Is This Setting Supposed to Work Like This..? Custom Wildlife Question


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Hi! My patch just finished installing(yay!) I decided to start in Milton. I only ever had one major peeve about game play and that was the wolf behavior so you can imagine how excited I was to give myself a challenge, but also passive wolves! But here's my question..

My Settings:


Wildlife Smell Range: Medium
Scent Increase: Medium
Passive Wildlife: No
Wolf Fear: High
Wildlife Detection Range: Medium

I spawned into Milton, two wolves caught wind of me and attacked. I know what you're thinking "Well you have passive wildlife off.." yes, because I want bears to be aggressive, and moose, but wolves no. So I assumed wolves would run away given their fear is high and when they sense me, they flee. This is an option given to me so I used it. I didn't have meat on me, all they did was detect me. Neither wolf ran, nor the third I bumped into. 

"Affects the chance that wolves will flee when detecting you, rather than hunting you"

Why does this not apply? Just because I turned passive wildlife off? Then why leave wolf fear there? Every other animal should be aggressive with the options I chose above, not wolves, because the fear is high. They should run away from me when I'm around. I want my main fear to be moose, bears and the weather, not wolves. Why is the option there if it doesn't come into play at all? And if the turned off passive wildlife negates fearful wolves, then I think it should be perhaps faded out or swap back when you make a change to either.

Is this supposed to work like this? It doesn't make much sense to me at all. Should I adjust the detection range? I didn't want to make wildlife 100% passive, only wolves.. I was hoping there would have been a section for each animal type and their behavior. If I make passive wildlife active, then everything runs away! A bear fleeing from me when I'm in their den doesn't feel right to me, I guess. I hope someone can give me clarity about this.

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Welp. Now I can't start a new custom game properly without closing my whole game and rebooting it, because I can hear clicking but no options highlight or change. I also got a serious performance drop at the startup screen. There was already minor lag to begin with, but it froze on me the first time and wouldn't go to the menu, the second time it did, it was kinda' whacky. A reboot does re-enable my ability to customize though. I guess I'll try out some options and report back.

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On 12/15/2017 at 11:28 PM, Kedge said:

My Settings:


Wildlife Smell Range: Medium
Scent Increase: Medium
Passive Wildlife: No
Wolf Fear: High
Wildlife Detection Range: Medium



I have similar settings and was expecting the wolves to tend to run away... But so far no such luck

These are my settings:

Wildlife Smell Range: Low
Scent Increase: Low
Passive Wildlife: No
Wolf Fear: High
Wildlife Detection Range: Low

This is on Xbox. If someone could figure out if this is the way it is supposed to work or not that would be great.

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Hi everyone, to add some clarity to these two variables - Passive Wildlife and Wolf Fear:

*Passive Wildlife - this work exactly like the current difference between Pilgrim and Voyageur Experience Modes. When "Yes," wildlife such as wolves, bears, and now Moose, will run when you encounter them, rather than attempt to initiate a struggle. 

*Wolf Fear - This works on a spectrum, from None >> High. But keep in mind that a "High" Wolf Fear doesn't mean wolves will always run away, unless provoked, as is the case with the Passive Wildlife setting. It just means there is a higher chance they will. If you'd like wolves to ignore you completely, make sure Passive Wildlife is set to "Yes." 

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43 minutes ago, Patrick Carlson said:

*Wolf Fear - This works on a spectrum, from None >> High. But keep in mind that a "High" Wolf Fear doesn't mean wolves will always run away, unless provoked, as is the case with the Passive Wildlife setting. It just means there is a higher chance they will. If you'd like wolves to ignore you completely, make sure Passive Wildlife is set to "Yes." 

Never said I expected every wolf or other beast to run away. Just for the fear tuning to actually function. So far every wolf I have encountered has pursued me.

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Same here, when wolf fear is set to high, one still seems to need at least a wolfskin coat to scare them off. Wasnt able to craft one yet though.

As for in voyageur difficulty (non-custom)... even with a wolf and bear coat ive only seen about 3 wolves run from me toal in all my time playing.

These custom settings are great though, I made a stalker difficulty with interloper weather, voyageur wildlife, and super low health regen. One problem is when i set the wildlife damage to "low" i expected it to be way less than 50 percent of my health gone in a single struggle.

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i would say maybe leave it at high, and then also set the detection range inward a notch if your trying not to fight the wolves.  or i guess if you are really hardcore just disable them.. or make the chance to spawn them low or something i dunno.   just some ideas for you.  good luck

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I'm aware that they are not expected to flee every time.. but that's just it. They never fled from me. They're always vicious. I've tried low detection and high detection. A percentage, in my opinion would be a better option to toggle with since you don't give us an actual percentage or stats to go off. 25%, 50%, 90% is more desirable to see than low-high. As a player, I am unaware of the odds. You know them, I do not. High to you could be one out of ten wolves flee. High to me would be five or more wolves out of ten will flee, therefore making wolf attacks an actual rarity, such is nature. @Patrick Carlson But thanks for the response anyway. I quite enjoy these custom options given to us.  Some settings feel like they need adjusted but this is a definite start in the right direction for custom game play and I love it.

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