What happened at the Ravine?


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I have transited between Mystery Lake and Coastal Highway too many times to keep track of as I am sure many of you who play TLD often do as well.  I was just pondering as I was slowly walking, heavily over encumbered, what happened here?  

From the looks of things, it looks like a landslide took out the train as it was winding it's way towards the trestle.  It would appear obvious, imho, that this "accident" was pre-geomagnetic event.  So with that in mind, were the Eco-Terrorists or Nature Activists to blame for perhaps dynamiting the hillside as the train rolled by?  Such an act wouldn't be in keeping with the  stereotypical passive aggressive style of protest that is usually exhibited by those types of social activists, considering they would be willing to commit murder.  Murder of the engineer and who ever else might have been on the train, to try to drive away those business whom they deemed were exploitive of the Island and it's natural resources.

Or was it just an unfortunate natural accident, brought on the inevitable constant freeze and thaw cycle of the nearby waterfall that finally eroded enough of the underlying rock for the top layer to give may as the slow lumbering locomotive was thundering by?  

What about those two sections of missing track?  Was that the work of the Eco-Terrorists? That's what was supposed to happen, the train would derail on the trestle and it would look like an accident, but no, the landslide just happened first? 

thanks for reading!  





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@piddy3825, the First Flare wasn't the first natural disaster to devastate Great Bear. In fact, one could blame the earlier earthquakes as one of the main reasons why the island has progressively become more and more isolated from the mainland.

The island has loosely been stuck in the late 80s for decades (judging by vehicles, computers, appliances. ) With a few modern introductions like drone mail, flat screens, etc.

It seems like they even use an older currency than the mainland and have possibly reintroduced bartering into the culture as well.

The eco-terrorism hasnt been helping the railroad fix things either, in a set of buffer memories at the Maintenance Shed a railroad worker recounts them being vandalized and harassed by the Forest Talkers. 

TLDR; You are probably right to believe the train accident happened before the Quiet Apocalypse and it just hasnt been fixed due to lack of proper resources and eco-terrorism.

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