My Whiteout challenge


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41 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Only just seen this, my apologies 😫 All my baldy crows now wear feather boas 🐦 🐍 As do my skeleton army 😻 A fashion show would be a wonderful thing, what a great idea. Could have a best dressed corpse segment too. Let me find my make-up box 💄

@Leeanda are you finding many corpses on your travels this time? Good you're finding some feathers at least. Don't forget to make yourself a boa, dyeing it pink is mandatory 😜

Enjoy chugging back that toilet water, sounds delicious 😋 I do love that region though, usually plenty of goodies to plunder. Lots of birch saplings, too 💪

Coastal has  quite a few corpses luckily. Not too bad for feathers either.  Should have that boa soon,just in time for the fashion show! 😁 Not gonna wear that balaclava though!🤣 

There is a lot of loot but not helpful when I'm having to lug it back to the Quonset every 5 minutes! I really need that backpack!😁

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I finally finished looting coastal this morning,the Quonset looks like a supermarket now! Pity I have to leave all that tasty food on the shelves! 

All I had left to do was  chop up the rest of the wood . But that took longer than I hoped! The blizzards have made an appearance ,so spent quite some time either reading at the garage or cooped up in a fishing hut!  I've spent a few nights stuck in the huts and yet I still seem to be running out of food .  

I have wasted a few bullets though. I shot the bridge bear twice in the head but apparently it did nothing. And I shot a wolf which ran off and was never found!  I did get lucky  with my last shot as there was a wolf right outside the back door of the garage. I managed to kill him before he ran away but I'm not sure those wasted bullets make up for a few pounds of meat! 

I'm now in the garage getting ready for yet another cooking session before I leave the map! 

I'm not sure if I should head to Mystery lake first or head to PV and make my way to ash after that or not! It may be the best option but not one I'm really looking forward to! Not being overly familiar with ash could cause me serious problems but I need the backpack! 


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Sounds like there are plenty of creatures about. Hope you don't find that frequent scarcity of wildlife that afflicts my main run. Mind you, that would be a challenge trying to survice a week or two on cat tails alone 😬

Must be tough leaving behind all those camned and boxed goodies 😭 Pinnacle Peaches, how can you resist? 😄

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4 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Sounds like there are plenty of creatures about. Hope you don't find that frequent scarcity of wildlife that afflicts my main run. Mind you, that would be a challenge trying to survice a week or two on cat tails alone 😬

Must be tough leaving behind all those camned and boxed goodies 😭 Pinnacle Peaches, how can you resist? 😄

Have to admit I hate peaches!😁 I'd prefer the pb on crackers!  

Most of  the time it has been devoid of animals,just got lucky this morning! Hope it stays that way but I doubt it! Have got some cat tails but I'd rather keep them for emergencies. 

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

I finally finished looting coastal this morning,the Quonset looks like a supermarket now! Pity I have to leave all that tasty food on the shelves! 

All I had left to do was  chop up the rest of the wood . But that took longer than I hoped! The blizzards have made an appearance ,so spent quite some time either reading at the garage or cooped up in a fishing hut!  I've spent a few nights stuck in the huts and yet I still seem to be running out of food .  

I have wasted a few bullets though. I shot the bridge bear twice in the head but apparently it did nothing. And I shot a wolf which ran off and was never found!  I did get lucky  with my last shot as there was a wolf right outside the back door of the garage. I managed to kill him before he ran away but I'm not sure those wasted bullets make up for a few pounds of meat! 

I'm now in the garage getting ready for yet another cooking session before I leave the map! 

I'm not sure if I should head to Mystery lake first or head to PV and make my way to ash after that or not! It may be the best option but not one I'm really looking forward to! Not being overly familiar with ash could cause me serious problems but I need the backpack! 


I'd recommend AC. Even though you don't know the place very well, the way to the mine is pretty well sign posted, and there are always maps that you can use. Plus, pv could have a lot of things that you'd need, including more wildlife! 😁

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

I'd recommend AC. Even though you don't know the place very well, the way to the mine is pretty well sign posted, and there are always maps that you can use. Plus, pv could have a lot of things that you'd need, including more wildlife! 😁

That's the thing really. I know the way to the mine quite well but it's the rest of the place I don't know!  If there's a blizzard or two I might get a bit lost!🙂  Well. Will get a bit lost 😁 

But it's the most practical way to go and if I'm lucky I'll get the weapon cache in PV

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Yes, hopefully. Plus there's that guaranteed one near TWM. 

If you have enough for a snow shelter, then blizzards should hopefully not be an issue, not to mention the fact that there are probably a lot of caves. 

Though of course it's up to you! 

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5 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Yes, hopefully. Plus there's that guaranteed one near TWM. 

If you have enough for a snow shelter, then blizzards should hopefully not be an issue, not to mention the fact that there are probably a lot of caves. 

Though of course it's up to you! 

In all the time I've been playing I've never used the snow shelter or even thought to! Just keep forgetting it's there! 😁 But I'll try and remember ,I usually have enough cloth but must pick up more sticks. 

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Your challenge is very interesting -- I would definitely find it very tough to leave all that food and other supplies! I tend to be a hoarder/overburdened survivor, esp. with certain items (I simply cannot pass a piece of Birch Bark without picking it up).

Ash Canyon can be confusing, because of the various levels and off-the-track passageways. The maps do help, but even then, it's a puzzle at times. And the swaying bridges ... oy! I did figure out the easier path to the mine, but even then it's way too easy to make a wrong turn in bad weather.

I have never used a snow shelter either, it just is one of those things I forget is available.

Continued Good Luck!!

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31 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Your challenge is very interesting -- I would definitely find it very tough to leave all that food and other supplies! I tend to be a hoarder/overburdened survivor, esp. with certain items (I simply cannot pass a piece of Birch Bark without picking it up).

Ash Canyon can be confusing, because of the various levels and off-the-track passageways. The maps do help, but even then, it's a puzzle at times. And the swaying bridges ... oy! I did figure out the easier path to the mine, but even then it's way too easy to make a wrong turn in bad weather.

I have never used a snow shelter either, it just is one of those things I forget is available.

Continued Good Luck!!

Lol! Yes it's very tempting to pick it all up and drag it around with me. Or maybe just have one tiny chocolate bar.  Not that I will though! 

It's more frustrating that I can't run far for very long, I'm very impatient sometimes! 

Vertigo is my main problem but I'm hoping that the weather is bad ,but not too bad. So I can't look at the very deep drops! 🙂 I do find them easier than the ravine because at least they have something either side to focus on a bit if necessary.   

Thank you!

Hope you're doing well in your run?

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After picking up all my supplies from the garage ,I decided to make my way to PV. When I got there however I thought it best to go straight through to ash canyon . That way I could do TWM and PV on the return journey . I only stopped at the abandoned cache to unload as much as I could afford to leave behind.  I pushed through without sleeping until I got to ash canyon and the hut at the bottom of the waterfall! Sorry  I can't remember most of the place names.  After a day of harvesting everything in the cabin  and chopping up some wood outside,I I settled down for the night after eating one of my remaining pieces of wolf meat!  Early next morning I made my way up to miners folly via the waterfall and through the cave.  I did find a deer carcass but it had just a small piece of meat left but food is short.  I have found three  corpse's so far but only one had feathers even though the crows were there at all of them.  I'm not overly worried at the moment though as I've left the bow back at PV.  

The weather has been pretty good so far,mostly blue skies since leaving coastal! It would be nice if it continued but I'm not getting my hopes up!🙂 

I've just reached miners folly ,and nearly ran straight into the bears behind doing so! Luckily he ran off or I would've been in trouble!😁 

I found a few cartridges but not too much loot , but it begs the question of whether I should take it back down to the cabin now or leave it and come back this way after I've got the backpack!  

But before I do that I might have to get myself some bear meat to keep me going! But that's for the morning and I need to sleep.🙂

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Good idea to go right to Ash Canyon, get the tech backpack and crampons & then head back down to TWM & PV after.

Hope all continues to go well! Getting that Bear &/or a couple Deer would do you nicely!

(I am finding lots of feathers again, but still noticing missing corpses in many areas)


I finished the run where I was going for the "Straight to the Heart" Badge -- Poor Astrid had to take 2 stim shots in a row to finally notch the Badge -- it was quite psychedelic there for a couple hours! Whoo!

Not sure I'll ever use that Badge, but it was fun going for it.

Also got the 25-day Pacifist achievement (fairly easy - I just stayed in Milton/MT and grabbed all the loot & then "borrowed" a couple of deer that the wolves killed for me)  ... now I'm trying to decide if I want to go for the "All 5-level Skills" on my saved 500-day run ... might take a break until the next update


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6 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Good idea to go right to Ash Canyon, get the tech backpack and crampons & then head back down to TWM & PV after.

Hope all continues to go well! Getting that Bear &/or a couple Deer would do you nicely!


I finished the run where I was going for the "Straight to the Heart" Badge -- Poor Astrid had to take 2 stim shots in a row to finally notch the Badge -- it was quite psychedelic there for a couple hours! Whoo!

Not sure I'll ever use the badge, but it was fun going for it.

Also got the 25-day Pacifist achievement (fairly easy - I just stayed in Milton/MT and grabbed all the loot & then "borrowed" a couple of deer that the wolves killed for me)  ... now trying to decide if I want to go for the "All 5-level Skills" on my saved 500-day run ... might take a break until the next update



He's sounding quite appealing after all that fish.  Seems to take quite a while to get enough to last just a few days!  Maybe I shouldn't spoil her so much !🙂 

Glad you're doing well with the badges. Sorry you didn't get the key at paradise though.  

Good luck with the run if /when you play again🙂

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This morning I decided to leave the bear and get a deer instead. I thought that it would use less ammo but sadly I still used 4. A lot of my shots seem to miss when I know that they were a bit,whether it's the low level or a bug I'm not sure?  I spent a while cooking up the meat wondering what to do. I decided to leave the loot here and come back at a later date .  

I spent half my time crossing bridges in high winds this morning! Not my favourite part of the journey but worth it when I got to the mine! I picked up my beloved backpack and all the loot there and then rested for the night. It was a long climb back up that rope and I didn't want to waste a stim.  The next morning I made my way back up to miners folly  and over the last rope bridge to get to the fishing hut area. I did find a couple of corpses and two carcasses but no feathers at all!  

I looted the hut but sadly there wasn't much in there so hosted down and made my way back to the cabin to unload the loot I had. 

I spent the rest of that day chopping up wood and making the rest of the tinder. They at least are now done  but I'm going to need a lot more wood to boil all that water!  I'm putting that off til the last minute though! 

After finishing a book and enjoying some deer meat I settled down for the night. 

The next morning I decided to see if I could find the cave and the moose near the long rope climb but I ended up going round in a big circle !😁  So I'm back at the cabin for now planning my next trip out, maybe I'll figure out where I went wrong and find that cave!🙂

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I spent most of the afternoon wandering around the unexplored part of the map! It's a good job I carried all that charcoal. Its now been thoroughly mapped and searched . I found the moose I was looking for and came across the other one too! But rifle ammo isn't great so I left them be. I did kill a wolf that didn't seem to see me even though it was standing right in front of me facing my direction. Never look a gift horse in the mouth as the saying goes! 

All that I had left to do was go back to miners folly and bring the loot back, get a few more sticks and boil the rest of the water!   The weather has been very kind for the most part so the trip was pretty easy. I did cut up the scrub outside the waterfall cave on the way back! Fortunately it gave me more than enough sticks to add to the pile and boil the 15 litres of water! 

I have now finished Ash canyon and was going to leave for TWM but when I opened the door there was the first blizzard I'd had since arriving here!  So for now I'm in the cabin making some birch bark tea ,hoping it will end soon!   So far I've been lucky as I've managed to complete the areas several days earlier than expected! 

But there's a lot of loot at the summit so that might be my biggest challenge ! 🙂 

Just out of curiosity, what happened to the giant pieces of birch bark? Was it fixed in the last update?

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I'd assume so,in regards to the monstrous bark. Shame, it gave me amusement when I stumbled across Will-sized bark. Forget snow shelters, you could hide under those in a storm! 

Hope that blizzard goes away soon, looking forward to more of your adventures 🙂👍

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Just now, Catlover said:

I'd assume so,in regards to the monstrous bark. Shame, it gave me amusement when I stumbled across Will-sized bark. Forget snow shelters, you could hide under those in a storm! 

Hope that blizzard goes away soon, looking forward to more of your adventures 🙂👍

Lol!  I was looking forward to dragging some of them back too!  Wonder how many teas you could get from one that size😁 

I'm hoping there's plenty of ammo at the summit then maybe I can get myself a bear roll and some  entertainment.  I missed my rifle on the last challenge and haven't really had a chance to use it much yet!🙂  And thanks👍😁

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39 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Congrats on finishing the perplexing and occasionally nauseating Ash Canyon!

I still had the giant Birch Bark pieces the last time I was there, and it was after the update. They are quite humorous! 😆

Thanks. Crossed those bridges quite a few times . Found it best to focus on the floor oddly! Probably because it's the most solid thing to see!  

I've noticed that her feet seem to catch slightly on  it  sometimes. Like she's trying not to trip!  Pushes her nearer to the edge ! Really doesn't help when it's windy!🙂 

Lol! Who needs a snow shelter when you've got them. It's odd enough that they're big but even odder that they're bigger than the trees

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This morning I left ash canyon to better weather. The first thing I noticed in TWM was that the corpse near the exit had disappeared!  I'm positive it was there when I passed through,so I'm presuming  the carcasses will have gone too! 

I made my way to the hut opening the containers on the way to save time later.  After chopping the wood up round the cabin I settled down for the night while a blizzard roared outside! The first of many I think! 

I've spent  most of the morning making my way to the summit and opening all the containers! Sadly there were only ,10 cartridges but it's better than nothing and at least I have the flare gun now! 

My plan was to take all the loot down bit by bit ,layer by layer as it were but there must have been less than I thought! I could carry half down in one go on the ropes but I could carry it all without climbing! I even have three hacksaws and a fair amount of reclaimed wood too! 

I'm so overburdened  that its very slow going ,but strangely I ran out of food so had to waste a round on a  rabbit! But needs must!  I'm now in the cave at secluded shelf having a rest before the slow walk back to the cabin! It's going to take quite a while and the blizzards are getting more frequent! It's turning into a real challenge now but that's the fun of the game!🙂

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As it turned out it wasn't quite as slow as I thought it would be. After a few short stops to drink and eat the last of the cat tails I was able to run! Not for long though but enough. The weather has been fairly heavy snow since I got here but as I headed to the lake the sun made a brief but welcome appearance.  

I should note that since secluded shelf I didn't see any animals again til I got to the lake and even then it was only one deer.   I have seen the bear a couple of times,only two wolves and sadly no moose as yet! 

It was a relief to drop all that loot and finally have a deer steak I'd left there.  

I cooked up the last of my meat and settled down to a few hours reading until the sun went down. My rifle skills are sadly lacking at the moment but I hope to get more practice with it soon. I hope there's some ammo in PV. 

I spent the rest of my time scouring what was left of the East side of the map and I've just finished it. I'm in the cave at deer clearing having just got trapped in there by a blizzard. Luckily it wasn't a long one but it gave me time to repair my boots and gloves.  

There seems to be plenty of corpses here but not many  feathers. I had enough to only make one arrow but maybe I'll find some on the other side of the map tomorrow!  

I hope that the disappearing tree limb bug is fixed in this next update as I spent quite a while searching for sticks today and hardly finding any! 

But I'm looking forward to tomorrow ,this is a beautiful place and an aurora would be the icing on the cake if I'm lucky enough to get one!🙂

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This morning I made my way back down to the cabin and unloaded everything I didn't need.  I now have most of the things needed except whatever I find on the west side of the map and of course the water!  

I set off to blue skies and had a thorough search round the transition cave area but found nothing despite hearing crows twice!  As it started to get dark I headed back to the cabin for the night but not before I spent a few hours fishing. I got 5 in three hours which is pretty good  . I cooked them up and  some water  too as I needed quite a lot. 

I was lucky ,I had an aurora that night . I stood watching it for quite a while until I realised how late it was. I wanted to get an early start the next morning but I didn't need to worry as it turned out! When I woke there was a blizzard roaring ,so I spent the day boiling water and reading up on my rifle skills.  At least the water is done now. 

I had yet another aurora that night, it really is a great place to stand and watch the lights dancing in the sky! 

The following morning I headed up the river and detoured right to check that area out! I found two containers I'd never found before ,one filled with food the other had two earwraps! They were the only things I hadn't found until now so it was a nice surprise! Not sure how I missed them in the first place unless I was there in bad weather and just didn't see them!  Yet again I heard crows but found nothing so I'm not sure what's going on with that! Maybe a deer carcass spawn site without the deer?  Now I had the food I had to make my way back to the cabin which is where I am now! I've just finished repairing my earwraps and getting ready to settle down for the night. 

Maybe I'll get another aurora tonight? 🙂

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I did indeed get another aurora. Seemed a shame i had to leave TWM but first thing next morning I packed up my gear ,which turned out to be a lot, and made my way to the exit!  

Why do we get that blurry eyes thing when it's early morning? It's worse than the stims?  It's ok if you look up at the sky but when you're trying to pick up sticks it's a bit nauseating. 

I was quite overburdened by the time I got to the rope climb down to PV so had to risk goating down. First time with no sprains!  When I got down there I remembered I'd left some things in the abandoned cache. 

I picked them up and the loot as well so I wouldn't need to check it later. I was now very overweight so it took quite a while to reach my base. I had originally planned to use the farm but decided that the barn was slightly more central  with more chance of wildlife if I needed food.  After looting everything and sorting through everything I realised I was low on food. So I headed out to see what I could find. The weather was bordering on a blizzard so I had to be quick. There was only one wolf around so I took the shot.. and missed ! I'm so out of practice with the rifle that I thought about using the bow but couldn't risk not killing it and it running off. I waited a few minutes and it came back! Second time lucky, so I harvested the meat just in time as the weather got worse. 

I've just spent several hours cooking up the meat and some of the water while the first PV blizzard raged on. I expect quite a few here so I may have to do some traveling at night! Not my favourite thing to do but time is not on my side. 

I'm now in the truck and it's early morning ,getting ready to head out for the day!🙂 

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23 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Wow! Goating down while overloaded is brave!

Sounds like your adventures are going well, hopefully the weather will not be too awful.

How many areas do you have left?

Luckily it wasn't too high, I did wonder if I could goat down from secluded shelf but decided it wasn't worth the risk! 

I'm hoping so too but PV is famous for its bad weather!🙂 

I still have Bleak, forlorn, broken railroad, mountain town and mystery lake left.  But I think forlorn is going to be the easiest to finish due to the lack of loot available. 

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