loot tables on the highest level, which is only Interloper (as the Custom game options for some reason do not go beyond that (with the exception of harvestable plants)) are still way too generous all over the board. There's just so much premade stuff. But with the recent updates it's nearing absolutely ridiculous levels, especially with the food menu. Excluding the rabbits and cattails (of which I could've had bunch more too if I would've bothered), this is all the food and spices I've gathered during the first 24 hours to the game with Loper loot tables. They're just from PV farmhouse, the two barns, community hall, the gas station, and 3 cars, I haven't touched any other place. The other buildings in Thomson's Crossing probably have loads of junk too when I venture into them, I also already ate some cans of pork and chocolate bars the previous day so they are not showing here. (Btw, I also found a 100% condition rabbitskin hat from the smaller barn next to the farmhouse... ... ... riiiiiight... am I playing Voyager?)

I mean, if you're playing One Region -only this loot level might be okay in terms of difficulty, but otherwise...


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I got a huge amount of canned food in just parts of DP, CH and PV. I had to drop stuff off because it became too much combined with sticks. So the basic food should definitely be toned down a bit.

The amount of the new items you need as recipe ingredients is fine though. That's finite and after it's gone you can't cook that anymore. And there isn't salt, oil and flour everywhere. You generally seem to get those in main houses like the farmstead and Thompson's Crossing. Or the Camp Office or Grey Mother's house.

Edited by Serenity
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Its fine. They usually take some preparation, other Mats and theyre finite. Once they are used, its gone. Im glad that this time we lopers have not been left out, unlike when the transmitters were released.

So what if theres more food then before? Since Acorns are available, theres also more food and coffee around then before and you dont complain about that either. If i'd make a new sandbox, the new recipes are something i would only use in the mid or lategame. Early on you find more than enough cattails to sustain yourself until you get archery, and using 500 ml water to make a 400 calorie oatmeal isnt something i would do unless i got huge supplies.

Seriously, i dont get threads like this. If you dont want to experience new things added through the totft patches, just play the time capsule. Im glad that we get more stuff as the game evolves, not being able to find any of the variants and many clothes is enough of a restriction.

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On 6/26/2023 at 1:18 PM, James Hickok said:

Apart from beachcombing which is super OP now

Yeah that's the the feature most needing rebalance for Interloper loot and Custom. Currently the only way not to get too much stuff from them is skipping em entirely, which isn't really ideal...

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