Steadfast Ranger experimenting with the pistol


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I made a Steadfast Ranger series on my youtube channel and had some interesting fun especially experimenting with how the wolves respond to being fired at when I finally found the pistol. My first wolf interaction was particularly worrisome. This vid is episode 04 as it took my that long to find the pistol, but its from old stalker save from quite a while back. Be interested if other people had any similar things happen with the wolves.


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6 hours ago, TheHunter280 said:

Too long didn't watched, but could you tell us directly the results. Sorry to sound rude but I'm not interested to sit 56 minutes to find it out

Interesting bits are only about 8 mins or less in. Feel free to skip about in the video timeline to the first bit with the wolves on the ice. First wolf charges until 4 bullets are shot at it.

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The only experience I had so far with the revolver was with a moose and deer. After trying one or two individual shots, I finally emptied a whole cylinder into the moose and that finally put it down. I think the deer took maybe 1-2 shots but I did sneak up on it and took my time to line up an ideal shot.

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I'm about 20 hits away from level 5. I usually provoke a wolf, drop a decoy, walk back a few paces and wait until he picks up the bait then shoot him in the butt.

He'll run around a bit after being hit but then slows down making it extremely easy to get up close behind him to shoot him again (somewhere not critical). Sometimes, this process can be repeated up to 3 times with the same wolf. I expect to be at level 5 before long.

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