Inventory - Sort by Weight not working?


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That sounds like you already did click the sort for weight button twice. So then i dont know what that is. Never happend to me. Btw i only rather late found out that this sorting by weight helps alot for cooking fish. Because i dont like to have a very heavy fish and the smallest one in 2 pots on the same fire. Often enough i do 2 days of fishing and then waiting for the sun to have a long fish cooking session, and i already sort them beforehand in front of my location where i start cooking.

Sorry if i couldnt help with that sorting (bug?).

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1 hour ago, hozz1235 said:

You can't sort your inventory?

Not that I've ever noticed ,no. The only weight I can do is the kilo,/pounds on the options. Must be a console thing I suppose. ?

And where are all your big juicy bunnies coming from? Every time I harvest one it's so small it takes about 5 minutes to cook.

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There's buttons at the bottom of your inventory, one labeled A-Z, one with the condition icon, and one with the weight icon. Pressing these will sort you inventory from A-Z, by lowest condition, or by heaviest item respectively. By default, it's set to A-Z, and reset every time you relaunch the game. I prefer to play on the weight sorting mode

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14 minutes ago, SpanishMoss said:

There's buttons at the bottom of your inventory, one labeled A-Z, one with the condition icon, and one with the weight icon. Pressing these will sort you inventory from A-Z, by lowest condition, or by heaviest item respectively. By default, it's set to A-Z, and reset every time you relaunch the game. I prefer to play on the weight sorting mode

Is there?😁 I  think I might just need my eyes testing.... And soon. 

Thanks I'll check it out when I next play. Now where's my magnifying lens....?

Edited by Leeanda
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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Sorry for asking on here but how do you switch it to weight on Xbox. Nothing I press seems to work?

After you've entered the inventory (i.e. you have an item in the inventory highlighted, not just a tab - by depressing A), you can then depress the LS to change the sort.

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