Longest run

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14 minutes ago, Africanboi7 said:

I think it's amazing that anyone can do long runs on pilgrim. My longest on pilgrim was 176 days to get faithful cartographer & then I got bored.😁

It has it's moments believe me😁.   But if you set yourself missions or little goals it can go quite quickly....  

I'm only doing a 1000 days once though..that's more than enough..😅

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Currently around 2100 days playing on Voyageur.  After gearing up in other regions I finally ventured into Forsaken Airfield with high level clothes, gear and weapons aplenty.  Still exploring Forsaken Airfield slowly after 75 days in region.  My intention to graduate to Stalker runs never seems to materialize as I continuously opt to first explore all regions on Voyageur.....Hinterland continues to add more regions.

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I end most runs at 50 days (if they don't end me sooner).  Very occasionally, I'll take a run to 100 days (usually when exploring new features or new map for the first time).  Way back when, I did the 500 days for the feat or achievement (can't remember which it was) and committed suicide by jumping off the back of the plane on TWM.  A fitting end to that Will (since it reflected my feelings about the run by then 😀); and I have taken runs to that length only once or twice since. 

The bottom line is I like the start of this game more than anything - when I don't have a lot of stuff to manage.  Inventory management bores me on any difficulty in any game.  I also do one-zone runs because I like to limit the size of the map as well.  I don't like walking long distances on a map just to get from here to somewhere else.  The addition of the cougar may get me to change my ways, but probably not.

My shortest run was a day and half on my first Interloper attempt.  Couldn't see a way out of the building I was in (dumb move to go in there) and was out of food and water, so I just started a new run rather that stress over working it out.  Most of my interloper runs a "blessedly short" - and I like them that way.

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~1,770 days on 'Loper pre-great reset, 540 currently, though could easily have gone thousands of days (had/have the whole world mapped, looted, and hauled to a mega-base).

It's a lot easier to haul vast amounts of crap with the Travois now, too. Pre-Great Reset I think it was rather challenging to live to extremes of thousands of days, because many resources get scarce even if you're beachcombing constantly (Cloth, especially from a number of 5,000+ day runs I watched/looked into); the current Beachcombing system seems much more forgiving about these resources, so I think currently it's quite reasonable to survive indefinitely from beachcombed cloth/metal (despite the addition of Scurvy as a 'late game hazard'). I think the only "finite" resource that makes me wonder if it could result in a slow, painful death is Antibiotics/Reishi, I don't believe either can be beachcombed. Painkillers can be beachcombed, so I don't think getting Moose'd in the mega-late game and getting stuck somewhere is as big a risk.

I think my 'average' for most runs is 450-500 days, largely because IMO there isn't a lot to do once you've mapped, looted, and exported the whole world to one place, aside from just trying to minimize resource expenditure and push the daycount up. The 3 TALES adds a lot more content to the game, especially if you're a player like me who runs many saves at once. It takes a surprising bit of time, especially to complete Signal Void.

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I tend to plateau around 65-80 days. Not because I can't keep going, but around that point, I feel pretty bored by the world. I've usually already gotten the best gear, hiked the entire map, and set up camp somewhere. Usually, I just end up dying by doing something stupid like seeing how close to the edge of a cliff I can get, or provoking animals into attacking me playing bear chicken.  I think I could definitely push a couple hundred days, but by day 70 I usually would rather just start a new run. 

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