explorable City's


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11 hours ago, Rifleman said:

Will there be a explorable city's in the long dark story

if not can you add it later as DLC

Certainly we're very interested in the confrontations between our survivor and what they encounter in the Canadian wilderness, but what kind of city did you have in mind? 

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31 minutes ago, Rusty_Old_F250 said:

I'd love to see some more urban environments, nothing the size of Vancouver or Seattle (my hometown!) but maybe something along the lines of Nanaimo? 


While to be honest if I imagined it it would be awesome in my mind, I think it would break the setting the long dark is in, it's too big, if we have something "urban" we could probably get a really small town. (No more than 250 people or even less, 100) something like 60 to 20 houses which should definitely have very few loot of the edible kind and the street be plagued by wolves (because it would be just too easy other wise to be here). Or maybe the lack of food would make one leave the place (no wolves or others animals  near it).  

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Yeah, I'm not sure how that would get balanced out. Although I suppose the addition of NPC's could add some additional hazards.. No sense in storing up a big cache of supplies if its just going to get stolen! 

Personally, I'm not a fan of having loads of wolves as a deterrent, it reaches a point where they are more of a serious annoyance than an actual threat. 


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1 hour ago, CarolinaSantAngelo said:

While to be honest if I imagined it it would be awesome in my mind, I think it would break the setting the long dark is in, it's too big, if we have something "urban" we could probably get a really small town. (No more than 250 people or even less, 100) something like 60 to 20 houses which should definitely have very few loot of the edible kind and the street be plagued by wolves (because it would be just too easy other wise to be here). Or maybe the lack of food would make one leave the place (no wolves or others animals  near it).  

That would be even worse than to have no city at all.

All those extreme artificial limitations would make whole setting feel unnatural.

I doubt that anything related to populous areas would work in tLD. I hold my fingers crossed for airfield/airplane graveyard.

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28 minutes ago, Dirmagnos said:

That would be even worse than to have no city at all.

All those extreme artificial limitations would make whole setting feel unnatural.

I doubt that anything related to populous areas would work in tLD. I hold my fingers crossed for airfield/airplane graveyard.

I maybe exagerated in the way to describe the wolves, (many around but nothing impossible). I described everything trying to stay realistic. 

If the town was abandoned by people the first thing they would take is food, meaning that looting will be of everything else but not this, maybe find something, but not much. Anything left behind could be what attracted the wolves there in the first place and the -no animals- near could be because they still think that populations are around so they don't get close. 

I do agree that populous areas don't really have a foot in TLD, i like to dream though lol. Airfield/Airplane graveyard it's a really good idea. 

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58 minutes ago, Rusty_Old_F250 said:

Yeah, I'm not sure how that would get balanced out. Although I suppose the addition of NPC's could add some additional hazards.. No sense in storing up a big cache of supplies if its just going to get stolen! 

Personally, I'm not a fan of having loads of wolves as a deterrent, it reaches a point where they are more of a serious annoyance than an actual threat. 


I agree with the wolves. I am hoping that in some future updates they become more of a threat as individual but are less abundant. 

If they were close to bears in threat we would take them quite seriously and think about having a rifle or bow before getting anywhere near. (Of course, if they were like that we would need less of them or things would get bad).


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4 hours ago, Patrick Carlson said:

Certainly we're very interested in the confrontations between our survivor and what they encounter in the Canadian wilderness, but what kind of city did you have in mind? 

I'm (obviously) not him, but here's my take on it: The Survivor's plane was obviously going somewhere, so maybe there's some sort of small village with a small airstrip nearby. As for the representation in the game, I'd have it look utterly chaotic: Looted, burned down buildings, streams of cars stranded in the middle of nowhere, corpses of the elderly and the infirm strewn across the place. Make it an unpleasant surprise - looks like a whole lot of loot, but it seems the inhabitants took most of it in their desperate attempt to get to someplace warmer and less apocalyptic. Maybe have a locked police office with the apparently upcoming revolver in it, along some flares and maybe a prybar.

Imagine a village after a very sudden and very rushed and maybe very violent exodus. Looks promising, but it really isn't. Granted, there's plenty of shelter, tons of cloth to harvest and even more reclaimed wood - but, well, that's about it apart from the occasional Summit Soda or can of dog food. Wolves should be rare in the area, given that they have pretty decent memory and, quite frankly, they weren't welcome there before. Bears, on the other hand... not to mention the most dangerous animal on this planet. You know, the one that walks on two legs and has a gun ;)

Also, even a small village will work wonders for the game's overall feeling of "What the Fluff is going on?" once the Aurorae are added, which is among the things I am desperate for. Imagine it for a second if you please - you walk through an abandoned village, it's cold, it's dark. And suddenly the sky is lit up in bright green, the road lights begin to glow first and then burst into flames, stereos begin to play whatever CDs or cassettes were left in them loudly, with a weird, static-like effect added, all at once. Car alarms and horns go off, cellphones beep and so on.

(DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert on electronics or anything even remotely connected to the matter, so I don't know how realistic any of this is, it just sounds cool to me)

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7 hours ago, Patrick Carlson said:

Certainly we're very interested in the confrontations between our survivor and what they encounter in the Canadian wilderness, but what kind of city did you have in mind? 

The one we saw in the story mode

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5 hours ago, CarolinaSantAngelo said:

While to be honest if I imagined it it would be awesome in my mind, I think it would break the setting the long dark is in, it's too big, if we have something "urban" we could probably get a really small town. (No more than 250 people or even less, 100) something like 60 to 20 houses which should definitely have very few loot of the edible kind and the street be plagued by wolves (because it would be just too easy other wise to be here). Or maybe the lack of food would make one leave the place (no wolves or others animals  near it).  

The city will not have a lot of items because every survivor had the same idea about where to find supplies 

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8 hours ago, CarolinaSantAngelo said:

I maybe exagerated in the way to describe the wolves, (many around but nothing impossible). I described everything trying to stay realistic. 

If the town was abandoned by people the first thing they would take is food, meaning that looting will be of everything else but not this, maybe find something, but not much. Anything left behind could be what attracted the wolves there in the first place and the -no animals- near could be because they still think that populations are around so they don't get close. 

I do agree that populous areas don't really have a foot in TLD, i like to dream though lol. Airfield/Airplane graveyard it's a really good idea. 

Agree about food, but there would probably a lot of junk left, including ton of clothes(most of wardrobes will be left behind) and animals would probably have nothing on interest to them. Once dumpsters will be cleared out scavengers would move on. Plus, even small city would have a supermarket(and restaurant) or something similar, thats where wolves may be. If its an open large area with wolves inside, similar to dam, but with multiple wolves and they respawn, it could be balanced, as player would be forced to move around in restricted area with limited fov and a lot of food(and other stuff) would mean multiple trips if he wannts to loot it all out with constant threat of being attacked and possibly killed if hes not well prepared every time. High reward high risk area. Imagine amount of stuff similar to summit(but of lower quality and no firearms/ammo), but extremely risky to explore. Especially if wolves receive much needed buff.

And if NPCs are introduced, it would be made even more interesting, especially if theres a band of them and they are hostile.

8 hours ago, Wastelander said:

I'm (obviously) not him, but here's my take on it: The Survivor's plane was obviously going somewhere, so maybe there's some sort of small village with a small airstrip nearby.

Beaver has operational range of 455 miles, so it may have crashed at any time being nowhere near either departure or destination point.

5 hours ago, Rifleman said:

The city will not have a lot of items because every survivor had the same idea about where to find supplies 

That presuming they got there... and didnt kill eachother... and knew now to open locks or did a though search of the areas... or got killed by a predators...

Also, based on that trailer. Devs could add area with highway, with a car pileup, just one long stretch of broken metal. Maybe gas station and small store on side. With big city in the distance, but where player cant get to since all access routes are blocked. A tease "look at that big nice city, full of stuff, but you cant go there". 8)

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5 hours ago, Dirmagnos said:

Beaver has operational range of 455 miles, so it may have crashed at any time being nowhere near either departure or destination point.

11 hours ago, Rifleman said:

Considering how low it was flying in the trailer, we can be fairly certain it was going somewhere nearby. Otherwise, yeah, you're correct.

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On 3.8.2016 at 3:28 PM, Dirmagnos said:

Also, based on that trailer. Devs could add area with highway, with a car pileup, just one long stretch of broken metal. Maybe gas station and small store on side. With big city in the distance, but where player cant get to since all access routes are blocked. A tease "look at that big nice city, full of stuff, but you cant go there". 8)

I think you're onto something there - the devs wouldn't have modeled all this just for a trailer, Hinterland are a company that usually holds their promises unlike a few (read: most) others. Perhaps story mode, I guess?

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