Greatest coal yield?


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I find it surprising and counter intuitive that although coal is so easily found in many of the transition caves and mines on the island that the possiblity of 
death and injury whilst traversing those tunnels is so minimal considering the hazards associated with old abandoned mines, coal mines in general.  
Coal mines are known for their build up of methane, carbon dioxide and other deadly gases, some combinations being explosive and others where you just suffocate 
to death.  Yet with the exception of the one single mine in the game that actually has some hazardous deadly gas, our characters routinely tranisition thru decades old unstable, unventilated  mines, shafts and tunnels where the ceilings and walls have collapsed due to neglected maintenance and continued seismic disturbances.  

There should be some consequences to such easy pickings when you can just stroll thru a tunnel and pickup 17 lumps of coal with impunity.

on the other hand, why would you put a forge in Broken Railroad when there isn't a source for coal anywhere remotely near the area? Good thing they give you
enough for a single session otherwise there would be no reason to ever go there, right?


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34 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

I find it surprising and counter intuitive that although coal is so easily found in many of the transition caves and mines on the island that the possiblity of 
death and injury whilst traversing those tunnels is so minimal considering the hazards associated with old abandoned mines, coal mines in general.  
Coal mines are known for their build up of methane, carbon dioxide and other deadly gases, some combinations being explosive and others where you just suffocate 
to death.  Yet with the exception of the one single mine in the game that actually has some hazardous deadly gas, our characters routinely tranisition thru decades old unstable, unventilated  mines, shafts and tunnels where the ceilings and walls have collapsed due to neglected maintenance and continued seismic disturbances.  

There should be some consequences to such easy pickings when you can just stroll thru a tunnel and pickup 17 lumps of coal with impunity.

on the other hand, why would you put a forge in Broken Railroad when there isn't a source for coal anywhere remotely near the area? Good thing they give you
enough for a single session otherwise there would be no reason to ever go there, right?


I like broken railroad. Not for the forge though, it is a bit pointless there considering the one in forlorn. 

You have the resident bear, plenty of wolves , occasionally the moose and usually it has quite a few deer carcasses .certainly no shortage of food, shelter or resources. 

Curios why you're not keen?

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3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I like broken railroad. Not for the forge though, it is a bit pointless there considering the one in forlorn. 

You have the resident bear, plenty of wolves , occasionally the moose and usually it has quite a few deer carcasses .certainly no shortage of food, shelter or resources. 

Curios why you're not keen?

Besides the abundant wildlife and the amenities you mentioned the only other draw for Broken Railroad is you've got a working forge.  but not really, right?  No sources of coal anywhere unless you are willling to pack it in regularly or you hike to another region in order to source the needed supply.  With the exception of the one time supply of abandoned coal the forge becomes useless.   I guess the working forge is merely a holdover from story mode but it would have been nice to have some cave that at least dropped a few pieces of coal every so often so that supplies could be slowly replenished.  

I guess you could argue that in the history of the island, the railroad operators kept a working forge in order to repair the train because they probably had to fabricate many of their repair parts rather than wait on new parts to be shipped to them from the mainland.  Having a working train would also make it easy for loads of coal to be transported to the rail yard but nowhere is they any evidence they did so.  

Other than that, I do like the region.  I go there are least once in every game that I launch, to loot the maintenace yard and the lodge.  

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10 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

Besides the abundant wildlife and the amenities you mentioned the only other draw for Broken Railroad is you've got a working forge.  but not really, right?  No sources of coal anywhere unless you are willling to pack it in regularly or you hike to another region in order to source the needed supply.  With the exception of the one time supply of abandoned coal the forge becomes useless.   I guess the working forge is merely a holdover from story mode but it would have been nice to have some cave that at least dropped a few pieces of coal every so often so that supplies could be slowly replenished.  

I guess you could argue that in the history of the island, the railroad operators kept a working forge in order to repair the train because they probably had to fabricate many of their repair parts rather than wait on new parts to be shipped to them from the mainland.  Having a working train would also make it easy for loads of coal to be transported to the rail yard but nowhere is they any evidence they did so.  

Other than that, I do like the region.  I go there are least once in every game that I launch, to loot the maintenace yard and the lodge. 

I have found a few pieces of coal in the maintenance yard but never checked to see if they respawn or not. But another cave ,which I posted on the wish list some time ago would be more likely to make people go there more often. Seems a shame it's not very popular ,it has some really good points.  Even some randomly spawning coal pieces  along the track  would be an incentive to return after the initial looting is done.  

The possibility of a transition cave from the 'ravine'  area might be a good idea,depending where it would lead to of course!

Edited by Leeanda
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6 hours ago, Leeanda said:

I have found a few pieces of coal in the maintenance yard but never checked to see if they respawn or not. But another cave ,which I posted on the wish list some time ago would be more likely to make people go there more often. Seems a shame it's not very popular ,it has some really good points.  Even some randomly spawning coal pieces  along the track  would be an incentive to return after the initial looting is done.  

The possibility of a transition cave from the 'ravine'  area might be a good idea,depending where it would lead to of course!

a thought just occured that there is a supply box at the bottom of the of the river bed under the broken part of the bridge if my memory of the map is correct.  if the devs could "activate" that immediate area or even randomly spawning chunks of coal in it, it could still be lore friendly that they still shipped in coal for use at the yard.  
If they were to do that, now a player would have good reason to climb down to the river bed in order to source coal from the wreckage below.  Of course your idea of some randomly spawning lumps of coal along the tracks makes a lot of sense, seeing that if they railroad was transporting coal via a train car, that some chucks would fall off during transit.  case in point would be all those lumps of coal you find alongside the derailed train cars at poacher's camp in FM.  


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2 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

a thought just occured that there is a supply box at the bottom of the of the river bed under the broken part of the bridge if my memory of the map is correct.  if the devs could "activate" that immediate area or even randomly spawning chunks of coal in it, it could still be lore friendly that they still shipped in coal for use at the yard.  
If they were to do that, now a player would have good reason to climb down to the river bed in order to source coal from the wreckage below.  Of course your idea of some randomly spawning lumps of coal along the tracks makes a lot of sense, seeing that if they railroad was transporting coal via a train car, that some chucks would fall off during transit.  case in point would be all those lumps of coal you find alongside the derailed train cars at poacher's camp in FM.  


Your memory is correct, normally some good loot down there! That's where I meant when I said ravine. If there could be a transition cave down there to maybe HRV it'd kinda bring the map full circle ,or through to PM it could provide all the coal you need. Or maybe even a small mine that'd been opened due to the last earthquake?.

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3 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

Of course your idea of some randomly spawning lumps of coal along the tracks makes a lot of sense, seeing that if they railroad was transporting coal via a train car, that some chucks would fall off during transit.

I used to live near some disused railroad tracks, and there were plenty of coal chunks all along the route.  Not from spilled cargo, but just from the coal that powered the engines.  I used to look for them when I was a kid and I split them open to try to find fossils.

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BR is my biggest long-term base, I love it there. I mostly hunker down in the outdoor part of the maintenance shed, no cabin fever and plenty of amenities. All that area needs is a fishing spot, IMO. Another connection would be great, too. I don't miss the coal much, I tend to bring some back after every adventure run to other areas, it piles up plenty before I need to forge again. Gives me a reason to venture out, rather than camp in place indefinitely & getting bored.

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5 minutes ago, Kranium said:

BR is my biggest long-term base, I love it there. I mostly hunker down in the outdoor part of the maintenance shed, no cabin fever and plenty of amenities. All that area needs is a fishing spot, IMO. Another connection would be great, too. I don't miss the coal much, I tend to bring some back after every adventure run to other areas, it piles up plenty before I need to forge again. Gives me a reason to venture out, rather than camp in place indefinitely & getting bored.

Glad I'm not the only one who loves it there and a fishing hut would be really great. The only other thing I'd like is a small cave between FM and the log bridge somewhere!

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22 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

how many pieces was it in total?

I didn't count, just knew I picked up a lot!  I'll give it plenty of time to re-stock and next time I run through I'll try to remember to count, but I'm guessing the drop rate could be influenced by game settings...?

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