Redux Milton Supply Caches


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Originally there were 3 caches in Milton. Two you got from notes and one from Grey Mother. With the trust mechanic gone you no longer get her cache. I got the one at the cave and the one behind the church. But the quest isn't completing. Is there are a third somewhere I haven't found the note for? I've been to most places, but I could have missed something.

There is another cache in the bridge, but that's a separate quest for some reason.

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I would appreciate if someone have a definite answer for this issue.

Spoiler ahead:

I too am searching for those cache for the Ps4 trophy. Until now I found the one at the church, the one at the highway and the one in the cave. But the mission is not completed.  A guy on reddit told me he searched absolutly everywhere and could'nt find it.

I just don't want to skip it before going into episode 2 :(

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Ironically, I can't complete the mission because the cave cache is bugged for me.  Ah well.  Next time, Gadget!

Safe deposit keys haven't changed that I'm aware of; I'd lay odds the one you are missing is #13.  That one eluded me for a long time; there are walkthroughs that will show you where to look.   Explore downriver, and listen for crows.

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So could someone confirm the locations of all the notes for the redux supply caches? I've found a couple, but I really don't want to leave ep1 without getting them all and I don't remember where they were before redux and with the trust system being removed I don't know where to go to get the 2 caches that Grey Mother would tell you about. Maybe I'm just not being as thorough as I was pre-redux but I only found the note for the cave cache on my own, found the medicine cache note thanks to this thread, but I can't find the others and I'm not sure if I'm forgetting any.

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3 hours ago, Lorebot said:

So could someone confirm the locations of all the notes for the redux supply caches? I've found a couple, but I really don't want to leave ep1 without getting them all and I don't remember where they were before redux and with the trust system being removed I don't know where to go to get the 2 caches that Grey Mother would tell you about. Maybe I'm just not being as thorough as I was pre-redux but I only found the note for the cave cache on my own, found the medicine cache note thanks to this thread, but I can't find the others and I'm not sure if I'm forgetting any.

On 12/18/2018 at 11:10 PM, Blankshield said:

The cache note I found that was not in predux games is:

  Hide contents

Around the back of the burned down school, there is a note 'sticking out' from between two bricks.

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23 minutes ago, SkyAsteR said:


I'm not sure what your post was about, you quoted my post and the post in this thread that I already said I saw. In the meantime I was able to find the note for the church cache which finished the 3 caches for the achievement (which I didn't realize I already had from pre-redux... duh...) but someone mentioned something about a cache near a bridge and I haven't found anything leading me to the distress pistol under the rug if it's still there. I'm a bit miffed that without the trust system I'm unable to get a whet stone from Grey Mother and I haven't found one in my explorations of Milton either...I found a spare axe at the farm, but without sharpening they're bound to wear out...

Edit: so to confirm the locations I've found:

  • Church Cache note: in the car on the main road between the post office and the Orca station
  • Cave Cache note: in the unfinished house on top of the hill near the lumber yard
  • Medicine Cache note: sticking out of the rear of the chimney on the burnt down school

If anyone can confirm how to get the distress pistol, or if it's been removed/moved please let me know. Also, the OP mentioned a cache in a bridge and I don't know what he's talking about.

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