If you could only have one wish


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No more sprain risks. It is soo annoying. And ıt doesnt make sense when we just walking around little  hills. It makes sense only when we goat down from TWM summit or Raven Falls Trestle or we have above 55-60 kg. And also ı hate the sound of sprain.

Edited by Pınar51-06
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Hm, I think having another predator would be pretty cool, like a puma or something of the sort. The mountainous region of TWM, and possibly AC would be perfect for them. We don't really have any ambush carnivores so that would make players have to be a lot more cautious in certain regions since you might not be able to see them coming.

Of course, I don't expect them to be added, as it would be a lot of hard work, but if I had one wish, that would be it

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7 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Haha, I didn't think of that, good one! But what if that wasn't possible?

Piddy certainly likes to keep us entertained! 🙂 At the moment though I would have to say more animals! On this run I appear to be roaming around on a ghost island!  Its not the first time either!

But don't hold me to that!

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13 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

At the moment though I would have to say more animals! On this run I appear to be roaming around on a ghost island!  Its not the first time either!

But don't hold me to that!

I have to agree. I don't want too many, because I like the whole 'alone in the world' feeling, however I'd love to see a few more animals

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4 hours ago, Pınar51-06 said:

No more sprain risks. It is soo annoying. And ıt doesnt make sense when we just walking around little  hills. It makes sense only when we goat down from TWM summit or Raven Falls Trestle or we have above 55-60 kg. And also ı hate the sound of sprain.

that's all ready in place if you are playing in the sandbox.  custom game settings and you just turn off ankle sprains.  a better option imho would be a sprain mechanic that is conditional on your choice of footwear.  Kinda hard to sprain an ankle when you are wearing over the calf ski boots...

1 hour ago, Catlover said:

Hm, I think having another predator would be pretty cool, like a puma or something of the sort. The mountainous region of TWM, and possibly AC would be perfect for them. We don't really have any ambush carnivores so that would make players have to be a lot more cautious in certain regions since you might not be able to see them coming.

Of course, I don't expect them to be added, as it would be a lot of hard work, but if I had one wish, that would be it

In that case, Cougars,  would be the perfect animal to inhabit Great Bear Island.  British Columbia boasts one of the largest big cat populations of the world.  It is estimated that close to 4000 cougars call the area home and that approximately 700 or more of those big cats can be found on nearby Vancouver Island, which supposedly Great Bear Island is modeled after.  That being said, cougars are very solitary in nature living alone and their territorial range can extend from 30 to 100 square miles, making them elusive as well.   Given their reclusive nature and the abundance of prey animals, deer and rabbits, you might never actually see one!

1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

For more than one wish!🙂

Sorry, the wish genie only grants one wish...


1 hour ago, Cr41g said:

coop... hands down

I did see a unsanctioned coop mod being featured on YouTube.  It looked extremely amateurish.  Considering the game is about isolation and self reliance, what aspects of cooperative game play would you like to see enabled?  Would this be more of a 1 vs 1 first person shooter where you raid each others base camp hoping to steal their supplies?  In that case, I could get behind such a project!  Can you imagine getting shot in the back with an arrow and being left for dead as your opponent swoops down and loots your basecamp taking all your medical supplies, bullets and matches?  Brutal!

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coop....not PVP... on console..... and the game is about survival...which isn't necessarily a solo endeavour... too me it has the potential to become as difficult if not more difficult.. one person could potentially have to provide for two if one player gets racked, exhausted or sick.. and it should only be available at the higher difficulty levels

I have a number of friends that play...up until lately,  it would be great fun to play together instead of just talking to each other in a party when we are doing our own runs,

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12 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

In that case, Cougars,  would be the perfect animal to inhabit Great Bear Island.  British Columbia boasts one of the largest big cat populations of the world.  It is estimated that close to 4000 cougars call the area home and that approximately 700 or more of those big cats can be found on nearby Vancouver Island, which supposedly Great Bear Island is modeled after.  That being said, cougars are very solitary in nature living alone and their territorial range can extend from 30 to 100 square miles, making them elusive as well.   Given their reclusive nature and the abundance of prey animals, deer and rabbits, you might never actually see one!

That's true, but wolves are elusive as well, though admittedly not as much, and we're still plagued by them. I was thinking that the aurora could have made them more hostile as well. Wolves are afraid of humans in reality, however the aurora or something affected them and changed that (I think, anyway). Maybe the same thing could happen with pumas? They could be really rare, since there isn't that many of them, at least compared to the other predators, and they are, as you said, very elusive.

Cool facts by the way! There's more of them there than I had thought

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22 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

coop....not PVP... on console..... and the game is about survival...which isn't necessarily a solo endeavour... too me it has the potential to become as difficult if not more difficult.. one person could potentially have to provide for two if one player gets racked, exhausted or sick.. and it should only be available at the higher difficulty levels

I have a number of friends that play...up until lately,  it would be great fun to play together instead of just talking to each other in a party when we are doing our own runs,

coop would certainly make a bear hunt that much more exciting!  btw have you seen the coop mode mod on YouTube?  If not, you might want to check it out.  It might be what you are looking for!   Good luck and Game on!

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16 minutes ago, Catlover said:

That's true, but wolves are elusive as well, though admittedly not as much, and we're still plagued by them. I was thinking that the aurora could have made them more hostile as well. Wolves are afraid of humans in reality, however the aurora or something affected them and changed that (I think, anyway). Maybe the same thing could happen with pumas? They could be really rare, since there isn't that many of them, at least compared to the other predators, and they are, as you said, very elusive.

Cool facts by the way! There's more of them there than I had thought

Somehow the image I got of being mauled by an aurora energized mountain lion seems very scary indeed!  Your right in that wolves normally don't act in a predator fashion in real life as they do in the game, so yeah, I could get behind introducing another predacious animal.  Given Hinterland's artistic license towards aggressive animal behavior,  I'm already fashioning a nice warm winter coat made from the pelt of a mountain lion!

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4 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

I haven't seen it...being on PS5...mods are a moot point

well you should check out the video anyway, see if it has any relevance to your idea of cooperative mode survival play.  I'd be curious as to what you think of their efforts...

here's  a link for the trailer.  btw there's hours worth of coop mode gameplay...



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4 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

Right?!?  Wouldn't that just be awesome?  with a coop mode already enabled so we could all play together in real time!  
Wish Granted!  

Lol!thanks , If only HTL would ! It'd be one hell of a game!

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14 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

Somehow the image I got of being mauled by an aurora energized mountain lion seems very scary indeed!  Your right in that wolves normally don't act in a predator fashion in real life as they do in the game, so yeah, I could get behind introducing another predacious animal.  Given Hinterland's artistic license towards aggressive animal behavior,  I'm already fashioning a nice warm winter coat made from the pelt of a mountain lion!

I'd never even imagined the coat. That would be so comfortable! Hopefully worth the struggle of finding, and killing, the cougar

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12 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

well you should check out the video anyway, see if it has any relevance to your idea of cooperative mode survival play.  I'd be curious as to what you think of their efforts...

here's  a link for the trailer.  btw there's hours worth of coop mode gameplay...



I watched the trailer... its definitely rough around the edges

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1 hour ago, Cr41g said:

I watched the trailer... its definitely rough around the edges

Very diplomatically put.  It's definitely rough, indeed.  
By chance did you have the opportunity to peruse any of the longer coop gameplay videos?  Besides the unpolished appearance would/does the gameplay meet your expectations?  

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I haven't had a chance but I don't see why it wouldn't if it were buffed and shined up to Hinterland level of quality... with some additions.. like actual representation of worn clothing etc.... not sure how sleeping would work.. passing time a lot of things would need to be considered

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more thoughts...
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7 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

I haven't had a chance but I don't see why it wouldn't if it were buffed and shined up to Hinterland level of quality... with some additions.. like actual representation of worn clothing etc.... not sure how sleeping would work.. passing time a lot of things would need to be considered

oh for certain.  I haven't watched the other coop gameplay videos myself so i don't know if those situations like sleeping and clothing wear have been addressed, which is why I was asking if you had.  i strongly doubt it though, just based on the trailer.  Btw, your avatar looks exactly like my co-worker!  
Game On!

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On 10/13/2021 at 8:14 PM, piddy3825 said:

that's all ready in place if you are playing in the sandbox.  custom game settings and you just turn off ankle sprains.  a better option imho would be a sprain mechanic that is conditional on your choice of footwear.  Kinda hard to sprain an ankle when you are wearing over the calf ski boots...

Woow ı didn’t know that we can turn off in custom mode. Thanks;)

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