Add alcohol!


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It would be really nice if you added alcohol as an item, both for consumption and medical usage.

you could have beers and whiskey and all kinds of alcoholic types. they would have drunk sideeffects but maybe they would give you a temporary warmth like how energy drinks give temporary energy.

if you get a infected wound you could use strong alcohol as a disinfectant if you dont have antiseptic on you.

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I think that'd be cool, but I'm also confident they've denied this before. I believe one of the main reasons is to avoid an alcohol & drugs tally on their ESRB rating, and I also heard it doesn't fit the game in some other way. Idk, could be false memory.

But you're not at all alone, and though I don't know much, back when mods were a thing alcohol was a thing, too. Here's hoping for mod support someday. 

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Just to mention, alcohol actually makes you colder.

It may also not be the best for disinfecting but I am not sure yet. It does kill bacteria for sure, but if it's also killing all your cells where you pour it might make things worse. I don't know though, it's something I've wondered about for some time.

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Alcohol for consumption with ancillary use as a disinfectant does not bring to mind any improvement, in the current game state or in Story mode, as far as we know, to its introduction.  Since Hinterland would want to balance any "advantage" from such consumption with "disadvantage" of such, the potential downside looks worse than any upside so it is doubtful they would expend the time to implement it. 

If it was to be an important factor or use in Story mode, in some quest or some background aspect, that is a different matter. And Hinterland might surprise us in that vein. 

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No thank you, I'm not in favor of this idea.

It's a subject that's been brought up more than a few times before in previous threads and there has been a lot of good discussion on the subject... I highly recommend using the search function. :) 

I've discussed it on a few of those previous threads as well, so I will just echo what I mentioned before: 

On 9/15/2019 at 1:31 AM, ManicManiac said:

No thank you... I don't see anything good coming out of including alcohol in the game.

My overall thoughts on the subject:

I'm not in favor of anything in this game that would suggest that alcohol has any positive affects for a person in a survival situation that would out weigh the detrimental effects...  I think that would be an irresponsible message.

Alcohol may make one "feel" warm but it actually makes a person more susceptible to hypothermia (and dehydration).  The idea that alcohol makes you warm is a very old and very incorrect idea.  It's a depressant and diuretic (among other things), not things one would want in a situation like the one we see in this game.

We already have antiseptics in the game already so I will address that counter point right now.  There are also already much better ways to get calories than getting them from booze - so I wanted to address that counter point right away as well.

Alcohol is not only unnecessary for survival, it's largely more detrimental to survival.


On 6/15/2019 at 12:30 AM, ManicManiac said:

It also dehydrates, and can very easily help a person freeze to death. :D
The idea that alcohol "warms you up" is a rather dangerous myth... to quote a couple of articles:

Drinking boozy beverages may make a person "feel" warmer, but it doesn't actually keep them warm (at all) or prevent hypothermia.  Instead, drinking alcohol ends up lowering the temperature of one's body. 

...This is because alcohol dilates blood vessels, increasing the blood flow to the limbs and [the body’s periphery].  In reality, the greater blood flow to the limbs, which causes a sensation of warmth, leads to heat loss, resulting in lower core body temperature...

...Drinking alcohol is often associated with cases of hypothermia.  The false sense of warmth that occurs when drinking in frigid conditions might cause them to underestimate the extra strain that cold weather places on the body...

...Drinking alcohol also impacts the body’s ability to shiver, thus removing one of the ways the body combats exposure to cold weather..."

Long story short:
Mixing alcohol and cold is just generally a bad idea...


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Well, I learned something today. Though, Ralph has specifically said not to bank too much on realism, so that must be kept in mind. Anyway, I do support Manic's points here:

45 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

It's a depressant and diuretic (among other things)

44 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

I'm not in favor of anything in this game that would suggest that alcohol has any positive affects for a person in a survival situation that would out weigh the detrimental effects...  I think that would be an irresponsible message.

even though I could see booze having a sort of affect where it actually worsens hypothermia development and makes you get colder faster, it could counteract the shivering when freezing and aiming, and also work against the slower movement when cold. Despite my defenses of it, I really do think Manic (and others who I'm sure have said similar) is right in their points. 

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