Naked pilgrim challenge


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26 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Pleasant valley has frequent blizzards but the worst ones are at DP and TWM

I hardly ever see them in Desolation.. luckily most of mine in TWM are night time.  If anywhere going to finish me off though it'd probably be keepers pass north! 

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12 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I hardly ever see them in Desolation.. luckily most of mine in TWM are night time.  If anywhere going to finish me off though it'd probably be keepers pass north! 

I've greatly enjoyed reading your adventures, considering writing my own but they wouldn't be half as interesting, lol! 

I have a question though, in PV do blizzards last longer than normal? I play stalker and the longest I've seen was a day, but I've heard they can go on for weeks, is that just the highest difficulty, or am. I lucky? 

Just asking because you mentioned how PV has longer blizzards, I've always wanted to experience a 'mother blizzard', though I bet it takes a toll on supplies! 


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1 hour ago, Catlover said:

I've greatly enjoyed reading your adventures, considering writing my own but they wouldn't be half as interesting, lol! 

I have a question though, in PV do blizzards last longer than normal? I play stalker and the longest I've seen was a day, but I've heard they can go on for weeks, is that just the highest difficulty, or am. I lucky? 

Just asking because you mentioned how PV has longer blizzards, I've always wanted to experience a 'mother blizzard', though I bet it takes a toll on supplies! 


Thank you. But if you do write your own, which I hope you do, I'm sure it'd  be great👍🙂  

Not sure if they are much longer,maybe 12-14 hours but they have a habit of being back to back!  

I've just got back to PV and in 2 days there have been 4 , 2 of which were all day ones!  

Certainly doesn't help with supplies! But the main thing is boredom with me!  You can only read and chop wood for so long before it loses its appeal!🙂

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I left miners folly early next morning stopping only to pick up my gear I'd left in the cabin. I had a bit of trouble finding the exit though because the fog was rather thick, but not as thick as it was in TWM!!  I headed down to echo cave and made camp there until the fog had lifted enough and made my way back to the hut! I checked for the moose too but still no luck!  I haven't seen one since mystery lake despite all the rubbings!  I want the moose sack and bedroll before I attempt the summit! I waited for several days but the cold weather and disappearing wood made it awkward to stay warm! So I decided to leave and get back to the farm so I can make the bear roll!  

Needless to say by the time I got to the barn the first blizzard hit ,it lasted  until early next morning! I boiled some water for an hour but another blizzard started and I was stuck inside for another 10 hours! as soon as it stopped I headed out even though it was getting dark! The snow was still thick so I made my way to the farm ,I got there just in time ! Yes ,another blizzard! I sorted out my gear and read for several hours then went to bed!  I woke to thick snow and -25c so I went to the basement and got a start on my bear roll! As soon as I started it I could hear the blizzard . 🙂 I spent the night down there and woke early to finish the roll !  By the time I'd finished I was low on supplies so went outside to see if anything was around! Surprisingly I saw the bear near the small barn,not sure why it respawned so quickly but it's very good timing!  I took several shots from the porch until it ran off! Then I went to check for blood splats to make sure I'd hit it! I had so I thought I'd leave it to bleed out. Just as well really because the wind and snow got faster and I can guess that yet again it's going to turn into a blizzard!  I'm now getting ready to book up some water and smashing up the wood in the basement ready for when I can harvest the bear! It'd be nice to see some blue skies for a change but this is pleasant valley!🙂

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It did indeed turn in to a  blizzard but a short one this time! I gathered up some of the wood and  made my way across the field. I managed to get about a third of the meat before a blizzard started.  I took a slight wrong turn but luckily spotted the car . I'd been going in the wrong direction which could've been fatal! 

Have the settings for pilgrim been tweaked a bit?  The weather seems much harsher than before! 

After sleeping for the night I cooked up all the meat I had and headed out to the bear but it had gone.  The fire was still there but nothing else!  I've lost a spare hide and lots of meat!   I was getting fed up with the weather too so thought I'd head to mystery lake and try for the moose again. As soon as I got to the dam trailer however another blizzard turned up! So I was forced to stay there all night! I woke up to another one too so passed time reading until it stopped!  Late afternoon it was finally quiet enough for me to leave so headed to the camp office to drop some supplies off!  I was nearly frozen to death by the time I got there. I unloaded my things ,only then remembering that I had the bear roll!🙂   I hadn't really had cause to use it yet but it does explain me being heavier than I though I should've been!   

The next morning I finally saw blue skies, however it was very windy and bitterly cold!  So I headed to the isolated cabin ,checking for the trappers moose on the way,but no luck!    I finally got to the cabin ,half freezing and nearly exhausted from walking into the wind.  I rested quickly and came out to snow  but at least the moose was there! 

I took a few shots but it ran off, I had to keep nipping inside to warm up while I waited for it to come back. After the third shot I came back out to make a fire so I wouldn't have to keep  going in and out but as soon as I did ,another blizzard blew up . I presume the moose despawned as I couldn't see it any more. I'm now stuck inside again with only a book to read . At least I'm not completely alone ,the man in the corner is a quiet sort but still his presence is very comforting!🙂



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I spent half the morning waiting for the moose to come back but after 4 days and lots of bad weather later I decided to head to Broken Railroad to check there. I got through most of forlorn before I noticed I was exhausted so spent a few days at the farmstead ,where all I found were two hammers and two hacksaws. There was the usual dog food but they were in too poor condition for me so I left them! 

I made my way through to the maintenance shed in thick fog . It was only then that I finally saw an animal,the first in over three days!  I've looted the shed and been stuck in there for two days  due to blizzards again! It's a good job there's plenty of wood inside as it was -3,c in the shed. Pity I couldn't wear any of the very good clothes I found🙂 

I left the shed to blue skies and a lovely -4c temperature ,the best I've had so far! I just got to the lodge checking for rubbings but sadly none! 6 maps and only one moose sighting means I either need to go to bleak or try mountain town next! It's more likely in bleak but the weather can be brutal there! 

I'm now resting up for the night in balmy +6c  before looting the place at first light! Then it's just a matter of deciding where to go next!🙂

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19 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

BR  is handsdown best region best weather best hunting and best stim appearances even really good loot just need an ammo bench in the maintenance shed

I like it too, just wish it wasn't at the end of the map! Maybe if it was joined to mountain town it'd be more popular?🤔🙂  

Talking of Mountain town I seem to get the best weather there usually! More blue skies and a lot less blizzards than anywhere else .

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I looted the lodge very early next morning finding little food but lots of ammo and both rifle and revolver.  No rabbits or wolves up there either! I've heard a lot of howling since I got to broken railroad but only seen one wolf! 

I made my way back to the shed via the rickety bridge and found several corpses. Sadly no food but plenty of feathers!  I dumped some of my load at the shed and headed to the blind  but the weather was a bitterly cold -25c so couldn't stay outside long!  I noticed the bear so took a few shots,again it didn't do anything with the first three and I'm pretty sure I hit him. It ran away on the fourth shot . Oddly I found a deer  on the lake that wasn't there a few minutes earlier and I'd heard nothing either! I made a quick fire and started harvesting it. But the wind started picking up and I had to leave it!  I got enough to last a few days though ,so I hope the weather gets better so I can get the bear before I leave!   

While in the shed I thought I'd make some arrowheads to pass time . It seemed to need more coal than usual so I'm wondering if it's a change from the update or just because it's colder than before?  By the time I'd finished it was late so made use of the bear roll. I've been making fires until now to try and save wear and tear on it. Chopping wood all the time can get very boring and most of the crates inside are already gone. I did find a few useful thing's in some of them though! 

I woke up to high winds and when I went in to the outer part the temperature was -29c so I made  a hasty retreat back inside! Even if the bear is dead I can't do anything in that weather and I can't read either unless I make yet another fire. So I'm passing time until the wind dies down. Hopefully it won't be too long ,and I still haven't been down the ravine yet so that's next on the list !  

It's certainly helping me with the fire badge though, it's gone up 4% since I started this run ,and I'm only about 50 days into it!🙂

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Since in Pilgrim, the world doesn't get colder, I don't see this as a big challenge.

I will try this in Voyager - the world does get colder, so it's more of a race against the clock to get things crafted. It will only get real challenging once the max temp drop is reached. 


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2 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

Since in Pilgrim, the world doesn't get colder, I don't see this as a big challenge.

I will try this in Voyager - the world does get colder, so it's more of a race against the clock to get things crafted. It will only get real challenging once the max temp drop is reached. 


Well it's not a big one no but as I said I wanted to see if it was possible . I have nearly died twice due to cold before and that was fully clothed with the bear roll! 

I hope you do well on your attempt.

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I just googled the temperature drops for different modes.


Interloper has a temp drop of 20C that increases linearly between day 5 and 50 (so 0.44C drop a day between those times)

Stalker has a temp drop of 15C between day 20 and 200 (0.0833C a day)

Voyageur has a temp drop of 10C between day 25 (I think, not sure) and 200, so about 0.057C a day.

If I read this correctly, Voyager doesn't even reach Stalker or Interloper temperatures.

One should be able to live indefinitely just on crafted clothing.


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3 minutes ago, turtle777 said:

I just googled the temperature drops for different modes.

If I read this correctly, Voyager doesn't even reach Stalker or Interloper temperatures.

One should be able to live indefinitely just on crafted clothing.


I see that but I'm not wearing any clothes except boots! The only reason I have them is so I can use crampons.  

I don't play above pilgrim  so it is still a challenge for me. 

I still wish you luck though if you try it yourself ,whichever level you choose.

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I had to stay in the shed for a while until it warmed up enough. I headed out to look for the bear and found him wandering around  so I suppose I hadn't shot it in the right place. I headed down to the ravine and quickly looted the box,leaving the loot from the corpse and the carcasses.  I decided to head to bleak after making a detour to the camp office! I was freezing by the time I got to the carriage in forlorn though so had to make a quick fire to warm up and make a herbal tea. It was too windy for torches so I needed the heat buff . I got to the camo office just as it sore off, I sorted my gear out and spent a few hours cooking until bed!  I got a late start next morning though as it was too windy and cold . I noticed rubbings near the cave exit to bleak but there was no moose . This is the only time I've seen any animal in forlorn and it was just the wolf who hangs around the cave. 

I thought the man in the cave would be there after the update  but there was nothing except a few pieces of coal. Very valuable on this run though . It was on the verge of a blizzard when I got there but I saw the moose so took a couple of shots! He ran off though and I didn't want to chase him in that weather! I spent a few hours in the cave and came back out to a slightly better temperature and the wind had slowed down a little bit! So I got onto the small rocks on the incline and took another shot at it. It came running towards me so I took another two shots! He went down by the side of the rock and luckily it was sheltered so I made a fire. I got the hide first then cooked a couple of pieces of meat while I got some guts. Then out of nowhere a blizzard blew up and I had to run back to the cave! . I spent the night in there and finished cooking the meat up  and getting some torches too! 

I woke early  and despite the fog I decided to make my way to the cannery ,stopping at the cave on the way for a quick rest.  The fog had lifted by then but it was bitterly cold and windy , I was overburdened so it took some time to get to the cannery!  There were two Timberwolves there and I took a shot at one. It started running but got stuck so I took another shot! It should have died after two shots but it eventually ran off. Odd though as when I took the second shot I saw the blood but when I checked the ground there was no blood there!  

I'm now in the trailer sorting things out and having a quick rest before heading out to see what I can find! Plenty of feathers judging by how many crows there are!🙂

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As it turned out there were several corpses but no feathers! . I looted the rest of the cannery and had a few hours sleep. As night fell I made my way over to the workshop noticing that there were still the same number of wolves around.  I seem to have immortal animals on this run?  Id just made a fire in the barrel when the aurora started, but went inside anyway. I was hoping to see my little friend but sadly he wasn't there. I looted the place and fixed up my rifle then slept until late morning.  

I left some of my gear in the trailer and headed over the bridge. It's the only area so far that I've noticed the extreme difference between actual temperature and 'feels like" temp.  I was nearly frozen by the time I got to the cabins so had a quick sleep before I checked the place out!  I did find an mre which was lucky as food is running low. I headed over to the lighthouse to get the flares and checked the fishing hut on the way back.  Nothing there at all surprisingly. Torches are almost impossible to use in bleak ,the wind is just constantly strong so I'm freezing a lot faster than I'd like. I ducked into the cabin again to warm up and went outside to see if the bear was around. I saw it walking my way  but still a fair distance away ,so took the risk of passing time . I was starting to lose life by the time it was within decent range but I took the shot . He ran off so I took another one hoping it'd bring him down but it disappeared round the hill.  I spent the rest of the day reading and sorting my things out until bed time. I had a brief look for the bear but saw nothing ,it hadn't registered on the kills yet either. 

Next morning I went outside to see if it was wandering around still but nothing so I checked the log . It had died ,so I've been running around trying to find it's carcass . There's no sign of it and no crows anywhere either so unless it's gone a lot further away than usual  then I might have a bug of some sort.   I'll just have to keep looking 🙂

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I didn't get very far this morning. I found the bear though but as it was too windy for a fire I couldn't get much meat from it!  I made my way up to the cabin hoping to warm up while  I looked round. But it was minus temperature in there so slept in the bed for an hour. I'm not finding much food that's in good condition or medicines.  I made my way up to the secret path only to find the photo and a chocolate bar.  Again I had to make a fire to warm up  and make some herbal tea. It's a good job there is plenty in bleak as it's the only way to get heat outside.  I was out of painkillers too and haven't found any rosehips in bleak except one bush near the exit?🤔

I got back to the cannery trailer just as the heat buff wore off!  The hide still had a long way to go so I decided to head back to mystery lake .  I went through the secret path and goated down as it was more sheltered than the usual way!  I saw no animals at all from bleak to the camp office. It's a good job I have food stashed there. 

I've left the hide and guts curing and am now wondering if I should stay for a while or check out mountain town while I wait for the hide to be done? But first I have to wait out the blizzard that's just started.🙂

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My apologies for not posting  but haven't been well enough to play much . All I have managed to do is loot mountain town. I was right about the weather though,in 6 days the average temperature has been around  -5c. 

Much warmer than anywhere else it seems even during the blizzard! 

And it's the only place where I've noticed that the feels like is warmer than it actually is.  Not quite sure why some houses although identical have different temperatures?   

It seems that my usual no animals anywhere hasn't changed either! I saw or heard none until day 4 ,and that was the bear on the bridge. Sadly no moose or rubbings either. I've headed back towards PV via the camp office so I could finally craft the moose sack!  I think the only places that are going to prove challenging are going to be keepers pass north and BlackRock so I'm going to head there after I stock up on food and fire supplies.

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I left the dam during a blizzard, accidentally of course. I couldn't hear it so presumed it'd stopped. I had a quick sleep in the cave hoping it would pass but it didn't. I made my way through the cave expecting it to be the same in PV but it wasn't.  It was slow going though as it was very windy and I got to the farm tired and freezing.  I sorted out my gear ,read for a few hours and went to bed.  It was thick heavy snow and very cold next morning but I decided to leave anyway as I didn't want to get stuck in PV for days.  I got to the exit just as a blizzard started so thought I might be luckier with the weather in Keepers south but as soon as I got there I was in the middle of an almighty one.  I ran all the way to the trailer and got inside  just as my life bar started to go down. Luckily it was a balmy +1 inside so I read for a while to warm up. 

Sadly the blizzard was a long one and I was forced to stay there all night. I left early next morning  to high winds and a few flakes of snow .  Apart from 2 wolves near PV farm the only animal I've seen is the one lone wolf near the cave to Keepers north.  When I got to Keepers north I was hoping to get a rabbit or two but there were none and no wolves near the exit either.  The only animal I saw was a deer carcass near the house ,but it was in bad condition and I'm not level 5 cooking yet so had to leave it!  I got to BlackRock tired,cold and hungry but pushed on to the prison . Finally there were animals around. Lots of wolves and rabbits at the barn with the car. I had to push on though as the weather was turning and I didn't want to waste coal unless I was desperate.. 

I've just arrived at the prison and spent the night in the infirmary in +6c luxury!  I doubt I'm going to find anywhere else that warm so I'm making the most of it while I can! Food isn't going to be a problem either as there are wolves and rabbits in the compound!  Are the rabbits a new addition at the prison as I've never had them there before? 

Pity I can't use them for a hat though as I think it might've helped a little!🙂

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I did a "naked" Voyager challenge. Only shoes allowed in the beginning, and later, only crafted clothing.

Spawned in CH, and never left. After 48 days, I maxed out crafted clothing. I never left CH. It's a big and plentiful region.

Temperature wise, it never was a challenge. After playing Interloper for so long, this was a walk in the park.

I'm drowning in matches, have three hatchets, two knives and a rifle. The only obstacle do surviving indefinitely solely in CH is limited rifle ammo, and no ability to forge. In my run, I could probably go for at least 300-400 days before things would get iffy. The only actual issue is getting wolf and bear hides for coats. That's what I would need ammo for. Everything else can be done w/o weapons. Chase deer into wolves to get meat, and trap for rabbits.

It was a fun challenge. I might try the same on Stalker. This would ratchet things up significantly.

Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 22.03.08.jpg

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4 hours ago, turtle777 said:

I did a "naked" Voyager challenge. Only shoes allowed in the beginning, and later, only crafted clothing.

Spawned in CH, and never left. After 48 days, I maxed out crafted clothing. I never left CH. It's a big and plentiful region.

Temperature wise, it never was a challenge. After playing Interloper for so long, this was a walk in the park.

I'm drowning in matches, have three hatchets, two knives and a rifle. The only obstacle do surviving indefinitely solely in CH is limited rifle ammo, and no ability to forge. In my run, I could probably go for at least 300-400 days before things would get iffy. The only actual issue is getting wolf and bear hides for coats. That's what I would need ammo for. Everything else can be done w/o weapons. Chase deer into wolves to get meat, and trap for rabbits.

It was a fun challenge. I might try the same on Stalker. This would ratchet things up significantly.

Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 22.03.08.jpg

Glad you enjoyed your challenge. I can understand why you found it easy if you're an interloper player though. 

I'm strictly a pilgrim player so there's a lot to learn for me,which is why it's a challenge from my pov.. 

I must remind you though that I only have boots and no clothes at all, not even crafted ones!

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I  spent half of this morning looting  most of the prison while it was bad weather. I didn't go to the interior as there's only the vest down there anyway. I'm already overburdened 🙂

When it calmed down a bit I set out with no clear direction in mind. I thought I'd follow the road towards the mine but took a slight detour and ended up at the cabin on the lake. It was surprisingly warm in there so chopped up some wood so I could make a fire for torches later. But the weather had other ideas as a blizzard blew up and lasted til early next morning. There were no moose or rubbings here or near the prison either. I did check the temperature during the blizzard and it varied between -4 and  -24c .that's a big drop and even with the bear roll I needed a fire.  

I spent the rest of my time wandering around and getting lost . I went past Cooks farm several times ,stopping there once as the temperature was -37c, that was the coldest so far . There's been no sun since I got to the prison and the wind has been constant. Half of the time too windy for torches or outdoor fires so it's been difficult to keep from freezing.  

I found several caves, including the bears home , the same bridge twice and I've found foreman's retreat and gone in three big circles only to end up back there . So I'm now stuck in the trailer , exhausted and cold with little food left,but at least there's a wolf nearby killing the deer for me so I shouldn't have too much problem with food .🙂

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I am so impressed at how long you've managed to keep your character alive! Well done -- Kudos!

I still get lost in Blackrock, even though I have spent many days there -- I did manage to get all the side quests in my story do-over, but the map is a bit different in Survival.

The most difficult area for me is the hilly section around Cook's Farm, Foreman's Clearing (trailer) and Bricklayers Retreat/Pond (oh! How I WISH there was a little fishing hut there) -- it goes over towards the side road/archway in one direction and to the little Whistling Perch hunter's blind and mine road the other way. I get turned around there all the time. esp. in poor visibility. Yesterday I managed to fall down a hillside that looked perfectly manageable (2 sprains, yay!).

Continued Good Luck, hope you are feeling better.


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10 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

I am so impressed at how long you've managed to keep your character alive! Well done -- Kudos!

I still get lost in Blackrock, even though I have spent many days there -- I did manage to get all the side quests in my story do-over, but the map is a bit different in Survival.

The most difficult area for me is the hilly section around Cook's Farm, Foreman's Clearing (trailer) and Bricklayers Retreat/Pond (oh! How I WISH there was a little fishing hut there) -- it goes over towards the side road/archway in one direction and to the little Whistling Perch hunter's blind and mine road the other way. I get turned around there all the time. esp. in poor visibility. Yesterday I managed to fall down a hillside that looked perfectly manageable (2 sprains, yay!).

Continued Good Luck, hope you are feeling better.


Thanks, not sure how long I'm going to last here though🙂 I don't know the place at all ,I did do the story but only the main part ,still can't remember half of that either!  What blind?🙂.  

Yay to sprains?First time I've heard that🙂. Still at least you're alive.. 

Hope you  do well with the run... .

Yes I am feeling better 🙂. And thank you.. 

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

Thanks, not sure how long I'm going to last here though🙂 I don't know the place at all ,I did do the story but only the main part ,still can't remember half of that either!  What blind?🙂🙂


There's a hunter's blind off to the left when you're going up the main "road" that leads towards the mine bridge (which is broken in Survival) from the Bricklayer's pond area. It's up on a little knoll a bit before the cave where the "aggressive wolf" is found in the story mode.  Have scored some very good loot there.

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