New ways of survival


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Ok , the game is wonderful, but like ever good game have some room for improvements.

i love this game and it really help playing for long time (without die;

I want try suggesting this:

1 - after “clear” the dead animal, have the option to hide inside.

2- walk when eat.

3- use the wood of red fruit small tree.

4- some, nest and eggs.

5 - fix a vessel and go to another island (episode 6 or patch expansion), canibal enemies (people, not zombies) coop.

6 - rain, mud for camuflagem smell.

7- sorry about my English I’m from brazil.


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I like your Canibalistic enemy's.  why not consume them after you killed them? this all sounds complicated to do but in time a multi person lobby kind of like day z. Minimal pvp just rocks being thrown  torches no guns or arrows. And ability to bait predators in and kill your competitors in the region? 

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You have good ideas, my friend. I think the dev team don’t introduces a combat with another people at survival mode, or less a coop game (they said this In another post).

but a new place like a island or a prison, will be amazing. And  a combat with another kind of animals is my dream, but I don’t know about wild animal from canada

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Nah, only people you can meet are First nation and they are pretty nice. There is no cannibals in Canada. Also it would totally ruin whole atmosphere. Gun fights and sh*t.

Also why other island when you can travel to mainland? how you know where next island is?

Sorry, but no.

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