Music diversity.


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When I play The Long Dark I feel like the music really adds to the immersive experience.

The thing is that there are tons of tracks in the game but I only hear half of them when playing.

Raph explained to me that it's mostly because there is so much music now ingame that it's more rare to hear certain soundtracks than others.

Certain tracks only play at certain times which you may never experience.


I think that all of the music tracks in the game should be all played equally so we can all experience each of them. I don't think they compose music for nothing either!


On this note. Can anyone tell me if there is any new music in the newest update?

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Maybe we'll hear more in story mode.

I feel that the right song playing at the right time contributes to  the player feeling the right emotion though, so to preserve immersion id want to keep the songs as they are, but youre right, it sometimes is hard to hear a song you want. 

Try walking out just before dawn and dusk, or hanging out in a cave for a while, or nearly freezing to death, or watch a storm roll in. They all consistently play a song it seems.

Im interested in instead of changing the situational song playing a soundtrack released or something :P. 

Transition zones seem to each have a unique track too so hang out in them, songs play more often there too.


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  • 3 months later...

When this game is finished, I really hope the folks at Hinterland release a soundtrack on iTunes.

That would be a first day purchase for me because I LOVE soundtracks.

When you listen to one, it's like reliving a scene in a film or a segment in a game where that track played.

It can evoke all kinds of emotions if done right. :)

From what I can see, The Long Dark/Story Mode looks to be very cinematic, which I dig.

TLD oozes melancholy and that kind of stuff really hits home because I have an extremely tragic past.

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