...Memory Lane...


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I got my things sorted and stowed, and peeked outside to see if the way was clear.

Since I'd taken the side paths coming in... I decided to keep to the mainline on the way out.

However, this quickly proved a bit problematic.  I spotted two wolves prowling just ahead.  Thankfully, they soon were both occupied with nearby rabbits.

And then... a fog rolled in. 😒
I'd have to proceed with much caution.
Thankfully the rest of the way was clear.

As I returned to Forlorn Muskeg, I was struck by how eerily quiet it was.  The air was still and visibility somewhat limited.  I could faintly hear wolves prowling along the hillside from a surprising distance, but given the fog... I took this as somewhat of a kindness and proceeded onward along the tracks.
By the time I'd gotten to the "center" of the railway through the muskeg... I spotted more wolves ahead.  This wasn't so bothersome, however.  If memory served, this would be about the spot to head off to the left for the mouth of Hat Creek.   ...at least I hoped.

As I made my way across the muskeg, I came upon some thin ice.  I couldn't make out enough of the way ahead to be sure I was still headed where I thought I was.
Eventually I decided to make a break for it, and sprint across the risky ice.
Having made it across... I thought for sure I could make out the mouth of Hat Creek. 

And then the weather started to take a turn.  Great, now it's fogy and snowing too. 😒
Nothing to be done about it but to press on ahead.
Sure enough, I had found my way back to the mouth of Hat Creek.  The rest of the way would relatively easy going.


I'd made it up the two short climbs that would lead me onward to Milton Basin.
However, when I got to the top...
The weather had taken another turn for the worse.  The snow was coming down heavy, and the wind kicking up.  I felt like it was threatening a blizzard.  I stood there a moment considering what to do.  Ultimately, I decided to head back down and try taking a nap in the nearby cave.

I'd had a lot of coffee along the way, so I could only nap for an hour or two... but that seemed to be enough.
Rather than a blizzard, thankfully the weather cleared.

Onward to Milton Basin...

This was precisely the reason I'd wanted to get here early in the morning.  The basin has a lot of ground to cover, and I decided I'd rather explore it all before heading up the cliff.  Though to be fair, there is a possibility that I the ropes I'd need may not be in place. 🤔  Moving onward.

I decided to head to the right and make the long loop around.
Such a gorgeous morning... bitterly cold though. 🤭

I stopped off at the cave to warm up for a little while, but I was nowhere near tired enough to nap.  So I just sat a while and dropped off a few things for myself in the future.  Future me usually very much appreciates it when I leave some emergency supplies behind. 🤭

I spent far too much time following around this rabbit to get this snapshot. :D 

Hmm... there's a moose down there.  Good to know.

This spot served me two purposes.  Checking out the trunk, yes... but also checking to see if both ropes where there for the climb up.  Fortune smiles... both ropes are there, and I won't have to take the long way around. :D 

Interesting... I don't think I've ever found a flare gun in a place like this before.



See now this is why I like checking these out of the way nooks...

I spent far too much time creeping closer to get these snapshots of the moose. :D 

I gathered up what I could find near and around the Hermit's Cabin, and once again left behind a few things I really didn't need to be trying to haul up the cliff.  You're welcome, future me... I hope it saves your life.

I checked this little out of the way spot... but didn't find anything of note.

Now was the time.  By now I was a bit tired and most of the day was gone.  I slugged down a Go! Energy drink had stared up the rope.
I did peek in the cave there on the shelf... but I didn't really care about it.  I had another rope to try and climb before the energy drink wore off.

Much to my delight, I was able to power my way up the second climb without stopping for rest (or slugging another energy drink).

And there it is Mountain Town proper.
Rather than heading to the Paradise Meadows Farm or the Town of Milton right away... I decided to head and check some of the out of the way spots leading up to Milton Park.  I think I'd rather setup my primary encampment there at the Park Office.

When they said we'd find Oak Trees on Great Bear Island this year... I didn't think there'd be so many. :D 

And finally, my new home (at least for next handful of days).
I spent the remainder of the day getting situated and gathering sicks (never know when the weather will take another turn).

While gathering, I decided I'd check out the rest of the park and climbing area.
Nice, I'll just add this to my toolset for this region.
"Hello!  I'm here to sign the park regist... oh." 😞 

As I got settled in, the weather was indeed taking a turn for the worse.  No matter... I have enough sticks for a fire, if need be.

Perhaps tomorrow, I deal with the climbs... though I suppose I could save those for the route out.  I may have to think about it more in the morning. 🤔

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Usually, I don't need them and generally don't ever use them, but since I'm working on my "Stright to the Heart" merit badge, and I'd stayed up all night due to coffee...  I thought it would be better to make maximum use of the day and get up the ropes so I could get set up before the next nightfall. 


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20 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I thought I was the only one who just stood and watched the bunnies

Not at all.  When I get the chance... I'll take time to track and observe just about every sort of animal on Great Bear Island.  

For example, watching a pack Timberwolves is very helpful for getting an idea of how much territory they are roaming that day.  Following bears gives us a good idea of the route they will most frequent and tracking them when they are on their rarer routes helps ensure you don't get snuck up on in the future.  😉

Taking the time to study the wildlife is what has most helped me hone my evade and avoid strategies.


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Makes sense..  there's not much reason to avoid on pilgrim though. 😁.   And it's not dangerous to spend so much time outside.  

But it does give me licence to stop and enjoy the views more.  

Bunnies I just like watching 💗😊

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18 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

there's not much reason to avoid on pilgrim though.

no... I suppose not.  However, it still allows you to safely get to know the wildlife, and that knowledge is very useful in virtually every other situation (i.e. Voyager, Stalker, and Interloper...or any custom with hostile animals in play).


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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

no... I suppose not.  However, it still allows you to safely get to know the wildlife, and that knowledge is very useful in virtually every other situation (i.e. Voyager, Stalker, and Interloper...or any custom with hostile animals in play).


Well I'm finding the wildlife on loper in different places than pilgrim...  Odd or not I don't know.

But it's a good idea to know your enemy ...thank you😊

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I have decided I'd save the Climbing Area for the route out.
Today though, I think I'll make for the road out of town, the wood lots, the Orca Gas Station... and maybe back to the Paradise Meadows Farm.

I think I'll save Milton proper for its own day.

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Timecop1983 - On the Run

I got things situated and started on the day's route...

I decided to head back to the Park Office to drop off what I'd managed to gather up so far, before continuing on to Paradise Meadows.


As I entered the barn, I heard a bark outside...
We wolf spotted me, and tried to stand its ground... defending its meal.  However, I decided to use a stone to run it off.  That rabbit will make a nice meal tomorrow (though I really don't need it, but I'll take advantage of the opportunity).

All-in-all a nice set up here.  Two cooking pots found... I may stay here an extra day to build up a good water supply.  I'd found two packages of Water Purification tablets, so that will speed things along.  The rabbit I snatched from the wolf will mean I won't be at a loss for a day's meal by staying an extra day either.

And a nice warm bed for the night... what a good day. :D 


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Perhaps not an exciting day... but some well-earned rest, I think.
I did indeed spend the day bolstering my water supply.  Thanks to the rabbit I'd snatched from the wolf the other day, I wouldn't even be out a day's ration.

I spent the morning out gathering sticks (not about to waste axe condition on firewood... there's usually sticks a-plenty).
Hmm, I don't really need it right now, but... duly noted. 🤭

One has to remember to make the most of a sunny day on Great Bear Island.

The smell of that rabbit is phenomenal. ☺️

Tricky fish... 😏
If it hadn't occurred to me try and stand on top of a small plastic container (there next to the garbage can - otherwise obstructing my view inside)... I would never have been able to spot this precious little gift.  I'm definitely staying over for the night again now. 

I can scarcely remember feeling this warm, comfortable, and safe... 
I have a pack heavy with food and supplies... the whole house is so warm and cozy (even had to take most of my gear off it was so warm).

That evening I just sat out on the porch watching the snow, and filling my stomach with Rabbit, Coho Salmon, and Grape Soda. 🤭 What a nice sort of day.


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Not sure what the next route should be... 🤔
In either case, I'll want to bring some of the gear and supplies back to the Park Office.
However, after that... I'm not sure if I should forgo Milton proper and move on to St. Christopher's Church and start making my way around the long way?   ...or do I just hit Milton now before moving on through the region? 🤔


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I started out fairly early the next morning but was able to make back to the Park Office to sort and stow before too much of the morning slipped away.

Also made my first sighting of Ptarmigans.  They are safe though, I'm not hunting... 😐 ...for now. 

After I quickly dropped off my gear and supplies... I that decision to make.  Ultimately, I've decided to leave Milton untouched until I've explored the rest of the region.  So, it was onward to St. Christopher's Church.
This little bridge between Milton and Paradise Meadows is a great place to hunker down and take shelter from a blizzard.  There's room enough for a shielded campfire under there.

A hunting knife and revolver ammo in this pulpit... I dread to think of what kind of sermon they last held here. 😖

It's dangerous today... but I can't come by here and not visit Lily's grave... I just can't.
And that's when the blizzard hit.

Rather than take shelter in the Church (I was not about to stay there), I pushed on ahead and kept close to the ridgeline to find this trailer further up the hill.

I suppose I could have pressed on across the road to the nearby cave... but this was good enough progress for one day (given the weather).  Tomorrow, I'll head for the Spruce Falls Bridge.

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