Question about saplings


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Hi all, 

just wondering, are there any resources in the nature that will renew during time? i mean for example maple saplings, will they respawn? I know it does not make sense because the whole theme is about freezing winter but cant be sure about videogame logic too lol :D Anyways i love the game. Has to be the most challenging survival game there is. 

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Saplings are renewable through a semi-hidden mechanic in the game: Beachcombing.

Go to Any region with a coastline ( CH and DP are best for this ) and random items (there's specific items depending on difficulty) will be brought to the shores by the tide. Birch and maple saplings are quite frequent, last time I tracked my beachcombing haul I was averaging more than one sapling per week. Oh, it's also a risk-reward type thing where you can fall through the ice and freeze your bacon while trying to get the items.

Good luck!

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2 hours ago, Serenity said:

Coal and wood respawns. That's it

This raises something I've wondered about. Does the coal you can find outside of caves/mines respawn? Or is that like the extra-large limbs that are one-time placements?

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1 hour ago, Dr. S. said:

This raises something I've wondered about. Does the coal you can find outside of caves/mines respawn? Or is that like the extra-large limbs that are one-time placements?

I'm about 80% sure it does, just at a very, very slow rate.  I've found a single lump of coal along the railroad tracks in the Ravine between the ML transition and the first short bridge that I'm almost positive I've picked up at least once in the past, on my way to and from BI.  And another one along the rock wall at the southern end of Mystery Lake, between the FM transition and Trappers.  And yet another on the Frozen Creek, also in ML.  Although I haven't actually noted down specifically "I took the coal from X location on Y day" to compare it to later, so it is possible I'm mashing together multiple playthroughs in my head.

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  • 1 month later...

Beachcombing for me has almost always been a near complete waste of time - I play Pilgrim so am not so willing to venture onto weak ice for most anything  - until I went to Bleak Inlet.  It is all RNG, but currently at the two spots in Bleak Inlet which I defined as possible beachcombing spots,  I am currently getting, very regularly, birch saplings, broken arrows, and less regularly rifle cartridges, cartridge cases, ruined salmon or bass, cloth, reclaimed/cedar/fir wood, and even improvised knives.  

I came to Bleak Inlet with 5 arrows and will leave with 40+ and a bunch of cured birch saplings and a number of arrow shafts. 

The pickings, this time, are so good, I am finding it hard to leave the region.  I expect that things will not be so good next time I return to Bleak Inlet.  RNG you know. 

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