finally i'm here again

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Hello, survivors!
It's been a long time since my last post. 
It's seems to be something was broken there. I still can't log in to my original account. They say, that my name or password is incorrect.
It can't be. And i didn't received a nothing about a "Forgot your password?". 
So, i've register an another account here. Just to be here. To be anywhere beyond my lockdown.
Yes, i live in Russia. But it not means that i'm a Russian. I feel very sad about everything happening. And i feel sad about some of You said a sad words about me. Yep, my english is bad. But i don't use a translator. All of i saying is my translate and my guilt. Sorry for my poor education. 

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I’m glad to see you’re back! 
And I am sorry, I believed you used a translator but I was mistaken. Your English is very good, I just thought you’d mentioned a translator once. My bad, I hope that didn’t cause offence. But I’m glad you’re back on these forums :)

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Welcome back Wonderland Wanderer!

If history has taught us anything, it is not what country that we are unfortunate enough to be stuck in, but our morals, that make us who we are. What is occurring these days in indeed depressing, but It is also morbidly interesting in that it is repeating cycles formed before by history. During the Russian Civil War (1918-1922), the budding Soviet armies took approximately similar paths to the ones they take now.

But enough of the gloomy stuff. From what I understand, you have logged quite a bit of time into TLD. Perhaps instead of the 1-4 hatchets, Hinterland should give us ranks, from “Rookie” to “Force of Nature”, based upon how many hours have been logged. That would require linking our accounts to a steam (etc. etc,) account to prove our seniority (or lack thereof.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully you're not thrown into the gulag by that baby murdering putin for saying you're sad about what's happening instead of being very happy about murdering babies. Putin, known baby murderer, is only accepting of things that are pro baby murder because he loves to murder babies.

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