Any tips for longish-term survival in Stalker mode?


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3 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

In levels where you don’t have the “1 single stick raises temperature above freezing” you MUST use coal as a skilled player. 
  In interloper, there is no if ands or buts about it- you need coal to survive. 
 I also take fir over cedar for same reason. More heat output. 

I always carry fir wood for “long distance” trips.
Admittedly I haven’t played much on interloper yet. I enjoy the more laid back gameplay of stalker (compared to interloper). 
I made it almost to day 200 on stalker but walked off a cliff (auto walk) when someone in the room started talking to me. XD

Always great to hear new advice. Especially when people don’t randomly harass you about somehow being a lesser player. 

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13 hours ago, Sus-wolf said:

Always great to hear new advice. Especially when people don’t randomly harass you about somehow being a lesser player. 

I agree. Not been harrassed, yet, but I can imagine that isn't fun

13 hours ago, Sus-wolf said:

I made it almost to day 200 on stalker but walked off a cliff (auto walk) when someone in the room started talking to me. XD

Oh no! That must have been so annoying. That's happened to me before, though only 10 or so days into the game, and instead of a cliff, I ended up getting mauled by a bear that I was trying to shoot, before someone started talking. I wasn't anywhere as annoyed as you must have been, but it definitely wasn't what I'd expected to happen to my new survivor on his little hunting expedition, haha

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the best friend of the Stalker player is the Crouch key (Ctrl on PC) =D
minimize your signature, travel light and carry zero animal meats during long travels.

about the clothes, i use only rabbit hat and 1 wolf coat (the scare factor is too vaulable). all the other pieces i use human made clothings.
quality clothing it's relatively easy to find in Stalker mode, in all regions. so, weather is not a big problem after some time.

my advice communes with another advices above: don't leave the secure area with low Condition.
Rest bar is also important, due eventual struggles. Keep a hatchet, one torch or two, and a flare with you all times.

Have a good time on surviving

(using translator)

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13 hours ago, Sus-wolf said:

I always carry fir wood for “long distance” trips.

Sticks and coal is really all you need most of the time. And most importantly very plentiful. Fir is nice (although heavy), but you have to cut it down first. Which works well up to Stalker, but Interloper is usually too cold for that. Sticks you can just collect when walking somewhere.

Edited by Serenity
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13 hours ago, Sus-wolf said:

Always great to hear new advice. Especially when people don’t randomly harass you about somehow being a lesser player. 

I would always say if someone is harassing You, he/she is forgetting their own starting experiences. I play on loper now, but I still make a lot of mistakes.
This is all, the game is about. Make mistakes and learn - or maybe learn after one or two similiar tries.

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5 hours ago, mfuegemann said:

I would always say if someone is harassing You, he/she is forgetting their own starting experiences. I play on loper now, but I still make a lot of mistakes.
This is all, the game is about. Make mistakes and learn - or maybe learn after one or two similiar tries.


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