Wolves stronger since tales or am i just unlucky?

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I dont if wolves have had any buffs or if i have just been unlucky. but i have lost 5 runs recently 4 of which where due to wolves. in the 4 wolve death runs i had bear/wolf coats on as well as other good gear atleast 20% protection and these wolves (different regions normal wolves not timber) take me from full well fed health to death. yes interloper run but i turned stuggle on to low. no matter what i use it seems since tales i just die from a wolf attack. so is it just extremely bad luck? or did something change in wolves recently.

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  • 2 months later...

I have in the last couple of months started playing again. All I play is Interloper, and almost every death I have occurred has been from wolf attacks, just plain wolves. It seems they have toughened up the game a bit, I was always after a few tries able to get a good run going on Interloper, but I can't seem to get past a few days now.

I guess I need more practice.

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Ok, an update. I'm unsure if it was done intentionally, but YES Wolves are harder. 

I have 1500 hours playing the game, so I'm no beginner. As stated above, I had taken some time off and just started playing again lately. Now I have had 10 Interloper starts and have only made it so far to 18 days in any one of them, wolves have killed me every time. For most of them, when I had to beat them off, all I had was the crowbar, I understand it. But once I had a heavy hammer which chased one away, a second one finished me off. The last time was when I made 18 days, I had an improvised axe, I got the wolf off me and watched it run off toward the office in ML which is where I was headed. I went up the right side of the lake the wolf I beat off was more to the left side. Now I have never had this happen before but the same wolf attacked me again, I killed it but after the second attack I couldn't get a bandage on fast enough and bled out. It was weird because once you get a wolf bleeding and they run off they always use to stay away from you.

So I am convinced that there have been changes made to wolves.

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Maybe I'm cheesy but I use crouch a lot on interloper simply to avoid wolves. If I know I'm entering anywhere with a likely wolf patrol I crouch and crawl if I know I'm getting too close to them. It's served me well in early game interloper using stones to send them on a path away. I know I take cold damage but I trade that for not losing my run. 

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