Car Battery During Aurora


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1 minute ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

You can paralyze wildlife with them.  It has some marginal utility during the aurora.

It's not a problem I'm on pilgrim. I think the only time I used one is in story mode in the mine. Even then it ran out after about two minutes so just used the lantern.

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The game has its inconsistencies.  Since the car battery has no use (up to now) other than as a source of lead plates, it poses no danger of electrocution.  But it is good to ask - let someone else risk death and find out so you don't have to.  😅

The flashlight has a "storage capacity" that can be depleted and has to be recharged by the aurora but does not retain ANY charge at all once the aurora ends.  It might have been more "consistent" to make the flashlight more of a power receptor fed by the aurora and could remain lit as long as the aurora continued.  Then when the aurora ends, the flashlight winks out.  To deal with the "anti-aurora wolf" feature make that "overheat" the flashlight necessitating repairs.  


If so inclined, one could make a backup copy of a save game, update as needed, and then take that "explorer" save game into potentially dangerous locations to scout out what was what.  Basically a scum save so if the character dies it can be restored.  Not everyone would go along with that but it would be an option.  


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6 hours ago, SpanishMoss said:

Quick question, can you harvest a Car Battery during an aurora? If so, that would kind of be unsafe.

By extension, can you harvest a flashlight during an aurora (that's probably safer though)

oh, that should be just another way to die in this game... death by car battery explosion or electrocution during aurora event!  you should put that on the wish list!

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12v/24v from a car battery is far too low to pose any electrical hazard. But I'd welcome it if it ever get introduced. Doesn't have to be scientifically exact, as with many things in the game. As long as it adds reward with risk and challenge.

I'll copy the suggestion I gave on the mod suggestion thread. Maybe something similar could be introduced native in the game:

This could be a large separate game-enhancing mod in itself.
I know electronics are bust in the game story due to "electromagnetic reasons". But they still operate to some limited degree during auroras.
Like metal scraps, have the ability to collect electronic scraps and rechargeable batteries from radios, laptops etc.
How to use these?
New craftable items in a separate category: Electronics:

  • Rechargeable batteries found in laptops and maybe radios. (Think: 18650 cells)
  • Aurora battery charger station: Charge battery cells during auroras for use in electronics later on when there no aurora in the sky. Holds a very limited charge and are not as efficient as it was before the "event".
  • Enhanced flashlight: Can use charged batteries for use even when there's no aurora. Batteries can be replaced and recharged in the mentioned aurora charger station.
  • Portable music player: Listen to music while you travel. Music sources: Cassettes found in the game. (There's actually cassette tape items in game already, although non interactable )
  • Electronic lighter: Yet another source of ignition to start your camp fires.
  • Electronic hand warmer mits: For a short time reduce the chill. Can be the difference between death and barely alive.
  • Stun gun: Quickly stun the wolf that just attacked you. Struggle to get it into position and *zap*. Off the wolf go with the tail between the legs.


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