Just a few thoughts for the wishlist.


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1. Stereo sound would be fantastic. I tend to play with my Turtle Beach headset, and it would be very nice to have stereo sound that would allow you to get a sense of direction that an attack is coming from out of the fog or a really hilly area.... As well as locating aources and landmarks like waterfalls by aural direction.

2. A file for sharpening the hatchet would be great.

3. A better cartography system that would let you place notes on the map instead of just symbols.

4. A region specific journal where a player could take notes regarding that specific region. The current note system leaves much to be desired in that it is just one enormous block of text that is difficult to navigate, even if you put breaks and headers in while typing. It all just blobs back together into one big block with no paragraph separation.

5. Map orientation always set with true cardinal directions. I understand that the xonpasses in game are useless because of the geomagnetic disturbance but, unless the earth has tilted drastically or reversed direction, the Sun should still set in the west and rise in the east. So, finding true north would not be difficult for map orientation when traveling.

6. It would be nicd to have some more varied character monologue....even more circumstance specific.. I am sorry, but when you pick up something from beside a corpse and the character says, "I hope nobody needs this anymore.", It's just like.... Is the character an utter moron?? Of course he doesn't need it anymore.... He's dead. Or, "this could be useful" when you pick up a can or box of food is....ummmmm.....well, you get the idea... Some monologue should be item or find specific in order to make more sense. And even some talking to herself/himself about life in the past would flesh out the character more and make it more fun and playable....sort of like how we all talk to ourselves when we are alone......especially when we are working on something.

Just a few thoughts.

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2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

1. Stereo sound would be fantastic. I tend to play with my Turtle Beach headset, and it would be very nice to have stereo sound that would allow you to get a sense of direction that an attack is coming from out of the fog or a really hilly area.... As well as locating aources and landmarks like waterfalls by aural direction.

I'm not sure why you're not getting stereo sound, I get it without having to do anything. It's definitely part of the game, so maybe check your setup?

I offer as evidence one of my favourite clips from Wonz:

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2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

1. Stereo sound

The game has stereoscopic sound natively.  

2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

2. A file for sharpening the hatchet

 Whetstones are already in the game and answers for this purpose.

2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

4. A region specific journal

I think it's easy enough for us to just organize our journal notes by region if we want to... 

2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

5. Map orientation

Not really possible at the moment.  Each region's "solar path"/"Day Arc" is not consistent from region to region (at least not compared to the overworld map of Great Bear Island).  Best I can figure, for the purposes of navigation... the day arc is only locally significant from region to region.  I once tried to suss out which way was north in each region and quickly found that they are rather different and definitely do not line up with how regions are oriented in our "overworld" map.   I imagine that would be quite a chore to correct. 

2 hours ago, SpiritForge7 said:

6. more varied character monologue

I think there's a fair amount of redundant dialogue recorded already.  Sure, there could always be more... but usually each recording session requires paying actors more; given that I'm happy with the amount of dialogue variance.  Yes, given a long enough timeline we hear the same things over and over... by there's really not a practical way to make that dialogue dynamic or update it with new recording often enough to remedy what you seem to be referring too.   As for the character pointing out the obvious... I'd posit that's what that dialogue is there to do. :D 

To be clear... 
Because often when I offer points of discussion on the wishlist subforum, folks make assumptions.
I'm just offering my thoughts and for some pointing out there are similar things that are already available in the game... or why it's been discussed so very often over the years and why it seems to be the way it is.

Not being negative... nor trying to shutdown anyone's ideas... Just sharing my thoughts.


Edited by ManicManiac
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I think the problem with the movement of the sun in the sky in any particular region compared to how the regions have been laid out on the world map would be related to past history of how those regions were originally introduced into the game map.  When Hinterland started arranging them in accordance with their updated world map they found that original assumptions about the movement of the sun may not be consistent with how the region had to be oriented to fit into its assigned place.  They did try to fix that but  did not always succeed. 

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