(Spoiler) Jeremiah Theories


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So, after shooting the damned bear, Jeremiah sends you off on the way to the lower bowels of the Dam and then onwards. 

Are we seeing him again? 

Why did he lie about not having electric apparel in his cabin? Namely, the radio hidden under the floor. 

What is that radio for? 

Who is he, really? What does the "wintermute" codeword mean? 

Is he an ecoterrorist? Maybe Astrid, too? 

Discuss. I want to know your theories. 

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23 minutes ago, Samski said:

Ahhh.. didn't saw it. Maybe he is one from the list. You saw his number?

Darn, no I did not, i just noticed the distinct orange, i could be wrong anyways as well, but his quote about the locked doors and things off limits is pretty spot on. 

Idk if i wanna re-do episode 2 just for that but ill try to look into it more.

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Jeremiah is just laughing every time he sends you somewhere, he is not really hurt, he is just using you for a pack mule so he can get other things done. Astrid is just leading you around so you will help her friends, eventually she is gona set you up to be the fall guy or drop a rock on you in your sleep to keep you quiet. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/9/2017 at 0:41 AM, Samski said:

Funny is how far Astrid could get "alone". For me it was suspicious, when Jeremiah talked about the passenger and said she.

I found it strange that she took off and left Will to die at the cash anyway. Why does that always happen in game plane crashes? Whomever you were with in the plane just takes off by themselves and leaves you there without even checking on you, and now you must go out and find them.

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7 hours ago, SnowWalker said:

I found it strange that she took off and left Will to die at the cash anyway.

What makes you think that she left by her own choice? After all she left her Hardcase in the plane too and apparently it's all about the content of that Hardcase. She wrote Perserverance with her own blood, is that something you'd do when you are free to do what ever you want, like gather charcoal to write? I rather think that she was abducted and who ever took her either thought Will was already dead or that he won't survive for long anyway.

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4 hours ago, ChillPlayer said:

What makes you think that she left by her own choice?

Well that's even more far-fetched. There just happens to be some prison escapee's wondering around in the mountains who see the plane crash and decide they've just gotta go and see if there's anything of value up there or if anyone survived the crash and then decide to abduct one survivor? Why? It makes zero sense and even the prisoners must know that something strange has happened to the world but they aren't worried about it like everyone else and just decide to ransack a crashed plane? Also far fetched that they'd rummage through a plane crash to see if they can get themselves a hostage? They wouldn't need a hostage in this particular situation anyway and they must realize that. To me, doesn't add up.

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12 minutes ago, SnowWalker said:

There just happens to be some prison escapee's wondering around

and who says she was abducted by the prisoners? At this point we know nothing about the situation and you are assuming things we don't have any implications for. For all we know someone could've shot the plane down with a missle or sabotaged it - given what we know (not assume) it's as valid a theory as believing Astrid just left Will behind.

Again: why leave pieces of cloth behind, why write Perseverance in blood, why leave the Hardcase behind? Those are the little hard facts we have and those are actions which in most movies are typically done by someone who was abducted due to lack of other means. So if you wanna follow the road that Astrid is travelling out of her own will, explain those little hard facts. "Astrid left Will but is playing scavenger hunt with him by leaving little clues where she might be going" just does not click for me.

The end of Ep2 strongly suggests a man behind the scene, someone with a meditated agenda and not someone just grabbing an opportunity. And if you follow this train of thoughts alot of possible explainations emerge, it's quite possible that there's stuff going on of the goverment-level-kind, like CIA, NSA and stuff. "Goverment caused the Aurora somehow, Astrid has proof for it, Goverment wants proof and get rid of her", that kind of stuff. It's the last scene of Ep2 that hints at something in this direction.

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24 minutes ago, ChillPlayer said:

The end of Ep2 strongly suggests a man behind the scene, someone with a meditated agenda and not someone just grabbing an opportunity. And if you follow this train of thoughts alot of possible explainations emerge, it's quite possible that there's stuff going on of the goverment-level-kind, like CIA, NSA and stuff

What? He's a prisoner, hence the orange prison garb, and he says he has Astrid. No missile shot down that plane, the plane crashed because it lost electrical due to the aurora. They would have known if they were shot down with a missile or whatever and would have little chance for survival after that if history has taught us anything. Even if it was sabotaged, how did these diabolical people, or person know exactly where the plane would crash? They had to have been right there waiting for it since when Will comes to there are still flames from the wreckage. In my eyes it feels like a thin plot with a lot of holes, but then again who knows, maybe it will surprise us and the story will become something huge like you mention, even though so far it's been fairly simplistic. Maybe the guy is more than a prisoner, even though that is what the story leads us to believe. I like the game and the story is 'okay', so far. I've seen far worse stories that we're supposed to swallow.

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I'm playing Ep2 just right now again with focus on the story, doing every sidemission and reading every bit as I did in Ep1. I can imagine a grand conspiracy scheme as well as some little "wrong place at the wrong time" plot. I can't imagine though Astrid leaving Will behind while simultanously dropping little clues along the way without being specific to whats going on. Maybe she left because she wanted to get help and was abducted then by a prisoner for some reason, but the first piece of cloth is found quite far away from Milton, after we climb out of the crash site and I therefor believe her abduction was planned and not something that "just" happend, someone went up there to fetch her.

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38 minutes ago, ChillPlayer said:

given what we know (not assume) it's as valid a theory as believing Astrid just left Will behind.

Btw, I might be assuming but so are you. We all are and we have little choice but to wonder about what's happened and about the plot since it's going to be awhile since we get any answers. But I'm not going to accept that she just runs away and leaves Will there to die no matter what her dire circumstance is or that she was abducted right out of the wreckage.

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8 minutes ago, SnowWalker said:

But I'm not going to accept that she just runs away and leaves Will there to die no matter what her dire circumstance is or that she was abducted right out of the wreckage.

So I'll repeat myself, hehe: Explain leaving Will of her own will and dropping clues this near the crash site already, it just doesn't add up. I agree that everything else is just guess work for now ;)

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20 minutes ago, ChillPlayer said:

So I'll repeat myself, hehe: Explain leaving Will of her own will and dropping clues this near the crash site already, it just doesn't add up. I agree that everything else is just guess work for now ;)

Well I did say in another comment that I would accept that maybe she couldn't get down to him and went for help but when she reaches the road runs into trouble with some ne'er-do-wells. Still though, I hope there's a good explanation for why someone would want to abduct some woman? And not just some story about a prisoner thwarting everyone's efforts for basically no real reason anymore. It's an apocalypse, what can you possibly gain from kidnapping ordinary people? You should only be worrying about saving your own skin.

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She could have left him a msg in the snow though, made with some stones, just in case he climbed out....GONE TO GET HELP :)
As for Jeremiah, I got nothing. I have no idea what that old codger's up to, but he def knows something more than what he's letting on. I don't like to believe that he has any ill will toward Will though, nor toward Astrid. I know that whatever Astrid wanted to do or wants to do, had to have been noble, and Will just wants to keep her safe. I know this because she seems noble and she's one of our heroes :)

Anyway, we won't know these things for awhile and I've got other things to worry about right now, like----> I don't want to kill the Outsider on the 15th when the expansion dlc drops for Dishonored 2 !!  :S 


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