Fishing Hushed River, an unwritten travel guide


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Been trekking through the new region and I gotta say, well done to the Hinterland team to create a challenging survival experience coupled with the sinister beauty the Hushed River brings to the table.  The new music clips help to generate a sense of urgency for every discovery to be made so I find myself constantly on the go looking for the next find.

What I did find is an awful lot of waterfalls and lakes but not a single place to fish.  Living off the land in this region is kinda the point isn't it considering that there is nothing man made there, but really, do I need a fishing shack in order to make a hole in the ice somewhere?  I can just imagine all those fresh water trout and maybe even a small mouth bass swimming all around in those lakes and in and among those waterfall areas.   Having the ability to fish, not only for the caloric impact but also for the generation of lamp oil would be a welcome addition for this region imho.   

Considering the signal fires, caches, snow shelters and random corpses, I think you could introduce some "iceholes" in the region without losing any immersion in game play using your present mechanic, just eliminate the hut, right?  People been cutting holes into the ice for centuries with having a hut around them.  

Thanks for read.


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Buildable and portable ice shack?   I mean supposedly spring is right around the corner (eventually).   I don't like weak ice, that's what is going to happen with ice holes.  And as per usual I will find them the easy way.  =P

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I haven't visited the new map yet, but I'm thinking about my first stroll through Forlorn Muskeg in Wintermute. Having fled from the Mystery Lake seeing how many wolves were prowling the zone I didn't know about fishing huts.  So when I found weak ice in FM I thought it was a good place to chop the ice and go fishing. Went crazy trying to use the hatchet and fishing equipment in creative ways.
Anyway a good place to implement outdoor fishing could be found near fallen trees. There always is some fallen tree stuck in ice you can use as a bridge, it could be a natural landmark, such as the monoliths where we tie climbing ropes. And sitting on a tree while digging a hole would be safer than just hacking at the ice you're standing on. We'd probably need to light a fire to avoid a frosty demise anyway. While we're at it, having the possibility to do some fishing would make FL a less sad place.

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32 minutes ago, AZHockeyNut said:

Yeah let's see..starve or try to smash an hole and fish.



I am betting Will McKensie would fish and Astrid too.

Been a while since I played Wintermute, but didn't Will do some fishing at Mystery Lake as part of his "training" getting food for the Trapper, Jeremiah?     I could be making this up, memory isn't so reliable and imagination runs wild...

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