Music options


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Let me start by saying that the music in this game is exquisite.  The fact that it is intermittent lets me appreciate it more.  If I had a complaint, it would be the monotonous music bumper that accompanies every new area discovery. It isn't too big a problem until it cuts off the music I do enjoy listening to.

I would love to see an option to toggle music events in a future version. 

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So while I was on break from school, I had forgotten that the tv where I was staying didn't have HDMI... And even my friend's component cables wouldn't work. (I think the tv was having issues too) so we wound up playing on PC and I had the idea, well there isn't music all of the time so maybe I can turn off the in game music and have some of my own music playing on a background app. Because I'm that person who would go insane without music in the future apocalypse. I don't do this all the time, but sometimes, some wooden flute music or guitar playing more often can help me keep playing when I might otherwise fall asleep.

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