Aurorae will make appearance in Survivor mode on launch!


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Wasnt it already in at some point?

I think I remember it from way back. Might be I am actually confusing my gameplay with like trailers I have seen online, but I would swear I remember seeing aurorae in the game already.

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39 minutes ago, Mroz4k said:

Wasnt it already in at some point?

I think I remember it from way back. Might be I am actually confusing my gameplay with like trailers I have seen online, but I would swear I remember seeing aurorae in the game already.

I don't think Aurora ever existed!

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4 hours ago, thekillergreece said:

I don't think Aurora ever existed!

The Aurora has indeed never existed ingame (except in artwork/very early pre-alpha test versions) afaik. But it has been announced a pretty long time ago that the aurora (which is a side-effect on the geomagnetic disaster that happens in story-mode) will be implemented with the release of Wintermute. ;) 

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I'm sure they existed into the year 2015. I once spent a night in a fishing hut on Mystery Lake a long time ago. Can't remember why I was awake, maybe I was fishing into the night. It was completely foggy, but at some point suddenly the whole fog was illuminated in an eerie green light for a while. I went outside and looked around, green fog all around as if it was daytime. I think there was a music cue as well going with it, but it's been so long I'm not sure anymore about that. I didn't dare to venture too far away from the hut since I knew wolves to prowl the lake. Then everything went back to pitch black, and I slipped back into the fishing hut to huddle down next to the burhing stove. I was convinced that must have been the aurora phenomenon. I made a post about it at the time, asking whether anyone else had seen that at night. Too lazy to dig it up now.

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1 hour ago, Scyzara said:

I remember that Eerie green light during fogs at night, but in retrospect I don't think it was really an aurora. Rather some lighting bug during dawn. I mean why would an aurora only be present during fogs? ^^

Well... according to my old post that @Timber Wolfkindly dug out, the light continued after the fog cleared. The theory that it was just a lighting bug may be hard to disprove, although I find it hard to believe. I was pretty hyped at the time and a little disappointed that nobody responded to have seen it as well. Well, who knows...

Much like the owl. I sometimes heard it hooting when I was outside at night, and sometimes the noise seemed very near, but I never managed to see it. Maybe the game just has the noise and there is no visual display of the owl. But how cool would it be if there was, and if you had to be reeeally patient to see it.

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6 hours ago, Hotzn said:

I'm sure they existed into the year 2015. I once spent a night in a fishing hut on Mystery Lake a long time ago. Can't remember why I was awake, maybe I was fishing into the night. It was completely foggy, but at some point suddenly the whole fog was illuminated in an eerie green light for a while. I went outside and looked around, green fog all around as if it was daytime. I think there was a music cue as well going with it, but it's been so long I'm not sure anymore about that. I didn't dare to venture too far away from the hut since I knew wolves to prowl the lake. Then everything went back to pitch black, and I slipped back into the fishing hut to huddle down next to the burhing stove. I was convinced that must have been the aurora phenomenon. I made a post about it at the time, asking whether anyone else had seen that at night. Too lazy to dig it up now.

This sounds somewhat familiar. Could not know if it was foggy at the time or if there was any special music, but I do remember the green light, I think I assumed this was the aurora phenomenon on my turned down graphics. I wonder if I made any pictures on it, I will check my old folder of TLD screenshots. This was way back, could have been easily in 2015.

Pedit: No luck. I have pictures from around that location and it was indeed 2015, but the screenshots I have are of a calm, starry night.

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