Why is the indoor temperature of the camp office at -3℃?


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I've given some thought to that. I think a cool mechanic would be having indoor fireplaces/stoves etc heat up internal spaces with them cooling back down to ambient environmental temperature over time after the fire goes out. So you're at risk of hypothermia and find a house... you're saved! just so long as you can build a good enough fire to warm the inside up fast enough to save you.

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10 hours ago, stratvox said:

So you're at risk of hypothermia and find a house... you're saved! just so long as you can build a good enough fire to warm the inside up fast enough to save you.

Yes, but houses with a fireplace inside are rare, and trailers are out of the question. Even in the city-sized Carter Dam there's only one barrel to light a fire in.

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Further to that, it would make those structures good for sheltering from predators, but no good as places to sleep without good gear. They'd offer shelter from the storm but not from the cold. Could be a good option to add to the difficulty of the game....

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