Please give us the "old" journal back. PLEASE!


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So, the hud has been changed, to more accurately reflect the "non-digital" world we are in.  But the journal has been changed to look like a Windows phone PDA app...  a cheap, poorly done one at that.  

The old one was so much nicer, and fit the game so much better. I want to be able to write notes on the page opposite that day's "stats".  I want to see what injuries I sustained, not just the number of them.  I want to turn pages from day to day. And, it would be nice if it remembered what page I was on the last time i opened it, or if it always opened to the current day. And please give it a font with some personality, it doesnt have to look like handwriting, but, it would be nice if it did.   Make tabs along the top, like bookmarks, for the sections, like skills, collectables, map, etc.  Then we can click on the bookmark for the total stats of the game, or the map. The old rustic notebook was soooooooo much better. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!

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I really, really like the type of journal you just described. That sounds splendid beyond imagining. That would be WONDERFUL to have a journal like that.  It also helps that you thought of absolutely everything within how it would be organized. Wow! This would certainly appeal to my organizing little self too. LOL Thank you, Troy.

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I didn't think of it. I merely described what we had before, and offered a couple suggestions for making it even better.  It had a list of the days on the left, that you clicked to "turn the page" and icons for the different sections. It had tabs like I described to go to the notes section, along the right side.  I think the notes should be on the left, and arrows for turning the pages, and the icons made into the bookmark tabs. And the font changed. Even as it was with no changes, it fit the game 1000 times better than the design of the new one. And, it allowed you to view and re-read the "collectibles" -notes you found, instead of simply telling you the number you'd found. It was amazing.

i shouldn't bash the new one, because I'm sure it was changed for functionality and performance reasons, and somebody probably worked hard on it, but I don't like it- compared to the old style, that really FELT like a journal. 

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I dont have much experience with the new one, but I did play a little bit of Wintermute so I have seen it - and I can safely say I agree with TROY on this one. The old journal was better then the current one, at least in terms of immersion. The current one looks less like a paper, book journal and more like a "survivalist journal app for smartphone". I do like a couple of things about it, for example the pictures now included with the new one, but I think the previous old journal was a better choice.

Perhaps it would be possible to opt for one or the other, via settings option? That way we can chose to go back to the old one, maybe even get a mix of the two, or leave it on this new, default one. This way, it was not made for nothing. 

Thats just my opinion.

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