Could we get a hole for fishing on Monolith Lake? - not a hut, just a hole in the ice


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I would expect that the implementation would not be so barren but by the same token drilling a hole in the ice just anywhere should not mean FISH just like putting a snare just anywhere does not mean rabbit for dinner.  

I suppose that some hints that might be included in the description of the "hole in the ice" mechanic would include a reasonable distance downstream from waterfalls (i.e. out of splash range).  Near stream inflow and outflow locations on ice-covered lakes and maybe marshes.  Like a lot of things I would guess that experience will give a good idea of where to do it.  

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On 10/1/2019 at 4:54 PM, ManicManiac said:

If they did this I think it would disrupt the balance they've achieved across the many regions.  Sure it might be super convenient for players, but I'm not interested in things that are convenient for the player.  I'd rather see the balance maintained.  I love that no matter where I am, there is always some feature that I would need to go to another region to make use of.

So far as I know, no single region contains all major features, it's always a nice mixture of most... and I love that even the locations considered "really good" are always at least one thing shy of being the "perfect place."  I think this variety is what keeps the game interesting, every place has it's merits... every place has it's drawbacks.  So it then it relies on personal strategy and player choice when it comes time to find those areas we want to set things up in (because we have to consider the pros and cons or each location, as well as how we tend to play to make that decision).

I think if we had one place that had everything (and was therefore obviously more advantageous than all the others)... then the majority of players would naturally gravitate towards that location because there would exist a convenient "one stop shop."  If that happened, I think an important part of the identity of the game would be lost.

To me the idea of being able to chop a hole in the ice and fish where we please, could easily skew some of the careful balance of how each region is set up.  I'm fine with only be able to ice fish in certain locations.


Edited by ManicManiac
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On 9/8/2022 at 2:31 PM, piddy3825 said:

and wouldn't that just be a subtle slap in the face?  We finally get a fishing hole update complete with craftable tools.  All the players rejoice and everyone sets out to gather materials and craft their ice auger.  Only to later realize, none of the holes they've drilled all over the map yield any fish...

It seems that wouldn’t be the Dev’s style to do that…. More likely a percentage based chance as with any other fishing location.  Chances go up based on fishing skill advancement.  

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1 hour ago, Semple Fi said:

It seems that wouldn’t be the Dev’s style to do that…. More likely a percentage based chance as with any other fishing location.  Chances go up based on fishing skill advancement.  

I was just being facetious.
However, I'd figure that there would have to be some sort of algorythm that would be associated with production.  However, just because a player could now punch a hole thru the ice anywhere they wanted to, shouldn't necessarily mean that they would actually catch a fish, right?

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Not much point for weak ice only affects characters not animals.  

Besides, if the ice around the hole chopped or drilled into the ice turns into weak ice what would keep the character from falling in?  

Since the addition of Blackrock Mountain introduced open, flowing water, those locations should have some fishing potential.  The two open water breaks in the ice in Keeper's Pass South (even though it has an ice fishing hut) could have been a possible fishing location.  The river in Blackrock seems a bit swift for fishing but locations of eddies and such would give opportunities to test out an alternative to ice fishing. Given the semi arbitrary nature of these breaks the effective skill at fishing might be stepped down a level or two (as the price for using these kinds of locations). 

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13 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

I was just being facetious.
However, I'd figure that there would have to be some sort of algorythm that would be associated with production.  However, just because a player could now punch a hole thru the ice anywhere they wanted to, shouldn't necessarily mean that they would actually catch a fish, right?

My bad 😅

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9 hours ago, Omnijack said:

I don’t think we need to be able to drill into ice; I’m concerned it’d unbalance regions if we can fish anywhere.

Just because you can drill holes anywhere doesn't mean you can catch fish everywhere. If it was up to me, I'd have some places with a 0% chance of catching anything. It could be a sliding scale. Now you'd have to question whether it's worth the resources to drill a hole at all.


FWIW a place like Monolith Lake (tightly packed between 2 large waterfalls) would have 0 fish, unless it was stocked. At least, that's my experience with mountain lakes here in BC.

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