local newspaper


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Most people store newspaper on their cottages to eventually use them as tinder, the newspapers you find throughout the game are most likely not going to be very up-to-date. And finally, the Story Mode is supposed to explain what happened, not the Sandbox game. 

This seems like it would be a waste of time for developers.

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Another problem is that there will be nothing in those newspapers that your character wouldn't have seen on TV or heard on the radio before getting into the plane that dropped you in the wilderness. Because as soon as the disaster hit, there'd have been no more newspapers printed or delivered.

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On 7/29/2017 at 10:42 PM, JAFO said:

Another problem is that there will be nothing in those newspapers that your character wouldn't have seen on TV or heard on the radio before getting into the plane that dropped you in the wilderness. Because as soon as the disaster hit, there'd have been no more newspapers printed or delivered.

Unless you were bound, blindfolded and then dropped in the wilderness by ungrateful no-goods before the storm began...Oh, wait, that didn't happen...nope.

Maybe one day we will have another use for the newspaper....when one has to go have a chat with a bush.

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