vomit !!

alone sniper

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By the time you get food poisoning, the toxics are already in your bloodstream so you'll still need medication, although you probably will need less if you can get at least some of the hazardous material out of your stomach. Would incur massive penalties to thirst, calories and even condition though as a downside.

Here's the thing though: If you do that inside, it stinks. Foul smells signalize to our brain: Something's toxic here. That makes people feel even more sick, so you could potentially "contaminate" a shelter for days to come and making it barely habitable.

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I agree with this suggestion, however, I disagree that vomiting would only be induced AFTER toxicity presents itself. Case in point, ever chug sower milk? No... just me? Anyway, rotten food can immediately irritate the lining of the stomach, as well as the throat and mouth. Also, a bacteriological infection can proliferate in the stomach BEFORE passing into the small intestines, causing the inflicted to throw up before the buggers' excretions have a chance to be overly absorbed.

Also, I'd like to point out that I've never taken medication for food poisoning. Ever. True, I can only think of 4 or 5 instances where I was fairly sure I had a full blown case of food poisoning, but each time, I... expelled the offending substance; then spent a night miserable before feeling better the next day. In my opinion, the game suffers from a slight over reliance of the use medication, and doesn't offer the ability to allow one's body to heal on one's own.

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On 5.10.2016 at 8:55 AM, LucidFugue said:

Oh god I can just see the YouTube videos now if you could induce vomiting after eating low % food. 

That is why it is never going to happen :). I myself would get angry if I saw people turning this beautiful game in to a throwing up competition on youtube. Imagine how the devs would feel.

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On 5.10.2016 at 8:55 AM, LucidFugue said:

Oh god I can just see the YouTube videos now if you could induce vomiting after eating low % food. 


On 5.10.2016 at 5:49 PM, vancopower said:


That is why it is never going to happen :). I myself would get angry if I saw people turning this beautiful game in to a throwing up competition on youtube. Imagine how the devs would feel.

Solid point, actually.

That's something we have to face and I tend to forget - a lot of people have access to the internet, and half of them are more immature than the average. While I am certain that the Hinterland forums have gathered the best and brightest of the interwebs (after all, I wouldn't be posting here if that weren't the case B| just kidding, I'm a simple man), something like this could backfire tremendously. That's a matter of reputation. 

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