Naked pilgrim challenge


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Thought I'd try this to see if it's as easy as some people think it is. Standard pilgrim and the only clothes allowed are boots,both backpack and moose sack and crampons!  

I started in Desolation point in the lighthouse. I took off all the clothes except for the shoes. After looting the lighthouse I made my way to the Riken goating down the side as its quicker. I was still nearly freezing when I got there!  Apart from food there wasn't much there except a sewing book! Not sure how much use that's going to be though.. 🙂

I made a dash for the Hibernia and immediately found a fisherman's sweater and an expo coat, usually they would be a valuable item but not this time.  I did find the revolver and plenty of ammo for both weapons . I had to spend the night in there but had to light a fire as I was still losing health from the cold. The sooner I get the bear roll the better.

After finding the rifle in the cave I saw the bear so tried a shot! I must have hit it cos it turned and started heading my way! I jumped into the car on the bridge and waited for as long as I could. But the cold forced me out and I had to make a run for the  trailers! The bear had disappeared somewhere! Luckily there was a pair of insulated boots which helped a little. 

After a rest I made my way through the mine and up to the church . I didn't find much and I had to leave as the temp was -15c and getting colder. I boiled up some herbal tea quickly and drank one hoping the heat buff would last long enough! 

By the time I got to Katie's secluded corner both the tea and myself were cold. So I grabbed the bow and mre and headed off to the exit! As I reached the other end of the mine I heard a blizzard so slept there overnight. The next morning I entered crumbling highway to pretty bad weather and by the time I got to the cave it'd turned into a blizzard! I'm now trapped in the basement hoping that it's warm enough for me to stay awhile if need be.. the alternative is running to coastal highway and hoping it's better there. 


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Love this challenge -- not sure how long you'll last, but it's definitely interesting!

I had to chuckle a bit at your finding such excellent clothing AND a Sewing book right off the bat!! I swear this game KNOWS! 😉

What do you think your main pitfalls will be? Spending time outside efficiently/wisely? The need for stockpiles of food, teas, wood? Creating warm, safe spaces?

Knowing the maps as well as you do will be a huge plus!

Good Luck! Enjoy!

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5 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Love this challenge -- not sure how long you'll last, but it's definitely interesting!

I had to chuckle a bit at your finding such excellent clothing AND a Sewing book right off the bat!! I swear this game KNOWS! 😉

What do you think your main pitfalls will be? Spending time outside efficiently/wisely? The need for stockpiles of food, teas, wood? Creating warm, safe spaces?

Knowing the maps as well as you do will be a huge plus!

Good Luck! Enjoy!


The irony wasn't lost on me!! I never find clothes that good in desolation!! 🙂 

Finding wood  and not getting caught out in exposed areas are definitely going to be a problem.  If I live long enough to get to ash canyon ,there's going to be a lot of long walks and little cover so it's going to be the toughest challenge yet. It's going to have to be getting from A to B in the quickest time possible.!

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2 hours ago, Pınar51-06 said:

That is something ı did for one day but yours is something else. Really funny challange.
Good luck.

Thank you🙂 

One day by choice or did you succumb to the cold?

Edited by Leeanda
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I got to coastal by late afternoon. The weather was bordering on yet another blizzard so I made for the nearest cottage ,picking up some birch saplings and an axe on the way.  I'm starting to realise that not all interiors are the same temperature so it's good that I've been sleeping in 2-3 hour cycles!  The next morning I made my way straight to the Quonset in -17c so I was half freezing before I got close!  Looting outdoors even with a torch can only be done on the warmer days! 

I unloaded my loot as I can't afford to be overburdened and went back outside to check the cars and checked for moose rubbings, but no luck.  I spent the rest of the day looting the houses ! I found not only a pair of brand new red underwear(unheard of for me) but some underwear,matches and accelerant in the bath!! I haven't seen that for a very long time!🙂. Pity they're no use though!

The next morning I decided to look for the bear as I need the bear roll if I'm going to be able to move more freely! 

As I stood at the door I could hear the bears breathing very loudly but couldn't see it! Just as I turned round the side corner I saw it right in front of me! I don't know which of us was scared the most😁. By the time I got my gun out he'd scarpered.  The fog had come down too so visibility was poor . I checked the car on the road and I saw the bear so got out and took a shot! It turned and just stood there looking at me? That's the second time one has done that,not sure if it's a new mechanic or not? I took another shot and it just walked towards me so I got in the car and waited.. it walked right up to the door then turned and walked round the other side and towards the cabins! 

It was at this point that I realised that if I did get mauled that as I'm wearing nothing then I would take serious damage instead!  I noticed the blood splats on the floor so left it to die while I warmed up inside! 

When I came out it'd gone so I headed off to the island hoping to get that bear as well! I saw it when I got to the fishing hut and took a shot! It ran so I followed but found no blood! I ducked into the house to warm up briefly and had a quick look round ! I saw the bear from a high rock and took another shot at it! Again it turned and just stared at me!! So I shot again and this time it moved toward me so I fired another shot and got ready to jump down the rock if needed but it ran away luckily!  

The weather was still bad so I had to go back in the house to  get warm and sleep! I woke early the next morning but stayed indoors for a few hours knowing that dawn would be cold!  I went in search of the bear and found it not too far away!  It seemed very odd having to make a fire just to get the hide ! I was going to put extra wood on and get some meat too but the weather had other ideas!  I took the hide and ran to the garage as the blizzard started! I just got inside in time ! I'm now stuck in there waiting for it to pass so I can look for the other bear! 

It's going to be very slow going without the bear roll so I need to get one made as quickly as possible! 

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Despite the bear bleeding  it didn't die and I've only seen it once briefly since!  I'm not sure why it didn't bleed out? 

I managed to cover most of the ice and both islands ,nipping inside to warm up when needed! Which was quite a lot! The average temperature so far has been -15c  and there have been several blizzards!  I'm sure to a loper player that this challenge would be a lot easier but as a pilgrimer it's a fast learning experience!  

The temperature in houses is not equal to my surprise!  The garage is 2c while other places vary between 6 and 1c. The mine is the warmest so far at 9c!   I had to make my way back from the bridge stopping several times to warm up as it got colder  very quickly! 

As I've wasted bullets on the bear I'm now low on ammo and im going to have to take a few risks to find some.  I'll have to make my way up to the lookout tomorrow but for now I'm in the garage reading a shooting book and getting ready for bed.  I'm hoping that the bear will be right outside in the morning but I get the feeling it only does that when you don't want it!🙂



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You not only need to get 2 bears for the initial bedroll -- but you'll also need to consistently have a hide in reserve for needed repairs, esp if you are using the bedroll often & in smaller time increments.




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4 hours ago, twyn1 said:

You not only need to get 2 bears for the initial bedroll -- but you'll also need to consistently have a hide in reserve for needed repairs, esp if you are using the bedroll often & in smaller time increments.




I usually do have plenty of spares  but it's going to be a bit tougher hunting them down on this run! Especially if they're not going to bleed out!! Still can't work out why that one is still alive🤔

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This morning I headed up to the tower hoping to find some rifle ammo but there was only one there and not much loot either. I climbed down the rope,which I've never done before as I usually goat down,only to find a corpse .  I always thought those crows were for the corpse behind the cabins!🤔🙂 

The temperature has not been kind as most of the time it's been below -20c . So on a warm day (-11c) I decided to head to mystery lake via the ravine? By the time I got to the Ch exit it was nearly twice as cold despite the thick fog! Luckily that really helps crossing the ravine bridge. It's not my favourite place because of my vertigo. 

I did try and start a fire but I'd made a bad mistake and not picked up any sticks. If I hadn't had plenty of torches I could've been in serious trouble. 

I don't know if  this is consistent as I haven't tested it thoroughly but it seems that the better the torch the more heat protection it gives you!  I might be stating the obvious to some but I've never noticed before so I hope it helps someone out there! 🙂 

I made my way through the ravine as the temperature was starting to rise and I wanted to get to the camp office as soon as possible . Even though I was exhausted I felt like I had to push on!  I only checked for one of the caches as it wasn't too far out of the way but I had to use an energy drink and a stim to get to the cabin!  Neither of which I've used in quite a while. 

I had a search round the office and found very little,except clothes of course.  I rested up for the night and headed out late next morning as I knew it'd be slightly warmer by then. No weapon cache unfortunately and not much luck at Trappers either!  So I made my way to the lone cabin area and checked for that cache as well but still not there! I hope it's not a repeat of my last run. 

I had a quick rest and warmed up before going outside to get some sticks ,only then noticing all the rubbings! 

I saw the moose near the hill so I took a shot but it ran off. I followed it to the log sort but it'd vanished!  So I went back to the cabin for the night! I slept through a blizzard and then an aurora.  I'm now passing time until it warms up a bit so I can go and get the moose! I need the sack so i can hold more wood! I also need to make several more torches!🙂

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I spent half the afternoon looking and chasing the moose, in-between nipping in to the cabin to warm up!  But sadly it disappeared on me . I did risk going up to the broken tower to see if there were any rifle cartridges but even though there was a gun there I only got one!  I had to make a fire so I could warm up and make some coffees! 

By the time I'd done that there was a thick fog so I headed back to the cabin for the night!  I'm finding that I'm wasting more time because I can't go outside at first light and  my vision isn't good enough for night time travelling . The weather has been fairly bad too, lots of thick foggy snow or high winds means I can't use torches!   

I did find the prepper cache this time though so food won't be an issue,as long as the weather holds anyway! 

The next morning was freezing cold but I was getting impatient just sitting around so I made my way to the trailers near the dam! Luckily the wind was on my back so I made it without losing too much health!  

There don't seem to be many animals at all in Mystery lake . I've only seen the moose,a few random wolves and that's it! No deer or rabbits either except carcasses!  After a quick warm up at the trailers I headed to the lake to see if there was at least one bear on the map! Luckily there was but I had to get inside and rest before I tried to get him! 

When I got back outside onto the jetty he was on the other side of the lake and I could only just see him but I took a shot anyway!  That bear can really run!! It took me two seconds to realise he was running at me so I ran back in to the cabin as fast as I could!  I can't risk that kind of damage and my boots are already wearing out faster than usual for some reason! I've had to repair them twice already and it's only day 17 !  

I rested for an hour then went back out to find him wandering towards me so I took another shot from the doorway! He ran off into the mist but it was too cold to chase after him!   Running around on an exposed lake when it feels like -35 c is not the best idea! 🙂 I spent the night reading and checking I hadn't missed any loot before sleeping until dawn! 

There was a light mist over the lake when I went outside but sadly it was too cold to just stop and admire the view,so I went in search of the bear! It was between a fishing hut and one of the small islands but still very exposed. Lucky for me there was no wind and I had plenty of wood and coal. I made a fire and got to work! The hide was the most important thing so I took that first. I managed to get about 8 pieces of meat and just as I was about to add more wood the wind suddenly started blowing very hard so I  had to abandon the bear and  head back to the camp office! 

That's where I am now ,the hide is now curing so I just have to wait until it's ready! I still have the rest of the lake cabins and the dam to search so that will help pass some time! Some slightly warmer weather might help too!🙂

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As the bear hides are going to take a while to cure I decided to head to upper bleak to get the note and hopefully the bear roll!  The average temperature has been around -20c and bleak is not known for its  pleasant weather.

The minute I got down the ravine rope the wind picked up and the temperature dropped! It got steadily worse as I got to the tower . Unfortunately there was no bear roll either and I got stuck there overnight by a blizzard! The next morning I got the note and what little loot there was and left as quickly as possible!  At least I got the flare gun on the way back but I had to waste a stim for the climb! 

Is it me but since the update climbing seems slower?

I headed back to camp office in thick snow but at least it was slightly warmer,.  I'm certainly using a lot of torches despite the frequent winds.   The bear hide is going to take a while so after warming up I headed back to the lone cabin to wait for the moose. After several days it hadn't showed up and food was running low so I headed back to camp. Office.  

There wasn't much left to do in Mystery lake so I decided to make my way to PV. The plan is to loot what I can on the way ,stopping overnight when possible to cure the hide quicker.  

I've just looted some of the dam and am now having a quick read until bedtime. It's a good job interiors don't get colder as it's 0c in there! 🙂

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I left the dam next morning to heavy winds so stuck close to the edge to get some protection but it didn't help much! Being overburdened as well made the walk much slower but by the time I got to PV it had gotten warmer. I checked the blind,the cave and the bear cave on the way to the farm but not much luck except a fire book!  I got to the farm exhausted and freezing ,So I quickly put things away and went to bed for the night! Even at +6c I still slept In segments,I can't afford to get complacent. Next morning I  made my way up to the tower and found quite a lot of ammo and two revolvers!  There was also a pair of new snow pants,military coat and a macanaw jacket!  Pity I can't use them though as the weather has been pretty rough so far! 

I checked for the caches near the rope climb and fishing hut but no joy,I did find another revolver though!  Three in less than twenty minutes is either very lucky or a weird bug! 😁  There was no moose there either so I presume it's at the birch forest or not in PV at all!  I made my way back to the farm and ate some of my remaining food and read for a few hours until bed!  I woke to a warm morning  at a lovely -15c so decided to go hunting ,there were three wolves in the field which is the most I've seen there except on story mode. I took a shot but missed  and they scattered so I had to risk the cold and give chase!  Luckily one had run towards the small barn and the rabbits. It killed one so I took a shot but missed again! I'm not used to shooting when shaking with cold,so it's something I'm going to need more practice with!  However the wolf and the rabbits ran off in the same direction,so after a minute or so the wolf caught another rabbit! This time my shot didn't miss!  I made a fire and started harvesting the meat. ,I  managed to cook a few pieces but the wind picked up a bit so I took one gut and was halfway through getting another one when a blizzard started! I took the rabbits and wolf meat and ran in to the little barn! I'm now stuck in there about to start a fire so I can finish cooking the meat! 

I hope it's not going to be a long blizzard ,which PV is notorious for having. I don't fancy running around in that weather in nothing but boots!🙂

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Wow! You've already survived much longer than I thought possible! Kudos!

I have such a tendency to hoard, "nest", and preemptively panic that I'd never have the nerve to try this challenge. I mean ... I get nervous if I don't have the "well fed" indication, and when ever a status starts to go anywhere in the slightest near the red zone I have to remedy it ASAP. 

Is there a level below "Pilgrim" ???

"Helicopter Mommy" maybe?? They can add Xanax or Valium to the First Aid menu ...

LOL!! 😆


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3 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Wow! You've already survived much longer than I thought possible! Kudos!

I have such a tendency to hoard, "nest", and preemptively panic that I'd never have the nerve to try this challenge. I mean ... I get nervous if I don't have the "well fed" indication, and when ever a status starts to go anywhere in the slightest near the red zone I have to remedy it ASAP. 

Is there a level below "Pilgrim" ???

"Helicopter Mommy" maybe?? They can add Xanax or Valium to the First Aid menu ...

LOL!! 😆


Thanks.  I'm exactly the same ,always have the well fed and panicking when the life bar isn't full. But the maul challenge kind of helped me with that. 

I did a custom one once that was so easy but it got very boring very quickly. There were no bears/moose ,hardly any wolves ,the weather was nearly always sunny! The biggest challenge I had was finding something to do!lol 


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Luckily by the time I'd cooked everything the blizzard had passed so I headed back to the farm to check on the bear hide! It still had a way to go ! I read until bed time and slept through another blizzard! Got to love PV!🙂 

Blue skies the next morning but still very cold  so I ran over to the big barn to check for loot and to see if the bear or moose were close by! But no luck  with either!  And no wolves anywhere !  I realised I wasn't warming up in there so tried the truck, it was still pretty low at 2c so took a quick rest until I was totally warmed up! . By the time I'd finished everything in there I headed out back to the farm wondering where to go next.  

I decided to go and check out the crash site and look for the cache while I was going that way! I found neither of them! But to my surprise when I got to the crash site the corpses were there!🙂 It's the first time in quite a while  but sadly there were only two feathers!  I had a very quick search until I had to retreat into the cave and make a fire! And had a quick rest before carrying on!  There were a few books and the photo but that's one thing I'm not planning on doing on this run! . By the time I got to the cellar a blizzard had just started . Unfortunately it lasted for the rest of the day and most of the night but it was plenty warm enough in there! .

The next morning I made my way down the west side of the map looking for the cache.making stops in the caves along the way! The bear wasn't too happy though but he ran off! 🙂 

After finding no cache I headed back to the farm to find that the hide was now cured!  I sorted out my gear and headed to the basement to get a start on the bear roll!  I tried to get 4 hours work in but it got too dark just before the time ran out! So I slept on the floor for the night and woke at first light so I could get a good days work in! But when I tried to start crafting it wouldn't let me!! I've lost one hide and a few guts !!! I'm presuming this is a bug!! 

So I now have to go out hunting for a bear again and waiting for it to cure! It's very frustrating to lose something so important to the challenge  but I have no choice but to carry on as best I can 

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I set out with the intention of finding the bear but as soon as I got outside the door there was the sound of very loud  hooves  and a bark followed by the sound of the deer dying! It seemed loud enough that it had run right through me but I saw nothing! Very odd sensation !  I turned round to look and found the wolf eating  not far away! As food was low I took advantage of the situation and  killed the wolf! Despite it being very cold I decided to try harvesting without a fire and surprisingly managed to get all the deer meat without losing too much heat!  Maybe I've been being too careful ?   

I had a quick warm up and went back out to get the guts and the wolf meat and when Id finished I noticed the bear heading my way!  It was a very well timed appearance so I waited in the porch until i could see it!  I took a shot and it started running but stopped very quickly!  I took several more shots and it just carried on walking! I took another shot and it started turning in a circle ran a few steps then just carried on walking again! I took another three shots and it didn't start running away until the last one!  Curious I went to check for blood  and found none! Apart from a few footprints in a small circle there were  no other signs of him being there either!  After a thorough search I found no other prints anywhere near where he'd been and he'd vanished too! So I headed inside to warm up for an hour  and went in search of it! I saw him at the bottom of the field heading back to it's cave so I ran down there and checked for blood on his tracks!  I had hit him so I decided to let him bleed out and made my way home for the night!  

I slept through a blizzard and headed out next morning to find it, it was more or less in the same place as I'd last seen it!  I made a fire and quickly got to work taking the hide first then bits of meat.  It seems very odd having to do it in small bits and checking the weather every few minutes as I've usually just quartered them and then cut the meat up in one go!   The wind picked up so I took what I'd got to the farm and spent the rest of the day cooking!  The first of many blizzards started somewhere late afternoon  and stopped just before dawn! However another one started not long after and lasted all day! 

As I can't travel at night I was stuck inside with not much to do except chop up wood!  I spent three more days trapped in the house as blizzard after blizzard raged on!  On the fourth day I decided to go out no matter what but luckily I had blue skies! I made my way to the community hall via the hill where the prepper cache should be,  hoping it was there! As luck would have it I got to it just as the weather turned! I didn't want to get stuck in there though so I quickly looted it without warming up and headed off to the hall! The wind was very strong and I was struggling to get very far without running. But I was exhausted  and I just got to the house before I took serious damage! I should have warmed up in the cache instead of being impatient! 

I'm now in the  house after a good night's rest hoping the weather might just be pleasant tomorrow!  Wishful thinking?🙂

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I spent this morning looting the area ,found lots of revolver ammo  and coffee but not much else. But coffee  has become more of a necessity on this run!  The brief spell of sunshine made a welcome change but sadly it didn't last very long and it was  a lot  colder than expected. I got stuck in the hall for two days by blizzards  so I'm glad I have plenty of books to read!  Still I was getting impatient again so made the decision to head to TWM to see if the moose will be there! It's highly unusual for it not to be in PV but I might just have been unlucky and missed it. I haven't had a proper chance to check all the trees in the birch forest for rubbings! 

I made my way up towards the climb and stopped off at the picnic site cave first to check for loot!  There were two bodies outside and two inside! There were also two rifles and more ammo for both guns. Plus a spare bow for later if needed!  Surprisingly this cave wasn't very warm even before I went through the waterfall so I had to start a fire so I could sleep for a few hours.  I've just got to the abandoned cache and had a look round before sleeping for the night.  Of course I've just woken up to a blizzard so I'll read until it's passed!  

I do find it odd that not all caves etc have the same temperature ,so it's certainly keeping me on my toes!🙂

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After the blizzard passed half the day was gone  but I headed off to TWM anyway as the temperature was quite good!  I think the lowest temperature I've had is -11c  . When I got to the hut it was a warm 8c  which I found surprising ,so after a quick look round  and checked the fishing hut I settled down for what I thought would be a cosy fire free night.  But somewhere in the early hours it'd got into minus figures. So I made a fire and slept til dawn!  I went to check for the moose but no sign of it though there are rubbings there.  He didn't show up for the next few days either so I decided to head to Ash canyon. 

I thought that it would be the end of the run but for the most part it was ok. I carry coal and plenty of sticks but I didn't need to make a fire until I got to the climb for the mine . I was in that cave for quite a while as a blizzard started at dusk and carried on til morning! That coal  stopped me from freezing to death so I'm glad I saved it. 

I got to the mine at first light and looted it thoroughly  before heading back the way I'd come! I missed miners folly on the way and wanted to check it out , I also missed the bear coat so wanted to pick it up on the way back and use it towards the bear roll! 

I've now just arrived at the folly and had a few hours sleep . I woke to an aurora  so nipped outside to watch it briefly as I've not had many on this run!  I'm glad it's pilgrim though as the bear was right outside the door! I watched the aurora for a little bit and now I'm inside sleeping til early dawn!  It's a beautiful place to watch the lights dancing across the sky so I'm glad I went outside even though it was freezing! 🙂

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36 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Your run is great wonder if this will be a classic thing like your moose challenge first thing I think of with the forums but wow

Thank you.  Have to say I'm surprised I haven't frozen to death yet! Especially in PV considering all the blizzards there! 

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