It's time to overhaul carcass harvesting and meats


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@floogy Disagree on deer part, as player seem to be extremely weak. Player is not on a weekend hunting vacation, hes in the wild alone. There is nothing and nobody to rely on, so player has to do best with what he has and go full lengths in terms of survival. But if he is only capable to carry up to 50 kilos before being completely overburdened, and that includes everything, then his physique is far below average. Were talking stickman-level of endurance. Something along the lines of carrying a deer carcass on his shoulders is in the realm of fiction for such person. Quartering a deer, as already proposed, is his only option.

Agree on snares part. Its the cheapest and easiest way to keep one fed. Snares are renewable indefinitely, as guts come from caught rabbits and reclaimed wood, being abundant to begin with, is also reclaimed from broken snare. On top of that its a completely safe hunting mechanic, having zero risk of any kind. And its also safe meat, there is no parasites involved.

Granted, there is little meat per rabbit, but it requires no effort at all to get it. And with numerous snares in place player can technically live just off rabbits. Its way 2 cheap and way 2 easy.

@mystifeid Shooting, both rifle and bow is way 2 pedestrian in the game. There is no spread, no accounting for weather conditions, no sway - player hits what he aims for.

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28 minutes ago, Dirmagnos said:

But if he is only capable to carry up to 50 kilos before being completely overburdened, and that includes everything, then his physique is far below average. Were talking stickman-level of endurance.

I have no clue what you believe to be average, but unless you consider some kind of fully-trained 25year-old special force soldier to be average, then there's nothing wrong at all with the current weight limits in the game imo. They're probably even rather generous.

Will is a pilot in in his 40s, Astrid is a female doctor - both are definitely neither particularly muscular nor used to hard physical work. I thus see no reason why any of them should be able to carry more than 50kg while wandering through deep snow. Hell, Astrid herself probably doesn't weight much more than 50kg. If you seriously believe that it's "average" to be able to carry a load (almost) as heavy as your own body weight through deep snow without being encumbered, you should honestly reconsider your position.:side-eye:

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5 hours ago, Dirmagnos said:

Shooting, both rifle and bow is way 2 pedestrian in the game. There is no spread, no accounting for weather conditions, no sway - player hits what he aims for.

Probably right about being too easy to shoot stuff. Particularly when you can crouch walk very close to an animal.

I forget what a rifle is like but the bow does have sway and as you progress in skill you experience less sway. There is also no reticule once you draw the bow and certainly nothing like a rifle sight. The sway definitely makes it harder to hit things.

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5 hours ago, Scyzara said:

I have no clue what you believe to be average, but unless you consider some kind of fully-trained 25year-old special force soldier to be average, then there's nothing wrong at all with the current weight limits in the game imo. They're probably even rather generous.


I agree that this is the case when we're talking medium-to-long-term-movement here, but for short (and I mean short) distances, people can possibly carry/pull much greater loads. Otherwise, no building would ever get finished in the real world since someone has to carry those huge sacks full of cement and other materials, and we didn't always have cranes. Still, if we're talking about walking longer distances yes, that is realistic. Also, how one would implement being able to carry larger loads over short distances without rebuilding the current weight mechanic from ground up basically is also beyond me. So, I'm fine with leaving it as it is, it's a good enough approximation of reality.

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9 hours ago, Wastelander said:

I agree that this is the case when we're talking medium-to-long-term-movement here, but for short (and I mean short) distances, people can possibly carry/pull much greater loads. Otherwise, no building would ever get finished in the real world since someone has to carry those huge sacks full of cement and other materials, and we didn't always have cranes. Still, if we're talking about walking longer distances yes, that is realistic.

Unfortunately, in the construction industry there has also been risk of severe injury or death. Even today, with a ridiculous amount of workplace health and safety regulation, this continues - just recently two people died on the site where my old crew is working right now.

Lifting very heavy weights is no joke even when you do it every day for a living. Aside from damaging tendons, twice I have put stress fractures in vertebrae. Even after these heal, resultant sciatica can be murderous to rehabilitate by yourself. Any of these things would likely be a death sentence in any survival situation.

Personally I find the thought of an average person carrying 30kg all day even on solid flat ground to be very amusing and if anyone can tell me that they are an experienced backpacker and have walked anywhere for 10 hours carrying 50kg then I will be in awe of them.

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18 minutes ago, mystifeid said:

Personally I find the thought of an average person carrying 30kg all day even on solid flat ground to be very amusing and if anyone can tell me that they are an experienced backpacker and have walked anywhere for 10 hours carrying 50kg then I will be in awe of them.

Closest I've come was 22kg over very uneven terrain for an overnight hike. All told I hauled that bag for 22 km. I was a little tired by the next day :silly:


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4 hours ago, mystifeid said:

I bet you were tired.That's a solid walk. And I'm guessing that you're not exactly an average person in this regard either.

Mostly just a decade younger. :winky:

Still was a lot of fun though even with the exhaustion. It rained the whole first day though. My friend who came with me never quite forgave me for that :big_smile:

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  • 1 month later...

I feel that carry weight should be something that you can improve. When I was training for the Army, I went from a 40 pack every few days, bongs everyday smoker, couldnt run a bath, to being able to run/jog indefinitely with 20-30kg stapped to my body after about 4 weeks of personal training that consisted of nothing more then given up the fags, running a few km/s ever day and a little bit of weight work. I will admit that I was unemployed at the time, so I spent most of the day exercising, but that isn't much different to the condition that the character is in.

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